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Hoodia Diet Supplements - Miracle Pills?
In the 21st century, an ever growing number of men and women
(and an astonishing number of children) have found themselves
confronting weight problems. There are more obese people in many
countries around the world at this point in time than at any
other point in history. As a result, a significant number of
people find themselves on the hunt for a miracle program through
which they can lose weight with little effort. In other words,
these people are seeking hoodia supplements that perform like
miracle pills.
Before a specific discussion is had regarding the prospect of
hoodia supplements in the form of miracle weight loss pills, it
is important to remember a couple of factors. First, if you are
interested in initiating any sort of diet program, you need to
consult with your doctor before beginning any weight loss
regimen. Your doctor can assist you in determining what sort of
diet plan will best serve your needs and will best promote your
own good health.
Second, if you are interested in crafting an effective weight
loss and dieting program, you need to understand that in order
to lose weight in a healthy manner and keep the weight off into
the future, you must eat a balanced diet. In addition to a
balanced diet, an effective weight loss or dieting regimen
requires that a person engage in regular exercise that includes
aerobic, stretching and strength building elements.
Hoodia supplements, when incorporated into a balanced diet
regimen and a responsible workout program, can be very
beneficial. However, when all is said and done, there is no such
product as a miracle pill. Indeed, when it comes to seeking and
effective and beneficial diet supplement, you must be very
circumspect of products that make outlandish claims. Of course,
there are some diet supplements that can aid in helping a person
lose weight fast. However, fast weight loss is not always
best course. In fact, more often than not, fast weight loss is
detrimental, not only to a person's health but to his or her
overall dieting program.
While a person might be pleased with fast weight loss, studies
demonstrate and prove that in most cases when a person
undertakes a fast weight loss, the lost weight normally does not
stay off for the long term. Rather, people in such circumstances
end up putting the weight back on in the not too distant future
-- and, in many, many cases, these people end up weighing more
than when the initially started their dieting regimen.
Several years ago, there was some thought that the closest
"thing" to a miracle weight loss pill had been found. Scientists
at Pfizer (the world's leading pharmaceutical company) began
work on a diet pill that included hoodia and an hoodia extract
known as P57. Hoodia is a plant that is indigenous to the desert
region of Southern Africa. For thousands of years, Bushmen in
the region chewed hoodia as an appetite suppressant and source
of energy when they were on the hunt.
In recent years, researchers have concluded that a person using
the hoodia extract P57 could lower their caloric intake by 1,000
calories a day with no adverse effects. Pfizer worked to
incorporate the hoodia extract P57 into pill form by attempting
to create a synthetic version of P57. The experimentation ended
up not being fruitful. Thus, if you want hoodia your going to
have to pay a pretty heafty price for it. The only way to get it
at the moment is by grinding up the actual cactus and putting
into a pill. These supplements are available from several
reputable places online, but be ready with your wallet because
this method of production isn't cheap.
About the author:
To learn more facts about hoodia supplements visit
my site at http://www.hoodia-facts.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
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