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How to Lose Belly Fat: Latest Secrets from the Research Labs, Part 4
In this series of articles, you will learn exactly how to lose belly fat, using 10 proven techniques from medical studies and laboratories around the world.
Belly fat obesity is now considered to be a major health threat, increasing your risks of diabetes and stroke. Are you one of the estimated 47 million Americans with metabolic Syndrome X? Here’s how to tell.
-- For women: if your waist measurement is greater than 35 inches, you may have Syndrome X
-- For men: if your waist exceeds 40 inches, you may already have the metabolic syndrome
If your waist measurement is that high, says George Blackburn, associate director of the division of nutrition at Harvard Medical School, "you've fallen off the edge of the cliff."
In the last article in this series, we discussed the use of injected human growth hormone and its remarkable effects in promoting the loss of abdominal fat, or belly fat. Reductions of abdominal fat as high as 47% have been reported in medical journals.
But the problems associated with injecting hGH- the expense of the treatment, and potential risks- are too big a hurdle for many people. Today, we are going to discuss natural ways to boost release of the hGH already in your brain and body.
How to Lose Belly Fat: Secret #4 – Natural ways to boost hGH
There are two ways to increase your own hGH levels that don’t involve needles. One is weight-bearing exercise, which is proven to release growth hormone.
Studies show that weight-bearing exercise is much more effective than aerobic exercise to increase hGH levels. While aerobic exercise is good for you, and also shows benefits in reducing abdominal fat, lifting heavier weights is proven to release more hGH into your system.
Fewer repetitions with heavier weights, rather than more reps with lighter weights, will release more hGH.
The second strategy to safely promote your body’s own synthesis and release of hGH is to use isolated amino acids, l-arginine, l-ornithine, and l-lysine, in doses of 1 to 1.5 grams per day.
A study from the University of Virginia in 2001
reported these findings:
-- hGH secretion is blunted profoundly in obese individuals
-- Accumulation of AVF (abdominal fat) represses hGH release
-- Intense exercise in combination with l-arginine drives hGH release
The study concludes: “available data suggest that GH repletion regimens in combination with regular exercise and relevant dietary intervention may provide a tripartite strategy for the management of significant obesity.”
As we discussed before, if your hGH levels are not low, increasing them will have little or no benefit. Your doctor can test your blood to see where your hGH levels are.
According to this study, elderly people may not be the only ones with low hGH levels. It seems that people with larger amounts of belly fat also have lower levels.
Two other amino acids have also shown benefits in some studies. L-lysine, another amino, seems to work with l-arginine to dramatically increase its effects. And l-Ornithine has produced some of the hGH releasing effects of l-arginine. L-arginine is also proven to promote wound healing in diabetic rats.
Remember to take these amino acids on an empty stomach, since they “compete” with other aminos and proteins for uptake into the brain. It’s best to take them at night, as hGH release takes place primarily during sleep. Many athletes also take these amino acids prior to exercise.
Do not take isolate amino acids if you have existing kidney or liver problems. And we recommend that you take these supplements under the supervision of your doctor. The place to begin is with a blood test, to determine your present levels of hGH.
David L. Kern is a health researcher and publisher of New Health & Longevity, a newsletter devoted to the latest advances in nutritional science. Find out how to lose belly fat today at http://www.applepoly.com/ . This entire series of articles, How to Lose Belly Fat: Secrets from the Research Labs will be available for download at http://www.applepoly.com/bellyfat
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