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Stress & Supplementation, Part 4: Putting Supplements into Context
NB: the information in this article is for educational purposes only, and should not be read as medical advice. If you have any concerns about your diet or a particular supplement, please consult your healthcare professional
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Women’s Health Test – Is There an Early Signs of Menopause Test?
Yes, there is a free online women’s health test from a leading women’s health clinic. Why? As early as in their 30’s and 40’s, many women begin experiencing symptoms that make them wonder - are these early signs of menopause?
What are common early signs of menopause? The most common symptoms include PMS, insomnia, fatigue, weight gain, loss of sex drive, hair loss or unwanted hair growth and fibroids. Some women have one or two of these symptoms while others may experience several symptoms at the same time. The result can be mildly irritating or it can be exhausting and overwhelming.
Menopause itself is not an illness but a natural process for a woman’s body. There are normal changes in the reproductive system and cycle and ultimately, the reproductive system will cease to function. That is normal. However, certain menopause symptoms are indications of underlying hormonal imbalances or damage from poor eating habits, stress and other factors. And you may feel like you're the only woman to experience symptoms, but millions of women in the industrialized countries are going through the same experience many years before the normal age of menopause.
What happens so frequently is that women put enormous demands on their bodies – much more stress than it was designed to handle – and then do not give it the support it needs. Women likely have demanding and stressful careers. Women have families to take care of on a daily basis. The relationship with one’s spouse or partner may not be the best. Aging parents may require help. These and other responsibilities add up in the toll taken on a woman’s body.
And at the same time, the woman’s body may not be receiving the support it needs to function as it was designed to do. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, excess caffeine and alcohol add to the problem instead of helping the body cope with the demands placed on it.
This lack of balance between the "demands made" and
"support given" is what gives rise to many symptoms. And are the health problems you are having related in any way? Very likely!
When taking a women’s health and early signs of menopause test, here's what should be considered:
1. Which symptoms do you have? Certain symptoms are related to each other and are related to the same underlying causes. Knowing which symptoms you have is important information.
2. How mild or severe are your symptoms? Perhaps a symptom is "mild" and it’s not a big deal. It may be “moderate to severe”, meaning you can deal with it but it is a real problem. Or you may consider it “very severe”, in other words, you can barely function because of it.
3. What are you demanding of your body? Are you frequently under stress? Do you not always eat when you should? What prescription drugs are you taking? What about the consumption of caffeine and alcohol?
4. What kind of support are you giving your body? What do you eat, do you exercise and are you taking a high-quality nutritional supplement?
5. What is your age? Your age is important, because you need to compare your health with other women your age.
By taking a women’s health test, you can find out more about your health, symptoms you may have, what that means and what to do about it. For additional information about the early signs of menopause and the online health test, visit the Womens Health Clinic to read more.
Copyright 2005 Olinda Rola.
Olinda Rola is the webmaster of http://www.safemenopausesolutions.com, a website of natural solutions for a variety of health problems. Visit her website and learn more about ways for improving your health. She is the editor of the free newsletter ‘Women’s Health Newsletter’. Go to http://www.safemenopausesolutions.com/womenshealthnewsletter.html to subscribe.
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