Bitter Orange - Ephedra in Disguise ? So Why Do People Still Take It ?
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1. Bitter Orange has been shown in some studies to be associated with weight loss, increased thermogenesis,...
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Health Supplement – what is it? So what is a health supplement? Health supplement is a term that means products made of one or more of the fundamental nutrients, for example vitamins or minerals and which is very beneficial for our health. It...
Increasing overall Health with Nutritional Supplements
Do you want an improved quality of life with more energy? Do you want to protect yourself from disease while reducing your chances of heart disease? Do you want to look and feel younger? You can do all of these things and more simply by making a...
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The Exotic Origins of Hyaluronic Acid Treatments
While hyaluronic acid has exploded in popularity among the cosmetics community, most people are unaware of the molecule’s exotic history.
Hyaluronic acid, also known as HA, naturally plays an important role in tissue hydration and lubrication. Simply put, the protein compound takes years off skin, helping to make it moist, vibrant and supple. HA's name derives from "hyalos" – the Greek word for glass, which accurately describes its transparent, glassy molecular appearance.
Most recently HA has skyrocketed to fame as a wrinkle-remover and youth restorer, with new treatments appearing every week. While facial hyaluronic injections continue to be the treatment of choice for many women, most would prefer less-invasive procedures. For this reason, more and more attention has gravitated to treatments such as oral supplements.
Interestingly, the inspiration for hyaluronic acid oral supplements first came from the obscure Japanese village of Yuzuri Hara, not far from Tokyo.
Enjoying the nickname "The Village of Long Life," residents of Yuzuri Hara have historically restricted themselves to a rather unique diet of locally-grown white and sweet potatoes and root vegetables. Local doctors attest that nutrients in these starches aid the body’s natural
creation of HA, thereby allowing the people of Yuzuri Hara to fend off the aging process. Such higher concentrations of hyaluronic acid help skin cells retain their moisture, keeping eyes bright and skin vibrant and smooth.
The findings in Yuzuri Hara encouraged a Japanese pharmaceutical company to develop the first hyaluronic acid pills. That company’s rigorous testing showed that more than 50% of test subjects experienced better eyesight, smoother skin, and decreased fatigue after taking hyaluronic acid oral supplements. Better yet, no known side effects have resulted from taking the HA pills.
While the benefits of oral hyaluronic acid treatments were first discovered in this Japanese village, they are now recognized the world over. Deriving its name from the Greek word for glass ("hyalos"), hyaluronic acid promises a clear path towards health and vitality.
About the Author
Hyaluronic Acid Resource is dedicated to promoting an understanding of Hyaluronic acid, a major ingredient in many medical and anti-aging therapies and to highlighting places where you can safely purchase Hyaluronic acid products. For more information go to E-hyaluronicacid.com
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