Finding Community in Distance Education
By Jim Norrena
At Indiana Wesleyan University Online, a Christian-based institution, the type of distance that’s most important to their students is not measured in miles. Instead, students enroll in the program to gain the benefits of a...
Muscle Pain Relief: An Overview
After an auto mechanic spends hours under a car or a writer spends all day in front of a computer, their muscles later complain at this overextension. Everyone gets a muscle ache once in a while, but chronic muscle pain can be a debilitating...
Treating Arthritis – Naturally
There are actually three common types of arthritis. These are Osteoarthritis which is the most common, affecting around 16 million Americans with an average age of 45. It usually will attack weight bearing joints like knees, hips, and ankles but has...
Use Potassium in Prunes to get Constipation Relief
Potassium and prunes are a natural constipation remedy that you can quickly use to help you get constipation relief.
Potassium is needed in your colon walls to insure that peristaltic action occurs. Without potassium, colon walls are weak, lack...
What To Consider Before Having A Face Lift
Are you ready to have a face lift? Nowadays, people as young as thirty years old are having the procedure done although it is most commonly performed on females who are older than thirty-eight. The face lift, also known as a rhytiodoplasty, is...
Three Problems of Supplements Today
1.Most of the supplements available on the market today are found to have poor bioavailability. To ensure that the body benefits from the supplement, the active ingredients of the supplements need to be absorbed into the blood stream and reach the organs so that they can do their job. There are few ways nutrients can get into the blood stream: injection, via the lining of the walls of upper intestine and colon. When you consume a supplement, it reaches the stomach and active ingredients are released. The environment of the stomach is very acidic (ph1.0-3.5). At this stage, majority of the active ingredients are destroyed by the stomach acids. Some may not be damaged but most are almost
severely affected. As a result, only about 10% of active ingredients manage the absorption process and enter the blood stream. Some poor quality supplements may even pass through the body with no absorption at all!
Poor bioavailability of supplements is very common issue in supplements industry today. Unfortunately
very few companies have the know-how knowledge and technology to incorporate the delivery technology into the supplements.
2.Many supplements are contaminated with metals, unlabeled prescription drugs, microorganisms,
or other substances. In U.S., dietary supplements are regulated by FDA (Food and Drugs Administration)
as foods. The government is not responsible for the safety and effectiveness of the supplements. It's
the supplements manufacturers' responsibility to ensure the effectiveness, safety, potency and
efficacy of the products. Many manufacturers took for granted. Most supplements today are produced in
less than
optimal environment. As a result, the products are contaminated with leads, metals, chemicals, bugs, and other substances.
Following are just few reported cases:
- FDA warns consumers that Actra-Rx(dietary supplements for sexual enhancement) undeclared
prescription drug ingredient.
- 2 out of 21 magnesium products are found to have lead in a study conducted by independent body,
- Several popular nutritional supplements are found to be contaminated with steroid.
3.Many supplements have false claims and inaccurate labels. Because dietary supplements are loosely regulated, there is no pressure to ensure the accuracy of the labels of the products. This means that you may be taking less, or more of the ingredients stated on the labels. In addition, there are products that promise to cure diseases and wide spectrum of health problems. Most of these claims are rather questionable, for example:
- A product called "Sea Silver" said their product have 98% bioavailability because liquid can bypass the digestive system. As mentioned earlier, the only way for liquid to bypass the digestive
system is through injection, not drinking.
- Barefoot coral calcium supplements is said to be able to 'neutralize' the toxic acidity of blood. The truth is, calcium supplements can only change the acidity of body fluids. About the Author
Yi Lai is editor of http://www.health-supplements101.com : How to choose the most potent supplements for your health. Contact her at http://www.health-supplements101.com/archive.htm
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
Overview of dietary supplements and the FDA's role in regulating this group of foods. |
www.cfsan.fda.gov |
All About Nutritional Supplements: Consumers Review Supplements ... |
NutritionalSupplements.com is the Internet's premier source for unbiased information about nutritional supplements and prescription drugs. |
www.nutritionalsupplements.com |
Times Online - Supplements |
Supplements. ... For information on supplement opportunities in The Times, The Sunday Times and on Times Online, e-mail us at supplements@timesonline.co.uk ... |
www.timesonline.co.uk |
Drug Information and Supplement Information - MayoClinic.com |
Research prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Supplements : Nature |
Journal home > Supplements. Supplements. Latest Insights; Latest Outlooks; Latest Collections ... Order your supplement reprints; Downloadable forms: ... |
www.nature.com |
Bodybuilding.com - Huge Supplements Article Database! |
Learn the secrets to using supplements for fast results! |
www.bodybuilding.com |
New Zealand Herald - Supplements |
The New Zealand Herald publishes over 60 supplements, features and composites a year - packed ... Links to current supplements carried online are below. ... |
www.nzherald.co.nz |
Dietary supplement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
A prescribed dietary supplement is intended to supply nutrients ... The medical utility and regulatory status of dietary supplements is controversial. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Vitamin Supplements - Ask the Dietitian |
Got questions about Vitamins or Antioxidant supplements? Ask Joanne Larsen, Registered Dietitian and nutrition counselor. |
www.dietitian.com |
Supplements Canada.com - Canada's Sport Supplement Superstore. Get ... |
Sells sports nutrition supplements. |
www.supplementscanada.com |
Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
Information on nutritional supplements aimed at athletes and exercisers is provided, including potential supplement dangers. ... |
healthymeals.nal.usda.gov |
Bodybuilding Supplements - Xenadrine, Stacker 2, Hydroxycut ... |
Offers articles on supplements, reviews, fitness, routines, workout tips and diet. |
www.bodybuildingforyou.com |
Affordable Supplements - Your Source for High Performance Nutrition |
All major brands of bodybuilding supplements. Weight lifting gloves, belts, and straps. Free newsletter. |
www.affordablesupplements.com |
Bodybuilding Supplements Exercise Equipment Gakic Life Fitness ... |
Bodybuilding Supplements Exercise Equipment Gakic Life Fitness Treadmills Muscle Milk Elliptical. |
www.bodyconcept.com |
Supplements - legal ways to improve performance and or hasten recovery |
Supplements to improve performance. ... Supplements. There are a number of supplements that have been identified as potentially beneficial to the athlete: ... |
www.brianmac.demon.co.uk |
Natural Health Herbal, Vitamin and Nutritional Supplements ... |
NutraSanus natural health care products, herbal, vitamin and nutritional supplements for a longer healthier life. |
www.nutrasanus.com |
MMWR: Supplements Past Volumes |
Volume 55 (2006) MMWR Supplement Issues · Volume 54 (2005) MMWR Supplement Issues · Volume 53 (2004) MMWR Supplement Issues · Volume 52 (2003) MMWR ... |
www.cdc.gov |
Bodybuilding Supplements EAS Optimum Nutrition Sports Nutrition ... |
KeySupplements.com wholesale bodybuilding supplements sports nutrition health store same day shipping fixed rate. |
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