Avoid These Five Common Weight Loss Mistakes
Mistake #1: Not changing your calorie plan as you lose weight. The fallacy of the "1200 calorie diet" plans and the like.
Most people fix their calorie intake to a given number and expect to lose weight at the same constant rate over a period...
Health Supplement
Health Supplement – what is it? So what is a health supplement? Health supplement is a term that means products made of one or more of the fundamental nutrients, for example vitamins or minerals and which is very beneficial for our health. It...
How to stay healthy
Question : I AM a 33-year-old male smoker who often suffers from coughs and colds. How can I improve my health? Answer : ON average, adults have two to four colds a year. The symptoms may vary but the typical cold starts with a sore throat,...
Inadequate Sex Awareness Poses Adolescent Health Risk
It is not uncommon, in a country like Bangladesh, that conversation about sexual issue remains a taboo. It is high time, that such taboo should be unshackled. Else, the ticking time bomb of HIV/AIDS could peter out risking 23percent adolescents...
The Exotic Origins of Hyaluronic Acid Treatments
While hyaluronic acid has exploded in popularity among the cosmetics community, most people are unaware of the molecule’s exotic history. Hyaluronic acid, also known as HA, naturally plays an important role in tissue hydration and lubrication....
Your guide to Strontium supplements
These days, strontium supplements have begun to really take hold as a popular nutritional supplement. The latest research into strontium consumption has begun to reveal that this mineral can have a major positive effect on your health. Strontium is a crucial mineral for good bone health. In addition, it decreases your chances at getting dental cavities, and reduces bone pain of lesions that may develop when certain cancers thrive.
Many people wonder why a supplement such as strontium is necessary. As humans, we used to consume all the strontium we needed through drinking water. Since strontium is naturally present in water and soil, we got all we needed. However, agriculture commercialized and soon used new techniques. As a result, the minerals in the soil as of late have been severely depleted. It's now tough for us to get the minerals we need such as strontium.
When choosing a strontium supplement, there are some important factors to consider. Strontium works very well when used in conjunction with vitamin D
and calcium. Therefore, if you take all three, the results on your health will be complemented perfectly for great bone health. Another important factor is the importance of purchasing your supplement from pharmaceutical GMP compliant facilities. This is important to ensure that the ingredients in your supplement are confirmed and held to stringent guidelines. Important things to consider would also include asking a physician about the supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. If you're taking a prescription osteoporosis treatment, it is important to continue usage of the prescription whilst using strontium, since relying solely could have adverse effects.
With this new knowledge of the strontium supplement, you can now make a better informed decision on if its right for you. The positive health effects the supplement can have on your health are numerous.
About the Author
John Gibb manages Nutritional supplements
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