How to Lose Belly Fat: Latest Secrets from the Research Labs, Part 1
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Improve Your Love Luck with Feng Shui!
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Oil of Oregano: The Natural Antibiotic and Antiseptic
Many of us sprinkle oregano on our pizza and stews without realizing its impressive healing powers. Much more than a flavorful herb, it contains three to 20 times more antioxidant activity than other herbs or fruit, and oregano’s mineral rich...
The Best Time To Take Nutrition Supplements
Out of the hundreds of emails I get each week, more than half
are from people who are interested in knowing which supplements
to take or what the best way is to take the supplements they're
currently using.
So this article will show you when...
These Heart Supplements Will Energize And Immunize Your Body
Did you know that Lipitor, Crestor or other statin drugs literally kill synthesis of Coenzyme Q10? CoQ10 energizes the heart and if your “get up and go got up and went” these heart supplements are just what you’ve been looking for.
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Top Ten Reasons To Supplement Your Diet With EPA Fish Oil
We are in the grip of an omega 3 fish oil wave, every day more studies are published to show just how important this nutrient is to us. Last week it was children with concentration problems this week it is children with autism. Here are some very good reasons why you should consider supplementing your diet with a high quality EPA fish oil supplement.
1. Most of the modern western diets contain way too much omega 6 in the form of breads and pasta, by supplementing your diet with an omega 3 fish oil supplement it will help to correct this imbalance of omega 6 to omega 3.
2. High grade omega 3 EPA fish oil has been shown to be very beneficial in the fight against depression. If your brain becomes clogged up with Tran’s fatty acids (bad fats) it is possible that the whole messaging system within your brain could become sluggish, should this happen then onset of depression may occur
3 .In one recent study performed, people who supplemented there diet with EPA fish oil lost more weight than a placebo controlled group. This is thought to be due the cells releasing the bad fats, and the body then burning them as fuel.
4. High grade EPA fish oil helps with concentration and the ability to think clearly by aiding the passage of signals within the tiny gaps of the brain called synapses.
5. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid and cannot be produced by the body. It is called an essential fatty acid because it is Essential for correct body balance and function of most vital organs and hormones.
6 Omega 3 high grade EPA fish oil has blood thinning properties similar to aspirin, this is very beneficial for people who are
at risk from a heart attack. And other similar cardiac problems. Those with arrhythmia problems and those taking blood thinning medication should consult their GP.
7. The quality of your skin, hair and nails depends on your diet being rich in all the correct essential fatty acids, especially omega 3. The body needs these essential nutrients for optimal grow and rejuvenation.
8. The omega 3 we used to obtain from milk and meat has now been reduced drastically because the cows are mainly grain fed instead of grass fed, this has reduced the omega content in meat and milk to a very low level.
9. During pregnancy the unborn baby takes all the nutrients from the mother, this includes the omega 3 nutrient DHA. If after the birth of the child these correct nutrients are not replaced then the onset of post natal depression could occur.
10.Western diets can be lazy and full of the wrong kind of fats i.e. trans fats. Therefore we are not giving our bodies the correct balance of omega 3 essential fatty acids. The body will then start to show signs of this imbalance:
Dry eyes
Dry skin
Chicken skin on the back of upper arms
Brittle nails
Frequent infections
Poor wound healing
Low moods
Mood swings
About the Author: The Author, Dave mcevoy: A great resource for high grade omega 3 Ethly EPA , with a 90% concentrate of EPA and Zero DHA visit http://www.mind1st.co.uk
Source: www.isnare.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
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