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What can Muscle Milk do for me?
As the name suggests, muscle milk is a supplement that is rich in the proteins necessary for ultimate muscle growth and fitness. Essentially having its beginnings in the composition of human mother’s milk after much research muscle milk emerges as a much-improved version.
There are many protein sources available besides muscle milk. Extensive research concerning muscle milk protein, however, indicates that the ingredients in muscle milk have vastly superior advantages for athletes. Muscle milk is capable of increasing muscle growth faster due to increased muscle synthesis.
Because of this muscle milk gained importance among the body building fraternity as muscle milk protein aids with tissue growth and repair. An intake of muscle milk protein ensures that the body receives the building blocks it requires for producing amino acids. These acids from muscle milk are necessary for strong muscle tissue and enhanced natural body healing.
This valuable effect of muscle milk protein means a decrease in the time spent recovering from muscle injuries and strains. The anti-inflammatory effects of muscle milk allows for longer training periods with shorter recovery time, while taking muscle milk.
The precursory effects achieved through muscle milk intake replenish protein levels, which are quickly lost during a workout. Muscle milk protein balances blood sugar levels thus minimising the urge to overeat. Energy obtained through food intake is properly utilized by muscle milk and blood sugar fluctuations are minimised by muscle milk protein. While muscle milk is relatively low in lactose and fats, muscle milk contains calories with engineered lipids, which promote leanness while quickly building and strengthening muscle. These calories in muscle milk provide athletes with
the increased energy necessary for a workout. Importantly, muscle milk achieves this while leaving the minimum of fatty deposits within the body. The muscle milk formula can boost the immune system because muscle milk protein contains ingredients in all the correct quantities for optimal system performance.
The muscle milk protein in muscle milk plays an antioxidant role while enhancing hormonal and cellular responses. The side effects of muscle milk are minimal as long as the proper dosage instructions of muscle milk protein intake are followed. Muscle milk allows for more energy to be retained in the body, freeing up the protein and amino acids for utilization at higher levels of muscle growth and function. The mineral retention necessary for muscular contraction is further enhanced by muscle milk protein, increasing flexibility of motion.
Muscle milk contains a complex combination of proteins, peptides and certain amino acids. When muscle milk is taken at least 30 minutes before a strenuous workout muscle milk floods the system with muscle milk protein, growth nutrients and acid buffering agents. The natural production of creatine is enhanced by muscle milk, resulting in efficient energy production and strength when taking muscle milk.
Muscle growth is increased dramatically by muscle milk, as is fat metabolism and muscle synthesis. A supplement of muscle milk protein has distinct advantages for athletes wanting to build muscle quickly while increasing fitness levels. Muscle milk's complete health enhancing abilities makes muscle milk protein an excellent choice for anyone.
About the Author
Copyright 2005 Health-Focus Providing Resources on Health and Nutrition
More on Muscle Milk
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
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Dietary supplement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
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