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Get More Web Site Traffic From Search Engines
Considering all of the money you spend on promotion and advertising, wouldn't it be great to build a steady stream of web site traffic from the free search engines? Steady web site traffic from search engines is just a dream for many home...

How To Develop Maximum Web Site Traffic
Most people approach the web passively. They put up a web site, They wait. Nothing happens. They complain. Or even, ridiculously, pull off the web, like it's the web's fault that 60 million people didn't drop by before breakfast. If you want...

Secrets to Free Website Traffic
You have just uploaded your web-site and it looks great! You feel good about it and you're ready to make some money! There's only one problem, you need some Customers, or Traffic! There are a few ways to do this, that are free, but...

The Easiest Way To Build Web Site Traffic
Yes, the best and easiest way to build Web site traffic is to write articles. It is through well written articles and keeping your visitor wanting to learn more that you will see more traffic on your Web site. More traffic means more profit for you....

Website Traffic: Build It and They May Come Back
Copyright 2005 Kinesis, Inc. Keep the Content Coming! Your website is finally built. It's professionally designed, has compelling content, and it has vast amounts of helpful information about your products or services. But, and this is an...

Seven sizzling ways to turn targeted traffic towards your blog!

Blogs are an unbelievable way to achieve success on the internet. Blogs can establish a web presence, express your opinions and generate serious profits. However, without visitors a blog is useless no matter how good the content. With thousands of blogs being created every day, you need to know exactly how to get people to your blog over everyone else's. Here are 7 breakthrough ways to bring traffic to your blog:

1. Optimize your posts for the major search engines. Search engines love blogs because they are frequently updated with fresh content. All blogs have the opportunity to make it to a high position on search engines but here are a few tips to beat your competition for the top spots.

Make sure you use plenty of primary keywords in the titles of your blog posts.

Make sure you use secondary keywords in the body of your posts, however be careful not to use too many since this will make your post sound unnatural.

Use keywords in the anchor text of links in the body of your posts since links have a higher importance to the search engines than ordinary text.

If possible try to use your most appropriate keyword in the URL of your blog. Search engines love keywords in the URL and this will have a serious effect on your positioning.

2. Write posts that people will want to read. Put yourself in the position of someone following your blog. Always write relevant content which will be of interest to your blog followers. Good content will lead people to recommend your blog. As a rule, each post should contain a single topic. If you wish to discuss two topics then break it down into two posts. This makes life easier for readers and makes information easier to find. A great mistake that many bloggers make is writing large, infrequent posts. Get into the habit of writing short posts but making sure that you post regularly at least 3 times a week. This way, people will return to your blog because they are sure there will be something new to read.

3. Use your blog posts as articles. Writing and submitting articles is a sure-fire way to gain more visitors. Just turn your blog posts into articles by formatting them, and perhaps adding a bit more detail. This way you are building traffic and writing for your blog at the same time. Recommended sites for submitting your articles are and

4. Build links to your blog. This will also have a great impact on your search engine ranking, especially Google. Build links

to your blog by exchanging links with other blogs of the same topic as yours. This way you can guarantee targeted traffic. Come to an agreement with another blogger that you will each write a positive review on each other's blog. This way you will get a good testimonial for your website and receive a link on another blog. If you have a main website, then make sure you link from every page to your blog. This way you gain lots of links and whichever page visitors enter your website, they will always have the opportunity to visit your blog.

5. Ping the blog services. There are many services which track and connect blogs all over the world. By sending a small ping to all of these services you will let them know that you exist. They will come and check you out and this could spell serious visitors if your blog is full of good content and is regularly updated. Sending this ping is not at all difficult. Just go to where you can send a ping to a number of services very quickly for no cost.

6. Submit your blog to blog directories. Just like if you have a website or an ezine, it is essential to submit your blog to the top directories. A good listing in these directories could mean 100s of visitors every day. You can find a great list of blog directories at And don't stop at blog directories. Don't be afraid to submit your blog to the big directories such as Yahoo and Dmoz.

7. Capture your readers' email addresses. This is vitally important because it is essential that you can keep in touch with your readers so that you can update them about your blog and make sure they are still reading. Just make sure you have a subscription box on every page of your blog and offer a free bonus such as an ebook as a reward for subscribing. With a good list of subscribers, you can conduct surveys to find out what topics your readers want your posts to consist of. Keeping in touch with your readers will lead them to trust you and they will continually come back to your blog and will recommend it to their friends.

Just be imaginative. Keep trying different techniques to getting people to your blog and see which methods work best. Remember, creativity is one of the keys to internet success.
About the Author

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