"A Simple Guide to Analyzing All Those Web Traffic Ideas - Part 1"
There will be a lot of people unhappy about what I am going to reveal in this article. However, I think it is time somebody spoke out about what is happening on this wonderful medium we have come to know as the internet. What I am talking about are...
Creating Demand with Email Newsletters
You've launched your web site. You've implemented a public relations campaign and spent oodles of money advertising in trade journals, magazines and newspapers. But your site's daily visitors are still in single digits and your sales...
Google, search engine tips for the future.
Search Engine Tips. M. Pugh. Where there was once a myriad of ways to confuse and manipulate Google, one thing is now becoming apparent. The aim of Google is to present a fair and unbiased return for your efforts, genuinely rewarded whether large...
How Home-Based Business Entrepreneurs Think
Too many people are trying to start their home businesses with an ordinary employee's way of thinking. This has become a common reason why not long after sitting down and giving it a fair look into even the most lucrative business ...
How To Recruit 100 Distributors A Day
Facts & Myths of Multilevel Marketing How To Recruit 100 Distributors A Day, Every Day Of The Week! I was exploring the internet jungle a few weeks ago when I stumbled upon what appeared to be an open MLM forum, however it had pretty much been...
Learn To Embrace Failure
Failure is a must to succeed in business and in life. So often we are told we can not fail, it’s a bad thing. From the time we start to school, till we go to the here after, fail, that 4 letter word is a bad thing. It is almost like a curse. My question is how do we learn and continue to grow if we don’t fail? How do we succeed in business if we don’t fail?
I started my first Home Based Business 2 years ago. I invested over $6000 just for the web site and the 10 mentoring sessions. That was on top of the $250 initial fees for set and a merchant account, that doesn’t include all the little fees (no one expects). What I received for this was an online store, web site, 2000 free useless hits, link exchanges (that I had to pay for and didn’t need to) and oh yes the useless mentoring sessions (that didn’t teach me anything). I worked hard on this site for 6 months (which doesn’t seem like a long time), except they told me I would be able to make back all my invested money in the first 3 months. I made nothing, and eventually lost over at least a $7000.00 before I decided to shut it down. To top it all off the company I went through gave me a hard time about shutting down the site and my merchant account. I had failed miserably. You would have thought that I would have been angry and upset, and initially I was. I received the “I told you so” looks, the rhetoric 9 out of 10 businesses fail etc. when I told
people my business had failed.
But what no one realized is that I had learned so much. Not only did I learn what not to do, I also learned, that regardless of my business “failing,” that I loved the ownership of it and that no matter how many times the business didn’t pan out that I would continue to learn, grow, and to build businesses.
So since then I have looked over other online businesses, done background research, and have started another; that I am happy to say seems to be doing well. By failing, all that did was whet my appetite to do it again. 9 out of 10 businesses fail, but it is the 1 time that it doesn’t fail that I am after. So, when you look at your failures, look at them as a way to succeed, that has given you a wealth of knowledge and that knowledge is what you need to succeed in life and in business.
About The Author
Copyright 2004 Written by Lisa Saylor Author. Lisa has a business site about online business opportunities and articles at http://www.homebasedbusiness4all.com and has a online store and business opportunities at http://www.moreinfo247.com/8757740.