Cheap Website Design - Dangers of Cheap Web Design for Your Business
We have all heard the saying "you get what you pay for" this holds true for website design as well. I have been in the website design and internet marketing industry for over 6 years now and I have talked to a lot of people who have made the mistake...
Starting Your own Website (c) Cheryl A. Crossan 2002.
Starting Your Own Website by Cheryl A. Crossan. Everyday thousands of new people are looking for online business opportunities. When they first start, one of the most common mistakes they make is signing up for every opportunity that they find...
Templates >> Website Templates >> Free Website Template >> NewWebImage.com
At NewWebImage, we understand that establishing a web presence can be one of the most significant decisions you take. Tapping the potential of the World Wide Web and establishing a strategic advantage for companies can be a monumental task....
The Top 5 Roadblocks To Web Accessibility
Accessibility is often the last thing on a web designer's mind when creating a website. This is not a trait unique to newbies or people working on a personal page. It is also a trait common to professional web designers (large...
Website Designing >> Web Site Design New Jersey >> NewWebImage.com
At NewWebImage, customer satisfaction is key. Our main objective is to be able to provide our customers world class designs. Whether it is directly through our website or through partners, we want to see our clients happy. We want to provide our...
How to save money on a website
- Know what you want
Make sure you know why you want a website and what you want your website to do for you. Write down some short term and long term goals. Establishing an Internet presence for your business is an important step – make sure you do it right! You need to have a clear vision before you start.
- Surf the internet
Compile a list of websites that appeal to you in aspects of: colour scheme, content, layout and other related design properties. This will help your web designer factor in your personal tastes and preferences into the design process and produce a website you’re proud of!
- Plan the content of your website
Draw a hierarchical tree menu structure (site map) so that you can see how everything will fit in and write down the names of your pages. You know your company better than your web designer! Write the content for your website – even if it is just in bullet points, a skilled copywriter can always step in from there. Keep in mind you need to write for your website visitors. As always, content is king.
- Take some pictures for your website
Snapshots of staff, products, or your work environment improve the
visual appeal of your website and familiarize your customers and potential customers with your business. You can save a lot of money by providing your website designer with photos you have taken yourself, rather then having them source relevant stock photography online.
- Find a competent web designer
Make sure you choose carefully. Find a web design company that you feel comfortable and confident with in terms of credibility, portfolio, price and overall professionalism.
Interested in obtaining another independent quote on your website project? Please contact our web design team with your requirements and we will get back to you within 48 hours. Our engagement model includes a comprehensive pre-project checklist & guide to help you further establish your website objectives.
About the Author
Talita operates a family web development firm based in sunny Brisbane, Australia. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and expertise in web design, ecommerce, email marketing and search engine optimisation. Visit her business website, Kintek: http://www.kintek.com.au/
Web Development |
This web summarizes the complete life cycle methodology for web development: planning, analysis, design, implementation, promotion, and innovation. |
www.december.com |
Web Development |
Professional Web site design, graphic design, and Internet development services. |
webdevelopment.com |
Web Developer's Virtual Library: Web Development Tutorials and ... |
News, tutorials, and reference material focusing on technical web development topics. |
www.wdvl.com |
Open Source Web Development Tutorials - Dev Shed |
Open Source web development tutorials, forums, and tools. Topics covered include PHP, Apache, mySQL, Zope, Roxen, Jserv, Zend, XML, DHTML, and Javascript. |
www.devshed.com |
WebDeveloper.com |
Hello all, I am new to web development. I have an understanding of website development, but no scripting experience. I have heard of JavaScript, PHP, ... |
www.webdeveloper.com |
LevelTen Web Design | Professional Website, Flash & Graphic ... |
Offers logos, web sites, multimedia presentations, and custom media. Quote form. Based in Dallas, Texas. [Requires Flash] |
www.leveltendesign.com |
Web development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
For larger businesses and organizations, Web development teams can consist of ... Since the mid-1990's, Web development has been one of the fastest growing ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Web Design - HTML XML - Web Development - Web Site Design |
Web Design and HTML are all about creating a great Web site. Use Web development and Web site design to build Web sites that customers return to over and ... |
webdesign.about.com |
Agile Web Development with Rails—Second Edition |
Dave Thomas, Mike Clark, David Heinemeier Hansson, Leon Breedt, Thomas Fuchs, Andrea Schwarz; Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2006, ISBN 0977616630. |
www.pragmaticprogrammer.com |
CYGAD's WebDevelopment - Welcome to CYGAD’s WebDevelopment! - The ... |
CYGAD's WebDevelopment - The finest Resources for WEB-Design, WEB-Master and WEB-Developer! |
www.webdev.cygad.net |
Web Development Bookmarklets |
Includes tools for viewing and testing CSS styles, viewing scripts and variables, and showing the structure of a document. |
www.squarefree.com |
SGI - Freeware - Web Development |
Links to freeware web development tools, browsers, software, etc. |
www.sgi.com |
Webmonkey: The Web Developer's Resource |
Resources for web site developers including how-to guides, code libararies, server technologies and authoring resources. |
www.webmonkey.com |
Web Development Tools - Web Developer's Journal |
Tips on Web page design and development, HTML, graphics, scripting, favicon, development tools, Java, sql basics, building web sites, and much more for ... |
www.webdevelopersjournal.com |
Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO ... |
Web Developer's Handbook is a list of essential web-sites, which make the life of web developers easier. Compiled and updated by Vitaly Friedman. |
www.alvit.de |
Ceonex Web Development & Web Design - Full Service Digital ... |
Web design, web development, online branding, application development and other full service business solutions focused on prospect conversion and customer ... |
www.ceonex.com |
Cayenne Web Development - web design agency, Oxfordshire, UK |
Specialist web design agency based nr Banbury, Oxfordshire, offering a complete website design and development service. |
www.cayenne.co.uk |
Web development mistakes | 456 Berea Street |
When I visit a website, especially if it’s the site of a competitor or a prospective client, I like viewing… |
www.456bereastreet.com |
Web development mistakes | 456 Berea Street |
Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, usability, and other things related to web development and web design. |
www.456bereastreet.com |
Anil Dash: Web Development Trends for 2006 |
Here, then, is a random assortment of new web development trends to be ready ... Web Development trends 2006: Überblogger Anil Dash maakte (een paar weken ... |
www.dashes.com |