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Live to 150 - I Dare You!
Living longer is the rage, judging by the amount of ink (real
and virtual) expended on the subject. Just recently, as august a
publication as National Geographic trumpeted "The Secrets of
Living Longer" as its cover story.
But is the dream of radically lengthened lifespan simply that, a
dream? Is this one of those topics like the weather, something
everyone talks about, but no one can do anything about?
Count me as an optimist on the possibility of living a long
time, in a healthy and youthful body. My personal goal, you may
as well know, is to live to 150!
Now, maybe that marks me as out of touch with the realities of
human life as we know it, or perhaps even crazy. So be it. At
least I have a target to aim for!
There are people alive today, called centenarians, who have made
it two-thirds of the way to 150. Scientists tell us their
number, as a percentage of the population, is growing. A few are
even reaching the 110- to 115-years mark.
Who knows what rapid leaps in longevity we will see as our
knowledge advances during the coming years?
I figure the worst that can happen is that I never make it to
anywhere near 150, but that the time I do have is lived
youthfully, energetically and in glowing health, thanks to my
deliberate efforts to stay as young as I can for as long as I
The DARE-ME Anti-Aging Program
The following outlines my program to live to 150--or at least,
to have fun trying!
Feel free to implement some or all of its components in your own
Some advice: Before you spend time or money on anyone's
antiaging program, gather as much information as you can from
many different sources. The experts in this field disagree with
one another as to what we can do to lengthen our lives--and
whether it's even possible.
That said, here's what I'm doing to "live long, live young."
DARE-ME stands for Decide, Affirm, Release, Embrace, Move,
Enhance. Think: "Dare me to live to 150! I'll show you."
The six DARE-ME components represent broad categories or
groupings of actions that anyone can take who is interested in
slowing or reversing the aging process. The first four--the DARE
components--represent mental or emotion-based actions. The other
two--the ME--represent physical or body-based actions.
In truth, these components work synergistically. They overlap
and reinforce one another.
DECIDE -- First, make a firm decision to live a long, long time.
Decide on a goal of, say, 110 years. Or 120. Or 150! Or whatever
age you can honestly convince yourself that you can and will
attain. Or, just decide, here and now, that you will forever be
"younger than you are."
When I was still twenty-something, I noticed the way that too
many people in their 50s looked and acted--unnecessarily old and
beaten down. I didn't like what I saw.
I said to myself then: "I will never let myself turn into that."
Above all else, I credit that decision with slowing my own aging
process and with planting the seed of a continuing interest in
the subject of antiaging.
AFFIRM -- Affirm, every day, the decision you made above. This
can take the form of actual, specific affirmations, repeated
mentally or aloud: "I am young. I am youthful. I am filled with
You can get tapes to play that automate this idea and take it
even further. I have one I sometimes listen to that commands my
body's cells to repair themselves faster and more efficiently,
and thereby grow continually younger from a biological point of
To affirm also means simply to cultivate a firm confidence that
you can achieve your antiaging commitment to yourself--that, in
fact, you are achieving it at the very moment that you bring it
to mind.
RELEASE -- After you've made your decision (to stay forever
youthful, to live to 100+, whatever your anti-aging goal is),
and after you've reinforced that decision with affirmations,
then ... let it all go. Release it.
This might seem puzzling at first.
Of course you should release any negativity or pessimism you
might be holding toward the possibility of attaining youthful,
long life.
But here's the counter-intuitive part: You should also let go of
your positive intentions and thoughts on the matter. I don't
mean erase or try to suppress them. I mean, you just allow them
gently to drift away.
When we have any fear--of growing old, of not having enough
money, of looking foolish, etc.,--our tendency is to obsess
about it, to gnaw on it like a dog with an old bone. Or, we grit
our teeth and scrunch our eyes and try to push the fear way
down, out of awareness.
This is like trying to hold an inflated beach ball under
water--eventually, it's going to pop back to the surface, and
the only thing we've accomplished is to waste energy.
The better way to deal with a negative emotion is simply to drop
it. Releasing is a technique for learning how to do this.
Why, though, do I say to release even your positive thoughts,
emotions, and expectations? Because these, too--if you're
churning them over in your mind, or bearing down and trying to
"will" them into reality--will keep you from living fully in the
present. In the present is where you experience agelessness.
Releasing is a powerful technique. Unfortunately, it cannot be
fully described in a short article. There are several good books
available on releasing, even entire audio courses. I urge you to
seek these out.
EMBRACE -- By this, I mean "Embrace life." It sounds airy or
downright sappy, I know. What it means is to cultivate a love
for the world and the people and things in it, or at least
boundless curiosity about it.
Some people are natural-born "huggers," whether of other people,
or dogs, or trees. They embrace the world literally.
But even introverts and physically standoffish types--among whom
I count myself--can embrace the world through a desire to keep
on learning about it. People who know me say that I seem to be
interested in more different things than anyone else they've
What does this have to do with antiaging?
Embracing life--loving it--sends a message to your body and mind
that life is worth sticking around to enjoy. The converse also
holds. Reject life, or decide you're bored with it or tired of
it, and you set yourself on a downhill slide to emotional,
mental and physical oblivion.
Embrace life and life will embrace you. Sappy? Maybe. But true?
What do you think?
MOVE -- It is well known that regular exercise keeps people
looking and feeling young and wards off many of the illnesses
associated with getting older.
Aerobic exercise such as walking or jogging is one of the best
things you can do for your physical well-being. I have a
confession, though. In this area, I don't exactly practice what
I preach.
I have spurts of commitment when I get out every evening and
walk two or three miles. But then I skip a couple of days, and
soon whole months pass during which I never get out the door
except to walk to the car.
Nevertheless, I do move. Every morning I run up the three
flights of stairs to my office, to the amusement of others in
the building who say they can always tell it's me because no one
else ever does that.
Often, I'll pass by a particular building that has a flower bed
lined with a low brick "wall." I like to walk along the top of
the bricks, performing a little balancing act as I do.
You frequently hear of older people falling and breaking bones
because they lost their balance. So, start now to practice
balancing whenever and wherever you spot on opportunity.
Certain Eastern exercises are said to confer long life and
agelessness. Tai chi is one. I have practiced tai chi, and can
report that it will leave you feeling mentally and emotionally
centered as well as physically balanced.
Here's an amazing antiaging exercise you can start doing today:
Don't laugh or dismiss this out of hand, and don't reject it
because it might be uncomfortable at first. After all, you used
to do it for fun as a kid!
Stand in the middle of the room, arms raised out to your sides,
and begin turning clockwise (left to right). In the beginning
you might only manage two or three slow turns before you get too
dizzy to continue. Don't worry. Spin every day and in a short
time you'll be able to do it rapidly, many times, with very
little dizziness. Work up to 21 spins per daily session.
This spinning is one of five "secret" Tibetan yoga exercises
said to have a miraculous ability to reverse aging when done
every day. There are books and web sites describing all five in
Some people say these exercises work by speeding up certain
"vortexes" that reside within our bodies. These vortexes are
energy centers, spinning rapidly when we are young but slowing
down as we get older until they stop altogether at death. The
Tibetan exercises get those vortexes spinning fast again.
Whether or not you accept the idea of vortexes spinning away
inside your body, there are many reports that practicing this
Tibetan yoga can actually de-age a person.
ENHANCE -- This refers to things we can do to boost (enhance)
our natural chemistry to raise the levels of youth hormones and
other anti-aging substances in our bodies.
Science has discovered a handful of vitamins, nutrients and
other substances that appear to have genuine anti-aging effects.
Many are available as dietary supplements, which you can buy
over the counter in pharmacies and grocery stores, and cheaply
via the Internet.
Supplements I personally take for their anti-aging powers
include coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), alpha lipoic acid,
acetyl-l-carnitine, and pregnenolone. For each of these, there
is strong evidence of their ability to slow some aspects of
aging and, perhaps, extend life. Please look them up and decide
for yourself whether or not there is anything to the claims made
for them.
I also take supplements of DHEA. Because this one is a bit
controversial, I want to say more about it.
DHEA--dehydroepiandrosterone--is a so-called "mother hormone,"
which our bodies produce naturally. Our bodies convert it into
sex hormones--testosterone and estrogen, primarily--as needed.
Our natural DHEA levels decline rapidly with age, eventually
falling to a fraction of what they were at their height during
our 20s. In fact, the level of DHEA in a person's body is one of
the surest biomarkers for age.
Knowing this, researchers have experimented with DHEA
supplementation as a treatment for everything from obesity to
lack of energy to loss of libido. The news from these
experiments has been mainly good. DHEA looks to
be--potentially--one of the most powerful antiaging substances
readily available to the average person.
Some experts worry, though, about the possible risks from people
using a powerful hormone as a dietary supplement. For example,
what if taking in DHEA from the outside signals the body to shut
down production of its own natural supply?
Questions such as this underscore the need to do your own
research and form your own conclusions before taking any
supplement. This is so important in the case of DHEA that I
created an entire web site to present all of the evidence for
and against its use as an antiaging therapy.
For the record, I take one 25 milligram DHEA capsule every other
day. This reflects my own comfort level as far as dosage and
frequency. It seems to be enough to provide the benefits of DHEA
that I hoped for when I started. (For one thing, I'm finally
losing some stubborn belly fat. The ability to melt away
adominal fat is one of the more recently documented benefits of
taking DHEA.)
Taking the right vitamins and other supplements is an important
part of making the DARE-ME formula work. They will greatly aid
your own antiaging program. Learn as much as you can before
starting them, though.
I hope this introduction to DARE-ME has excited you to explore
the real possibility of living to 100, 120 or even more--in good
health, in a youthful body, with a perpetually young mind.
Each of the six DARE-ME components would require its own book
chapter to fully explain. That's why I'm working on a series of
reports, due to be published soon and made available for the
asking, on the complete DARE-ME antiaging program. As soon as
they're ready they will be accessible through my various
antiaging sites (starting with the DHEA for Antiaging site).
So, why not live to 150?
I dare you!
About the author:
Steve Smith is a writer and editor living near Chapel Hill,
North Carolina. Among his Web sites are DHEA for Antiaging, Golf In The Year
2000, Tops 4
Tennis, and one that he developed with his daughter, Send Me To India.
Aerobic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Look up Aerobic in ... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerobic" ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Aerobic exercise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Aerobic exercise includes any type of exercise, typically those performed at ... In general, aerobic exercise is one performed at a moderately high level of ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Aerobic Exercise |
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) defines aerobic exercise ... The important idea behind aerobic exercise today, is to get up and get moving! ... |
www.gsu.edu |
Turnstep.com |
Turnstep is a large community of aerobics enthusiasts featuring over 10000 patterns, an active bulletin board, and more. |
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Aerobic Respiration |
Aerobic respiration is the release of energy from glucose or another organic substrate in the presence of Oxygen. Strictly speaking aerobic means in air, ... |
www.purchon.com |
AFAA – Aerobics & Fitness Personal Trainer Certification & Group ... |
AFAA offers personal trainer certification, group exercise certification and other fitness certifications for fitness professionals. |
www.afaa.com |
Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Programs SuperSite |
Fun aerobics classes for a complete workout. Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing, Workout and StrongStep classes are throughout the US and other countries. |
www.jackis.com |
The Cooper Institute |
Nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to preventive medicine. Information on training, certifications, and products. |
www.cooperinst.org |
BodyTrends Health & Fitness: Search |
At BodyTrends Find thousands of health, fitness and exercise products from top manufacturers. Offering related fitness articles and advice. |
www.bodytrends.com |
Carmen Electra's Official Aerobic Striptease Strip Workout |
Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease Workout Video. |
www.aerobicstriptease.com |
Aerobic Exercise |
A program of regular aerobic exercise can help you avoid chronic diseases ... To strengthen your heart, you should do aerobic exercise intensely enough to ... |
orthoinfo.aaos.org |
Bush Aerobics - Miniclip Games - Play Free Games |
Help President Bush get fit and ready for his day. |
www.miniclip.com |
Aqua-Aerobic Systems |
Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. provides wastewater treatment systems for Aeration, Mixing, Filtration, Controls, SCADA, Biological Processes, Membranes. |
www.aqua-aerobic.com |
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Aerobic |
Aerobic. Printer-friendly version · Email this page to a friend. Contents of this page: ... Aerobic organisms · Aerobic organisms. Definition Return to top ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Aerobic, Exercise and Fitness Videos by Cathe Friedrich |
Geared towards the advanced home exerciser with information about Cathe Friedrich's aerobic and fitness videos. |
www.cathe.com |
Aerobics, Aerobic Spot, Step, Kickboxing, Choreography, Strength ... |
Fitness center offering exercise classes, step aerobics, kickboxing, fitness tips, and strength training. |
www.aerobicspot.com |
ExRx Aerobic Conditioning |
ExRx.net is a resource for the exercise professional, coach, or fitness enthusiast. |
www.exrx.net |
Aerobics Music - Step Aerobic Music - Exercise Music - Fitness Music |
Aerobics music for aerobic exercise workouts and fitness classes - the largest selection in the world! |
www.aerobicsmusic.com |
Jumpybumpy....aerobics music and fitness videos |
Instructor portal offering aerobics and step choreography, videos and music, conventions and workshops, trainer listing. |
www.jumpybumpy.com |
Step aerobics choreography, videos, music, terms at Stepcenter.com |
Step aerobics choreography (hundreds of animated moves and patterns), videos, step language dictionary, aerobic music board, training tips, aerobic links ... |
www.stepcenter.com |