Aerobic Exercise Can Be Almost Anything
You can put in an aerobic workout in almost any everyday activity. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and it doesn’t need to be boring at all. Here are just a few activities you can do.
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Smokers love excuses. Nothing makes them happier than, 'I
Okay, before we start, let me explain the purpose of this article. I want you to get so healthy, you'll never need to make a health insurance claim. You'll save money by increased fitness. You'll save money with a long no-claims insurance history. And you'll look and feel much better.
There's three sides to your maximum health and fitness. Diet, and Exercise. But that's only two ! Let me split Exercise into Aerobic exercise and Aneorobic exercise.
Get all three right. Get the right balance. And you'll get as fit and healthy as your body and genetics will allow.
Whole forests of paper have been filled with advice on each of these fitness factors. Just go into your local bookstore, and see shelves of diet advice. Shelves of exercise advice.
Funny how so much contradicts itself, especially for diet e.g right next to each other on the shelf, you'll find a book advocating low carbs & low fat; another saying high fat is okay if you keep the carbs low. Yet another focuses on high protein, and says carbs don't matter...
* Diet
Let me give you this simple diet advice. Stick to low fat, low carbs and high protein. Many medical and weight loss studies over the last 10-20 years prove this approach. Many other diet myths come from way back in time, and look just plain wrong when analyzed with modern methods.
* Aerobic Exercise
Couch potatoes don't realize how easily they can start feeling fit and healthy. Just walk somewhere 3-4 times per week, for around 20 minutes each time.
Ideally, do some more demanding aerobic exercise. I do a lot of cycling, because it's great low-impact exercise. And I get to see beautiful scenery while I ride.
Running provides even more intensive aerobic exercise, but careful of your joints. Maybe you prefer hiking, to see the local countryside ? Or take up a sport like rowing or tennis. You also get to meet new friends by taking up exercise as a sport.
* Anaerobic Exercise
Many people work on their diet. Many people take aerobic exercise. But many people ignore anaerobic exercise,
or weight training.
What makes weight training so important ?
As you get older, muscle mass decreases. Muscle burns fat. So as you lose muscle, it gets harder to keep the fat off. Equally important, weight training can reshape your body.
No matter how much aerobic exercise you do, you'll still be a pear shape (a smaller pear shape) if you started out a pear shape.
Using weights you can flatten your stomach, tone your thighs, bulk up your chest and shoulders, and reshape your body any way you want.
Weight training is incredibly beneficial to your general skeleton strength and conditioning. Older women can reduce the effects of osteoporosis, and older men can maintain their strength and agility.
This short article can do nothing more than provide an introduction to the three keys to your health. Follow these and you shouldn't need to make a health insurance claim.
Slash your health insurance costs with a long no-claims bonus. Slash your health insurance costs with any insurer who rates your fitness.
=========================================================== Discover important health insurance facts and advice. Find out more about low carb foods, and how to lose weight quickly and easily. Go to ==> http://www.healthinsurance--quotes.com/ and ==> http://www.low-low-carb-foods.com/
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About the Author
========================================================== "How To Get Fit And Slash Your Health Insurance Costs"
- by Neil Stelling BSc, MBA
© DigiLectual Inc. 2004 http://www.healthinsurance--quotes.com/ ===========================================================
Aerobic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Look up Aerobic in ... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerobic" ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Aerobic exercise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Aerobic exercise includes any type of exercise, typically those performed at ... In general, aerobic exercise is one performed at a moderately high level of ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Aerobic Exercise |
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) defines aerobic exercise ... The important idea behind aerobic exercise today, is to get up and get moving! ... |
www.gsu.edu |
Turnstep.com |
Turnstep is a large community of aerobics enthusiasts featuring over 10000 patterns, an active bulletin board, and more. |
www.turnstep.com |
Aerobic Respiration |
Aerobic respiration is the release of energy from glucose or another organic substrate in the presence of Oxygen. Strictly speaking aerobic means in air, ... |
www.purchon.com |
AFAA – Aerobics & Fitness Personal Trainer Certification & Group ... |
AFAA offers personal trainer certification, group exercise certification and other fitness certifications for fitness professionals. |
www.afaa.com |
Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Programs SuperSite |
Fun aerobics classes for a complete workout. Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing, Workout and StrongStep classes are throughout the US and other countries. |
www.jackis.com |
The Cooper Institute |
Nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to preventive medicine. Information on training, certifications, and products. |
www.cooperinst.org |
BodyTrends Health & Fitness: Search |
At BodyTrends Find thousands of health, fitness and exercise products from top manufacturers. Offering related fitness articles and advice. |
www.bodytrends.com |
Carmen Electra's Official Aerobic Striptease Strip Workout |
Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease Workout Video. |
www.aerobicstriptease.com |
Aerobic Exercise |
A program of regular aerobic exercise can help you avoid chronic diseases ... To strengthen your heart, you should do aerobic exercise intensely enough to ... |
orthoinfo.aaos.org |
Bush Aerobics - Miniclip Games - Play Free Games |
Help President Bush get fit and ready for his day. |
www.miniclip.com |
Aqua-Aerobic Systems |
Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. provides wastewater treatment systems for Aeration, Mixing, Filtration, Controls, SCADA, Biological Processes, Membranes. |
www.aqua-aerobic.com |
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Aerobic |
Aerobic. Printer-friendly version · Email this page to a friend. Contents of this page: ... Aerobic organisms · Aerobic organisms. Definition Return to top ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Aerobic, Exercise and Fitness Videos by Cathe Friedrich |
Geared towards the advanced home exerciser with information about Cathe Friedrich's aerobic and fitness videos. |
www.cathe.com |
Aerobics, Aerobic Spot, Step, Kickboxing, Choreography, Strength ... |
Fitness center offering exercise classes, step aerobics, kickboxing, fitness tips, and strength training. |
www.aerobicspot.com |
ExRx Aerobic Conditioning |
ExRx.net is a resource for the exercise professional, coach, or fitness enthusiast. |
www.exrx.net |
Aerobics Music - Step Aerobic Music - Exercise Music - Fitness Music |
Aerobics music for aerobic exercise workouts and fitness classes - the largest selection in the world! |
www.aerobicsmusic.com |
Jumpybumpy....aerobics music and fitness videos |
Instructor portal offering aerobics and step choreography, videos and music, conventions and workshops, trainer listing. |
www.jumpybumpy.com |
Step aerobics choreography, videos, music, terms at Stepcenter.com |
Step aerobics choreography (hundreds of animated moves and patterns), videos, step language dictionary, aerobic music board, training tips, aerobic links ... |
www.stepcenter.com |