Make a Decision and Take Action!
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Creating Time — You Can Do It! ©
"People that would never think of committing suicide or ending their life would think nothing of dribbling their life away in useless minutes and hours every day."
What separates winners from losers?
We all have the same 24-hours in a day, so why do some people always seem to accomplish more with the same amount of time?
Winners leverage every minute of every day in the most effective way possible. They make every minute count. They don't waste one minute on other people's urgencies or on the unimportant.
You are the best of the best. You reside in the achiever category at the top of the performance chain. How do I know that? Because only the best people, the top 10% of the population, want to better themselves and that is why you are reading this. (You'd be surprised at how many people want to get ahead, yet don't lift the proverbial finger to turn the page of a book to help reach their goals.)
In order to create time, you must shift your focus — from days and hours — to work. You need to leverage the hours that you do have and focus only on the actions that will yield exponential results.
Start by identifying the activities that you take part in on a daily or weekly basis that yield little or no long-term benefits.
Coach's Insight: For example, the average person working in a corporation, by eliminating coffee breaks or combining coffee breaks with meetings can create two full work-weeks in a year. Two full work-weeks!
Those eighty hours can be used to generate more income, spend more time with family, read a self-improvement book to gain additional peak performance results, go on a much needed vacation, or enhance your health with three hours of aerobic activity per week for half a year.
Here's how this calculates. Let's assume that the average person takes two 20-minute breaks a day. Over the course of a year, figuring on two weeks of vacation, that's 166 hours. That's more than four 40-hour work-weeks added to your year. You have just created an additional 166 hours of time in your year. Try the same calculation with lunch.
Does this mean that you never take time for yourself? Of course not, this is your time that you create. Who is benefiting from all that extra time you have gained? You are — in terms of increased income, enhanced relationships, or an
extended lifespan due to better health.
Recognize that winners make decisions that create the future they desire, while losers make decisions that create the present they desire.
Make the shift from a short-term focus to the long-term and you'll find you can create time in many areas where there appeared to be none.
Coach's Tip: One way to succeed in improving your time-management skills is to find someone who you admire and would like to emulate. Ask to interview them and find out how they schedule their days. Discover how they use their free time and then do what they do. Seek out the top people in your field and ask them, "What books do you read? What advice would you give me to help me win in my game?"
You may just be surprised at how happy top performers are to help you.
Poor performers hang around people who are going nowhere and emulate their thoughts and actions, or lack thereof.
Dr. David McClellan of Harvard found that if you associate with a reference group (friends, associates, coworkers, family members, etc.) who are not success oriented, that choice alone can stop any possibility of you being successful in life.
Your choice of whom you associate with personally, business-wise, or socially is one of the most important choices you'll ever make in your life. If you associate with turkeys, and act just like them, you'll never learn to fly with eagles.
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About the Author
John-Paul Micek and his partner Deborah Cole Micek are Business Growth Coaches. They specialize in helping small business owners achieve profit-doubling growth in less time than it would take to do on your own. Through their strategic coaching programs of the www.BusinessOwnersCoachingClub.com you're guaranteed to reach more goals in 12-months than most owners do in a decade. You can reach John-Paul at JPM@RPMsuccess.com or at (888) 334-8151.
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Welcome to Coach U |
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International Coach Federation |
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Coaching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Association for Coaching |
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The Coaching Corner - The Youth Team Sports Resource |
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