Freelance Copywriting Advice #1: Take the Scary Jobs
From time to time you will be faced with an opportunity that looks downright scary. The temptation is to think, "Hey, that's way outside my level of expertise. I'm not ready for that." My advice to you is this: Do it. When you are faced with...
The Author Within
Just about every marketer on the Internet claims to be the best around and would have you believe that no one else knows as much or can teach you as quickly and thoroughly as they can. It would seem that they erroneously assume that by...
The Bible - The Source Of All Copywriting Secrets
I've been a student of the Bible for practically all my life.
There is a lot of reason why this book remains the number one
best-seller year after year. I think that it is the source of
ALL wisdom, yes, including successful copywriting!
The Not-So-Mysterious Art of Getting Clients
Sure, you can print business cards and letterhead. Launch a web
site. And hang your shingle as a freelance copywriter.
That's easy.
But you're not really "in business" until you GET business. And
that means having at least one paying...
Your Site Map: Spider Food or Just A Light Snack?
by Karon Thackston © 2005 http://www.copywritingcourse.com Mechanical spiders have to eat. In fact, they usually have bigger appetites than the real-life spiders you squish under your shoe. What spiders am I talking about? The automated programs...
Preparing a Business Proposal
If you dream of starting your own business, there may be just one, small thing standing in your way - lack of funds! One way around this, is to enlist the support of a "sleeping partner" - no, not that sort of sleeping partner! But someone who will provide the financial backing for you to set up your business (and allow you to keep control).
There are many places that provide this start up help, such as banks and joint venture companies, but you can approach anyone you think might be willing to back you, if you have a business proposal prepared.
Here's a brief outline of what you need to include in your proposal.
Executive Summary · Provide an outline of your vision for the business · Briefly describe what already exists in this field · The niche - as you see it and the benefits your business will bring · Type of business proposed - benefits you will bring to the market niche · Overall financial goals - anticipated sales and profits · Funds required to start up business
Business Profile You must provide details of the following: · Business name · Principals · Description of business - what it aims to do and its target market · Vision - ultimate goals · Mission - value, service you'll offer · The competitive advantage you have - eg flexibility, able to draw on wide base of talents, connections in the industry etc
SWOT analysis This is where you analyse your proposed business, yourself and the competition - list examples under each of the following: · Strengths · Weaknesses · Opportunities · Threats Be honest with these - but only put in threats and weaknesses that you know you can meet and overcome successfully.
Objectives Detail what your short and long-term objectives are for the business: · at the end of the first 12 months of operation · after 12 months
Product and Market Analysis This requires some exacting research, so you can provide plenty of detail. · Product / Service - description of what you're offering · Features · Benefits · Price structure · Industry description and outlook · Market demand - percentage of market you think you can capture; competition share you think you can take etc
Operating Plan Outline your resource requirements - what you need in order to operate and what this will cost. List the items and specify prices. Provide the name of
suppliers. Use tables, graphs etc to support your claims.
Management Plan Give specific details of manning levels: · numbers of staff required · any training needed · experience of managers and their skills
Marketing Plan Divide this into: · Internal - how you'll win repeat customers and referrals · External - how you'll get new customers · Impact - how you'll target specific groups Detail how you'll go about targeting and selling to each group e.g. · Service levels · Vouchers · Hand-outs · Music · Decor · Entertainment · Special add-ons · Etc Publicity and direct approaches you'll make (specify targets e.g. music schools etc) Promotion (e.g. freebies, discounts, buy one get one free, every 6th something free, charity performances, openings etc). The actual product / service you're selling - explain exactly what it is or what it involves.
Financial Plan Give details of: · Projected sales · Projected costs · Projected profits Give specific details e.g. break down into gross profits, overheads, net profits etc.
Action Plan Again, you must give details, consider using a table to show: · Activities to be carried out · When these will be done · Who will do each
Give a chronological sequence of action to show how you plan to start and develop the business.
Provide plenty of graphs (use different styles), tables, facts and figures.
Get information from Bureau of Statistics on demography, socio-economic groups, age etc.
Have an appendix and include any extra details (e.g. if you're planning to start a business which has a sound recording studio, include newspaper cuttings about bands bemoaning the fact that they can't get their CDs cut etc).
If all this sounds a little daunting, keep reminding yourself of the rewards for all this hard work - you'll be able to start your business much sooner than if you had to work for a boss and save the necessary capital, or if you had to wait until you win the lottery!
About the Author
Jennifer Stewart has had her own web-based business at http://www.write101.com since 1998 and specialises in editing and copywriting for business people who would rather spend their time running their businesses than chewing on the end of a pen. For details of how you can start your own business, click here: mailto:sky101@GetResponse.com?subject=Business
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