Are YOU Finished?
Isn't it great - that awesome feeling of accomplishment you get when you finish a project. I LOVE it. For example, creating an ebook. An idea grows into an outline, and then to (sometimes agonizing) hours of research, writing, rewriting,...
Creativity, Innovation – Competition versus Collaboration
There is much confusion as to whether competition or collaboration is most beneficial to creativity and innovation. Though there are negatives to collaboration and it is not easy separating the effects of time pressure and group activity, in...
Guide for Visionary Leaders and Business Decision-makers.
Change and the Cycle of Specialization Robert E. Cannon www.cannonadvantage.com Guide for Visionary Leaders and Business Decision-makers. – In the January issue of Taking Aim, I reported on the book Margin. That book triggered some thoughts that...
"Corporate Profits Fell 43% in 1st Quarter" proclaimed the 15 May 2001, Wall Street Journal headline. The article went on to say that: "The nation's (1700) largest corporations posted one of the worst profit performances in at least 10 years in...
Time Savers
Copyright 2005 Writer's Eye Advisory Service
I'm sure that you as a business owner, have discovered the value
of using your time wisely. When it comes to running a business,
time is money. Your work, time and resources should be...
Home Business Success Secret: Earn Money..Don't Make It!
I can remember the first trip my husband and I went on – all expenses paid – direct sales company I worked for. It was an all expense paid stay in Athens, Greece, and a cruise of the Greek Islands. Still ranks as one of the best trips I’ve ever had.
“Wow, I’m so thrilled I won this trip.”, I told a colleague.
“Debbi, you did not WIN this trip. You earned it.”
That came to mind today as I was reading an article in Jeffrey Gitomer’s newsletter. A real estate agent was writing in because he was having challenges with all the flat-rate agencies out there. Jeffrey related several problems he saw in the guy’s thinking, but then made a profound statement.
“Quit making money and start earning it.”
You see, a lot of people think that’s the same thing. And that’s why they continue to struggle in their home business or with their home based business opportunity.
Most anyone can make money, but it takes a little more creativity and gumption to earn it. Here are a few things that come to mind…which do you do?
Making money by blasting your email list with any piece of junk that has a high commission?
Or earning money by evaluating products first and recommending only those which will help your prospects and customers?
Making money by hard selling the top buy-in of your home based business opportunity (after all, that’s how you earn the
big up front $$)?
Or earning money by recommending what’s right for that person and their family? Maybe even recommending a different company if that would fit their criteria better?
Making money by spamming forums and message boards with your “deal”?
Or earning money by offering suggestions, being helpful, and being seen as the “go to” person? ….always leaving a signature file, of course!
Making money by quickly throwing together an inferior product because you know that there are enough naive people who won’t recognize that?
Or earning money by providing something of value….even to those who don’t recognize the value yet.
People tend to shy away from the concept of earning money. After all, it requires work. (Just look at the examples above and you can see what I mean).
And, the world isn’t fair….some people who concentrate on making money will get more than those earning money. So, it’s a decision each person must make for him/herself.
Look at the long term value of making money vs. earning money. And look “inside” to see which feels best.
About the Author
Debbi Bressler is the Editor of The Home Business Review Magazine and has been an entrepreneur, consultant, coach and speaker since 1990. Visit Debbi's site at http://the-home-business-review.com or get her Success Pack at mailto:successpack@getresponse.com
Creativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Creativity (or creativeness) is a mental process involving the generation of ... Wallas considered creativity to be a legacy of the evolutionary process, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Creativity For Life |
An exploration of creativity in everyday life, with articles, quotes, reviews and other creative resources to awaken creativity in daily life. |
www.creativityforlife.com |
AdCritic.com: Commercial Ads |
FROM CREATIVITY: Emerging Directors, Unite In the time it took to write this, three new directors popped up. Here are twenty to get acquainted with. ... |
www.adcritic.com |
National Curriculum in Action - Creativity - |
Ordering Creativity packs: print and video materials. This website gives practical ideas on how to promote pupils' creative thinking and behaviour. ... |
www.ncaction.org.uk |
Ten Steps for Boosting Your Creativity |
Experiments performed by the JPB Creative Laboratory show that watching TV causes your ... a weekly report on creativity, ideas, innovation and invention ... |
www.jpb.com |
Category:Creativity Techniques - Mycoted |
This is a general category of Creativity and Innovation Techniques, ... I like to think of these creativity techniques as tools in a toolbox in much the ... |
www.mycoted.com |
Creativity at Work: The interplay of business, art and science |
A resource for training and development in creativity and innovation in organizations. Has a newsletter, and some articles and essays by 'Corporate ... |
www.creativityatwork.com |
Crayola Creativity Central |
Crayola Creativity Central offers kids arts and crafts ideas for rainy day fun. We also have coloring books and pages, art and craft projects, games, ... |
www.crayola.com |
Pages tagged with "creativity" on del.icio.us |
All items tagged creativity ??? view popular ... Perspective for Creative Leaders · save this. by aromay to creativity business management ... 1 hour ago ... |
del.icio.us |
Creativity Web - Resources for Creativity and Innovation |
Creativity Web Home Page Resources for Creativity and Innovation ... The Creative Process · Multiple Intelligences · Idea Recording · Your Creative Space ... |
members.optusnet.com.au |
gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards": how to ... |
So you want to be more creative, in art, in business, whatever. ... Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with companies that champion ... |
www.gapingvoid.com |
Creativity Quotes | Creativity Quotations | Creativity Sayings ... |
Quotes on Creativity - part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire. Find Creativity quotations and links to quotes on other ... |
www.wisdomquotes.com |
Ideas by Creativity Pool |
A free database with new ideas and possible inventions. Add your own, or bring an existing idea to life. |
www.creativitypool.com |
Creative problem solving depends on using the right tools, tricks, ... Search for the latest books on Creativity (or anything else) in the Quantum Books ... |
www.quantumbooks.com |
Creativity Tools, Creative Solutions & Creative Problem Solving ... |
This page explains a wide range of techniques which can help you generate creative solutions to your problems. |
www.mindtools.com |
The 6 Myths Of Creativity |
A new study will change how you generate ideas and decide who's really creative in your company. |
www.fastcompany.com |
CreativeClass.org |
Richard Florida's "The Rise of the Creative Class" examines creativity and its effects on economic development. |
www.creativeclass.org |
TIP: Concepts |
The relationship between creativity and intelligence has been always been a central concern of psychology ( Guilford , 1950). Much effort has been devoted ... |
tip.psychology.org |
American Creativity Association (ACA) |
An incorporated non-profit organization promoting personal and professional creativity. Association membership is represented by four multidisciplinary ... |
www.amcreativityassoc.org |
CREAX - Portal for creativity and innovation |
A resource for links on creativity and innovation on the web. A selection of 690 links is divided into 67 categories for the visitors convenience. |
www.creax.net |