3 Reasons Why You Better Know Your Customers...Or Else
Which statement sums up how you define your customers?
1) I have a very specific customer in mind -- very specific and very narrow. I only want to sell to this specific customer, I'm not interested in attracting anyone else.
2) If they...
A Comparative Study in Customer Service
This month, I experienced the misfortune of having two laptop computers break down on me within a single week. One laptop was less than eight months old; the other had failed five times in less than two years. As you can imagine, I was extremely...
Customer Service - Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle
Relationships... Money... Health..The Past...Failure..Mental and Spiritual Battles..Time Constraints...Professional pressures.. At any given moment you, your clients, and employees are dealing with one or the other of these challenges in life. No...
Managers Who Leave PR to Others
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In your own best...
Meeting Customer Expectations
As I was in the airport today waiting for my flight, I was next to a gate for Southwest. For those that don't know, Southwest doesn't issue reserved seats like most airlines. Instead, ticket-holders are issued one of three boarding groups, each of...
Every customer looks for 3 special benefits when they do business with you. They may not specifically ask for these benefits. But you're losing sales if you don't automatically provide all three.
Prospective customers may take a long time deciding whether or not they will buy from you. But once they decide to buy, they expect instant results. When people buy a car they want to drive it home today. When they sign up with a health club they expect to look and feel better by the end of the week.
Look for ways you can reduce the time your customers have to wait after a transaction before they can start enjoying the results of their decision to buy. Try to deliver your product at the point of sale. When that's not possible, look for creative ways to provide a benefit your customer can start enjoying immediately.
For example, a publisher I know recently created a special package combination of his latest "how-to" book in print and several eBooks on the same subject. When customers order his new book, they can immediately download the eBooks on their computer. They don't have to wait for the hard-cover book to arrive before they can start enjoying the benefit they paid for.
Customers want products that are easy to use and services that produce results without disturbing their daily routine. You can increase your sales by stressing the "easy to use" characteristics of your product or service in all your promotions. Convenience and ease of use are often more important to customers than price.
Simplify your buying procedure too. Make it easier for customers to buy from you and you will get more sales.
For example, many online shoppers are impatient and won't tolerate a lengthy ordering process. Minimize the number of times your customer has to click to another screen when ordering online. Use a simple
order form instead of a shopping cart if you only offer 1 or 2 items. And don't ask them to give you more information than you need to process their order.
Every prospect and customer wants personal attention. One way you can provide it is by giving them an opportunity to ask questions.
Only interested prospects will take the time to ask questions. Many will buy from you if they get valuable information from your answer. You can often include a promotion for your product or service as part of your answer.
Answering questions is not time consuming. The same questions will be repeated over and over again. But you only have to answer each question once if you save your answer to a permanent file. Copy it into your reply whenever you get that same question again ...and revise it slightly to personalize your response. You can answer questions quickly and your prospects will appreciate your personal attention.
TIP: If you find yourself personally answering a lot of questions, add a Questions and Answers page to your web site. Post the answers to your most frequently asked questions. It will reduce the number of questions you have to answer individually. But remember, it also deprives you of an opportunity to impress prospects with your personal attention.
Every customer wants fast results, easy procedures and personal attention. Most won't ask for these benefits. But they won't buy from you unless they get them. Make sure you provide all 3 of these special benefits ...and look for ways to improve the quality of each. Then watch how quickly your sales increase.
Bob Leduc is a Sales Consultant with 30 years experience in building successful businesses. Email: BobLeduc@aol.com Subject: "Postcards" Phone: 702-658-1707 after 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV
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ICS: Institute of Customer Service |
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International Customer Service Association |
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Customer service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The modern concept of customer service has its roots in the craftsman economy ... Delivering customer service begins with understanding what customers want. ... |
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Customer Service Week - The Celebration Source |
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