12 Free Tools For Starting a Home Business With No Money
Want to start your own home business but short on cash? These proven and expert 12 free tools can help you make the move from corporate life to calling the shots.
By Bruce Scher
Home business ownership is the best way to start any...
Attract Your Dream Customer
Have you clearly defined your target audience? These are the prime buyers of your products or services. It is the people or organizations you are pursuing actively as customers. You don't need every customer in the world! You need the ones who...
Business areas that put a high price on Customer retention
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customer acquisition costs. Companies that have placed great
efforts and money on customer retention are the mobile...
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"Fire" Your Bad Customers
Here's a concept to consider: some customers just aren't worth the trouble. We work so hard to get customers, and then work so hard to keep them, it's hard to grasp the idea that we are better of WITHOUT some of them!
Let's face it; some people just don't "get it". They won't be nice or reasonable, they need too much 'hand-holding', or they haggle over everything. Lose 'em! Tell them politely that they will be better off getting your product or service elsewhere.
A local auto repair shop diagnosed a clutch problem and did approximately $300 worth of repairs. About 2 weeks later the clutch failed when I was 80 miles from home, and I had to take it to a local Nissan dealer. They told me that the problem was one of the parts that had just been replaced.
When I took the paperwork and bad part into the local repair shop, he looked it over and took the position that he had no way of knowing whether the part in question was really bad or whether the part they gave me was, in fact, the part they had put in. I told him that I understood that but I didn't think that the dealer would have tried a blatant lie and, the dealer's factory part cost less than theirs. He mulled it over and decided to give me $150 credit because it certainly looked like something wasn't kosher and, besides, I was being reasonable and they didn't want to lose me as a customer. Just the previous week they had had a "screamer"; someone who had a problem and came in there yelling and screaming about it.
"I don't need that", he said. "I told them to take their business elsewhere." Sometimes you've got to 'fire' your customers!
I know a graphic designer in New York who had a
client that was very slow paying. In fact, on several occasions he even reduced their agreed-upon fee because of what he claimed were "delays" caused by my friend that were totally fabricated. He has asked her to do another project: she told him "no".
Some customers need to be 'fired'.
In my software business the customers typically installed the product on their corporate computer (not a PC, but a large "mainframe"). The software arrived on a tape and the process took about 2 hours. Some of them installed it with no help from me whatsoever; some of them needed help opening the box that the tape came in. The latter customers were usually the ones that needed to be 'fired'.
It's important to define what you consider to be a "good" customer or a "bad" customer. When someone crosses the line, you have to decide whether that particular person is "worth the trouble'. Only you can make the call, but you may be surprised to realize that they aren't.
If so, send 'em packin'. You can't please everyone, but you can wear yourself out trying to, so if the match isn't right you both will be better off if you sever the business relationship.
It only hurts for a second.
Then, a wave of relief will flood over you and you'll know you did the right thing.
About the Author
"Make More Money and Have More Fun" with your small business! Dave will show you how with his FREE newsletter, "Big Bucks in a Bathrobe" sent by e-mail. Visit http://www.TheStayAtHomeCEO.com to sign-up, for information on speaking services, or for copies of past articles and newsletters. Comments and/or questions are always welcome at 1-800-366-2347 or Dave@DaveBalch.com.
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