On-line Life Insurance Quotes can Coexist with TotalCustomer Privacy
OInvasion of the Privacy Snatchers
Even the notion of it brings up a wistful longing, a "wouldn’t it be nice if..." ache. The concept of controlling your private information harkens back to simpler times.
Privacy is a casualty of modern life - treated as yet another price of progress. Each of us finds frequent, fresh reasons to mourn its loss - as more of our private space is chipped away. On some level we feel violated, while being powerless to slow it down.
One needn’t survive identity theft to be weary of routine assaults upon our individual sense of identity. It’s who we are - after all. Computer technologies driving our world relentlessly chop us into bits and byes of data, that can be stored and analyzed. Then it’s passed along to persons or organizations unknown - to use for "who knows what."
People Jealously Guard their Bit of Remaining Privacy
Fill in this form... supply that personal fact... There’s no way to protect private information from insatiable, ever- expanding databases. Like the Star Trek slogan of the Borg, "Resistance is Futile." All the while, down deep there’s a gnawing suspicion that whatever we reveal will be used against us.
Nowhere is that insecurity clearer than on the Internet, with infinite information passing across millions of websites. How willing are people to tell more than they must about themselves? Not very. Websites that demand more than minimal self-disclosure find a high percentage leave rather than comply.
Reliance on the Internet to Find Information Keeps Growing
Studies report the Web is trusted to provide information needed to make decisions and purchases - second only to spouses. A Harris Interactive consumer survey (2004) found that 73% of adults are now online - 156 million users.That's up from 69% eight months before. Such massive changes in consumer behavior are altering every type of business.It’s a new ball game online.
Life insurance was once sold primarily by career life agents who represented a single insurance company. And a person’s agent knew them personally. Now policies are also sold by direct mail, telephone, and over the Internet - often by people who don’t know you at all.
Although there are numerous websites offering life insurance rate information, they ask visitors to disclosure their personal contact information first. And some are just collecting information to sell to agents. One assumes that requirement serves the sales process, rather than serving the wary customer (who just wants the information,
thank you).
Anonymity is a Luxury
Imagine acquiring information you desire without having to surrender your privacy! There’s an extensive data base where life insurance rates for major companies are collected. And you can immediately find the best rates in the database, based on the factors you care about and fit you personally.
Here’s the best part. You can acquire that information without having to give up any facts about yourself. It’s a reality - we don’t ask for any personal information in order for you to get the data you want. You see the phrase, "We respect your privacy" all over the Web. But this could be the first time you’ve seen it in practice.
If you visit http://www.lifeinsure.com and enter several factors that you want to know... Bingo, up pop the best rates in the database. Your personal information was never requested. No salesman will call. Nobody is going to make you sorry you filled out a request. Aaaah...
Bet you thought it couldn’t happen. But we demonstrate that online life insurance quotes can co-exist with total customer privacy.
Here’s what one client said, which is representative of the positive feedback people give us about this service: "After attempting to work with several other online insurance services, I found LifeInsure.com With them, I was able to look at many different insurance options in the privacy of my own home. Then, when I was good and ready, I made the decision, and contacted them. I had all the rates before I got in touch with them. Being able to do this anonymously made this a very comfortable, non-pressured process."
You’re Completely in Control
Once you review your list of competitive insurance choices, anonymously, the next move is entirely up to you. Search again with different criteria... File the information away for future reference... Call your brother-in-law who’s been after you to buy the policy he’s selling... Or click on the link for your choice of policy and take the next step (where at some point, you’ll need to identify yourself)... and only then contact us for more information... It’s 100% up to you. ©lifeinsure.com 2005
--Richard Reich, VP Intramark Insurance Your online source for life insurance quotes. Where you can search for the best rates from major life insurance cos. online - on your own. Toll Free 866-691-0100 info@lifeinsure.com http://www.LifeInsure.com