Does Your Customer Service Suck?
As a customer, I know what it's like to be on the customers side
of the counter. You want to turn over your hard earned money for
goods or services. You are then confronted with attitude,
rudeness and utter disregard for just how hard you have...
Does Your Customer Talk Back To You?
What is your customer saying about you? Do you really know? Does your customer really know who you are?
If you don't know what your customer thinks about you, your business, your product and your services, then you might as well...
“Getting Back to Basics: A Customer Service Tale”
One hot summer day my daughter and I ventured to our local craft store with one mission in mind – purchase velvet covered coloring panels called fuzzy boards. Little did we know this simple trip would turn into such an adventure.
How To Stay In Touch With Your Ebay Customers 24/7. Yep, Even While You're Asleep!
What's the one great thing you can do for your Happy eBay
Sell them something else of course, give them a great deal and
make them even happier.
But how do you keep in touch with your eBay customers on a
regular basis for...
The CRM Will Give You the Customer Knowledge You Need
The CRM Will Give You the Customer Knowledge You Need
Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my article in your
newsletter, on your website or in your print publication
provided you include the resource box at the end. Notification
would be...
The Value of a Customer
You need to determine what the value of a customer is to your company. Answer the following questions: How much will the average customer spend with you per year? A = _____________ If you provide quality service and products, how many years can you expect to keep a customer ? B = _____________ What is your gross profit, as a percentage of revenues? C = _____________ The value (V) of a customer is: V = A X B X C We learned with our network consulting company that the average life of a customer was about 2 ˝ years and the average yearly expenditure was around $10,000. With a gross margin of 35%, each client was worth $8750 to the company. $10,000 X 2.5 * .35 = $8750 If you haven’t used this simple formula before, it can totally change how you view customer acquisition, retention and customer service. Normally you’ll want to spend about 10% of current or projected revenues on customer acquisition. This formula allows you to accurately project what a customer is worth to you over their customer life cycle. A valuable concept to learn and leverage is to go to great lengths to keep a good
customer. The simplest and least intensive marketing efforts are those that you do for existing customers. Stay in contact, educate them on the excellent services you have provided them and the value proposition that you offer.Close Ratios The next important parameter is to calculate your close ratio. This means for every prospect you talk to, how many become customers? We had a close ratio of around 25%. With the above example, assuming a marketing budget of 10% of gross revenues per customer, we had $1500 to work with. With a 25% close ratio, that meant we could spend on average $375 for every prospect we talked to ($1500*.25=$375). This is a very useful tool for making decisions around how much time to spend on proposals, contact, lunches and other prospecting activities.
Bryan Brandenburg has published 5 books as well as a number of articles both in print and on the internet. He has published almost 30 software programs both for consumers and business. More information can be found at www.vmmg.net. b.brandenburg@vmmg.net
Customer Service Group: Resources for improved customer service ... |
Newsletters, books, and free online resources for improved customer service, call center and help desk operations including tools for enhancing rep training ... |
www.customerservicegroup.com |
Customer Service Training Customer Service Skills Training Service |
Service Quality Institute is the leader in Customer Service Training with customer service training skills products and consulting with over 34 years ... |
www.customer-service.com |
ICS: Institute of Customer Service |
The Institute of Customer Service is the professional body for customer service whose primary purpose is to lead customer service performance and ... |
www.instituteofcustomerservice.com |
International Customer Service Association |
Promotes the development and awareness of the customer service profession through networking, education and research. Activities, publications ... |
www.icsa.com |
Customer Service Jobs on CareerBuilder.com |
Looking for customer service jobs? Start your job search at CareerBuilder, the leader in job search sites, and access hundreds of thousands of jobs today. |
customer-service.careerbuilder.com |
The New York Times Home Delivery - Subscribe |
Sign up now to save 50% on your first 12 weeks of Home Delivery. Learn more. As part of Home Delivery, you'll also get free access to TimesSelect premium ... |
homedelivery.nytimes.com |
Customer service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The modern concept of customer service has its roots in the craftsman economy ... Delivering customer service begins with understanding what customers want. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Customer service representatives |
When working in call centers, customer service representatives are likely to be under ... Customer service representatives working outside of a call center ... |
www.bls.gov |
Customer Service Training |
Customer Service Training, Seminars, Coaching, and free articles to improve repeat business, happiness, and professional image. |
www.proedgeskills.com |
Customer Service |
(It may help the reader to notice the role of customer service in the overall ... Additional Resources in the Category of Customer Service and Satisfaction ... |
www.managementhelp.org |
azcentral.com faq - azcentral.com Help - Arizona Republic Customer ... |
azcentral.com faq - Welcome to the azcentral.com help center where you can find answers to azcentral.com and Arizona Republic customer service questions. |
www.azcentral.com |
CafePress.com : Help Desk : Customer Service |
Email Us Send us an email and we will respond to you within 24 hours. Call Us Toll Free 1-877-809-1659 Customer Service Hours ... |
www.cafepress.com |
Customer Service Week - The Celebration Source |
Provides how-to information, gifts and decorations for successful Customer Service Week celebrations. |
www.csweek.com |
Nashville - Tennessean.com - Middle Tennessee Customer Services |
Customer service, advertising or news-related questions or problems (615) 259-8000. ... (615) 242-7253. Email Customer Service customer @tennessean.com. ... |
www.tennessean.com |
Customer Service Institute of Australia - dedicated to Australian ... |
CSIA is a professional, membership-based body dedicated to improving the standards of customer service both at an individual level and at a corporate level ... |
www.csia.com.au |
The Globe and Mail: Home Delivery Customer Care: Home |
The most authoritiative news in Canada featuring articles from The Globe and Mail, breaking news coverage, national news, international news, sports, ... |
https: |
Customer Service from FLORIDA TODAY |
We're here to bring the finest customer service to your doorstep. ... Customer Service Hours Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET Saturday: ... |
www.floridatoday.com |
magazine customer service |
https://secure.customersvc.com/ servlet/Show?WESPAGE=mo/home.html&MSRSMAG=MO - Similar pages |
Customer Service – 8 Rules For Good Customer Service |
Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers ... |
sbinfocanada.about.com |
Help | IndyStar.com |
Customer Service • Terms of Service • Send feedback about IndyStar.com • Subscribe Now • Jobs with us. Use of this site signifies your agreement to the ... |
www.indystar.com |