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The Over-Working Mother
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Divorce--When "Forever" Is Just Too Long
Are you unhappy with your spouse and your marriage? Are you seriously thinking about divorce? No matter how you deal with it, divorce is a messy process. When two people, who have taken a vow to stay together forever, decide that forever is much too long, hurt feelings, resentment and bitterness are to be expected. The first step is to remember that you are not the first couple to have marital problems--even Adam and Eve had some severe set backs.
According to U. S. government statistics, one out of every two marriages will end in divorce or annulment. Many problems can lead to the decision to divorce. Personal selfishness, adultery, disrespect of a spouse, inattentiveness in the relationship, being argumentative, dishonesty, money issues, or difficulties in raising the children-- all can be the catalyst which sparks a desire for separation.
It is possible that the seeds of divorce are sown even before a couple says "I do." Research shows that certain relationship skills, or lack of them, can help predict whether people are headed for happiness or a difficult dissolution. Research by Mari L. Clements, an assistant professor of clinical psychology at the Fuller Theological Institute in Pasadena, CA shows that "The ones who stayed happily married were likely to handle conflict constructively. Even in the midst of a difficult issue in their relationship, they were likely to treat each other with respect."
Grounds for divorce vary from couple to couple and from state to state. Marriage, realistically, is as much a legal contract as it is a personal relationship. Most states now offer some form of uncontested (no-fault) divorces which are popular because they are easy and inexpensive. There is no single reason for divorce. Sometimes, couples simply grow apart.
No matter what the cause of divorce, the key to a successful divorce is communication. This means removing your emotions. Many times, couples facing divorce allow their emotions rather than logic to dictate their discussions and their decisions. Think of divorce as a lesson in patience and endurance. The biggest divorce settlement tip--focus on the long-term outcome, not the small-time details. "Who gets Grandma's tea service?", is not nearly as important as
"how do we raise our children?"
Most people looking for a divorce attorney are in a state of shock. They are in grief similar to what is felt with the death of a loved one; it is a death of sorts, the death of a marriage. Choosing the right lawyer can be a daunting task, but this one decision can determine the outcome of your divorce and, indeed, your future life. An uncontested, or no-fault divorce, can be dealt with quickly and cheaply if both partners agree to separate amicably. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case.
Many specifics of a divorce settlement are likely to get ugly. Child custody, visitation rights, property ownership, alimony, child support payments, attorney costs--all of these are going to be difficult roadblocks. Divorce is not easy for anyone. When you lose a limb, even when it is numb from nerve damage, it is still a difficult loss.
The dissolution of a marriage can often leave people in a state of confusion and despair. Often, people tend to make irrational and impartial decisions whether it be entering into a new relationship too soon, having a continual series of "one-night" stands, or making large financial purchases--like a new sports car or palatial home. Try to avoid alcohol and illegal drugs. Being in such an emotionally vulnerable state, it can be easy to fall victim to addictive behaviors.
Make a conscious effort to look forward, not backward. Do not be judgmental or angry at your ex-spouse or yourself. A divorce is not a sign of weakness or failure. It is the end of a relationship that simply did not work out. Let time heal the wounds as you begin to create a new life for yourself. None of the suggestions offered here will relieve your pain immediately, but they can help. Remember, tips only work if they are used.
About the Author
Larry Denton is a retired history teacher having taught 33 years at Hobson High in Hobson, Montana. He is currently Vice President of Elfin Enterprises, Inc., an Internet business dedicated to providing valuable information and resources on a variety of topics. For a court room full of additional information to guide you through this grueling and painful process please visit http://www.DivorceDeal.com
divorce.co.uk - advice on mediation, counselling and legal aspects ... |
An overview of divorce in the UK, including the law, mediation options and emotional support, from Mills & Reeve. |
www.divorce.co.uk |
Divorce Magazine, information about separation and divorce |
Divorce Magazine is a compassionate self-help resource for people in need of information about separation and divorce. |
www.divorcemag.com |
Divorce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Divorce or dissolution of marriage is the ending of a marriage before the ... A decree of divorce is initially granted 'nisi', i.e. (unless cause is later ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
DivorceNet - Divorce Net: Family Law Information, Solutions, News ... |
DivorceNet® is the Internet's largest divorce resource, offering state-specific articles, an online community and a nationwide directory of divorce lawyers, ... |
www.divorcenet.com |
The Divorce Support Page: Divorce, Child Custody, Alimony, Support ... |
a support site for people experiencing, divorce, dissolution, separation, custody, alimony, visitation, etc. Divorce professionals to help you in your area. |
www.divorcesupport.com |
Divorce Source: a legal resource for divorce, custody, alimony ... |
A state specific divorce web site providing information and referrals for people facing and experiencing issues revolving around divorce, separation, ... |
www.divorcesource.com |
DivorceInfo Surviving Divorce Managing Lawyers Alimony Child Support |
Divorceinfo -Survive your divorce with some money in your pocket and your dignity intact. |
www.divorceinfo.com |
Divorce - Wex |
An overview of divorce law with links to key primary and secondary sources, from Cornell University's Legal Information Institute. |
www.law.cornell.edu |
MedlinePlus: Divorce |
Children; Children and Divorce (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) ... Select services and providers for Divorce in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Divorce Aid :: Online Guide to UK Divorce Law, Information and Advice |
The largest free online interactive divorce resource in the UK for divorce law, advice, emotional support, counselling, mediation, and website for ... |
www.divorceaid.co.uk |
Divorce-Online :The UK's leading low cost divorce service |
The largest free online divorce and separation resource in the UK with information, forums, chat, experts and articles. |
www.divorce-online.co.uk |
How to Divorce As Friends - Featured on Oprah - Bill Ferguson |
Advice, recommended books, and telephone counseling to help couples resolve difficult issues connected with divorce or even save their marriage. |
www.divorceasfriends.com |
Welcome To Divorce Online ~ www.divorceonline.com |
An electronic journal providing information and referrals for people facing divorce. |
www.divorceonline.com |
Federal Magistrates Court - On-line Application for Divorce |
In the short-term, please use the Application for Divorce form which can be found at ... Our E-mail address for family law enquiries (including divorce) is ... |
www.divorce.gov.au |
DivorceCare: Divorce Recovery Support Groups |
DivorceCare is a divorce recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. |
www.divorcecare.com |
Divorce Central Home Page |
Links to divorce-related resources, organized by state, with an archive of articles and interviews. |
www.divorcecentral.com |
Divorce Helpline — tools to keep you out of court |
Providing information about divorce, and referrals to family law attorneys. |
www.divorcehelp.com |
Divorce and relationship breakdown : Directgov - Parents |
Advice on counselling, mediation and the divorce process, including where to find a solicitor. |
www.direct.gov.uk |
Americans for Divorce Reform, Inc. |
John Crouch speaks about divorce law reform and presents a paper by John Crouch and Richard ... To find out how to work on divorce reform in your state ... |
www.divorcereform.org |
Divorce Busting® - Solve Marriage Problems, Save My Marriage, Save ... |
Divorce is not the answer to marriage problems. Stop your divorce and save your marriage with advice from Michele Weiner-Davis. |
www.divorcebusting.com |