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Long Distance Caregiving for a Loved One is Particularly Difficult
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Long Distance Caregiving for a Loved One is Particularly Difficult
The phone rang at 5 a.m. John was sure it couldn’t be good news at that hour. He was right. Mom’s neighbors were calling him from 850 miles away in Texas to say that she was out watering her roses an hour ago on a cold, early spring morning. John knew that she had been failing. She wasn’t the same Mom he could always count to stand by him. Now he needed to stand by her. But how?
Families are now living further apart from each other. This is difficult because your elders require ever-increasing assistance, yet the distance between you makes it difficult to perform the tasks of a primary caregiver. But most elders are reluctant to leave their home of many years to move to the town in which their adult children live. This reluctance can become a stressful point of contention between adult children and their parent(s).
Often, it is a financial issue. In-home care and assisted living can be much more expensive in New York or California than in the center of the country. Resources simply may not stretch as far to allow one to live as one chooses. Regardless of the reasons, many adult children find themselves far away and concerned that parents are not doing as well as they may insist in those telephone visits. There are some ways to help manage long distance caregiving. +Try to visit as soon as possible to assess the situation. Take notes of possible problem areas and gather information about senior resources in their area. +Make sure legal and financial affairs are in place. Keep copies of important papers and telephone numbers of contacts. +Plan ahead to have back up providers to care for your own family in case you
need to make an unexpected visit to your relative. It is also a good idea to bank some vacation or sick days from work for these visits as well. +Seek the assistance of a Professional Care Manager specializing in assessing and monitoring the needs of the elderly. +Consider all the options before moving your relative, but begin talking with them about this possibility. You could be surprised to learn they are willing to move closer to you, but they never mentioned this for fear of burdening you with their problems. +Retain a copy of the Yellow Pages that serves your parent's community. The next time your parent calls and you need to locate resources, you won't need to search out numbers or call information long-distance.
When you live hundreds of miles away from an aging loved one, there is a constant level of anxiety over his or her welfare. Every family must make their own decisions about how to handle the situation. Dr. Mary Pipher, in her book Another Country, Navigating the Emotional Terrain of our Elders makes a convincing argument for having the aging parent(s) move near the adult child who will, or currently handles their financial or care decisions. It is an option that should be given much consideration. Be sure to have a contact person who lives close to the parent periodically checking on their health and cognitive status. Better yet, also have someone who can act upon your and her or his behalf until you can.
Linda LaPointe, MRA, has helped hundreds of families as an ElderLife Matters consultant and national educator. Find free informational articles, exercises, links, audio interviews and products to help families experiencing elder issues at her website http://www.SOSpueblo.com
Eldercare Search |
Local information, referral resources, and contact information for state and local agencies, from the United States' Health and Human Services Department. |
www.eldercare.gov |
Eldercare Search |
Main Eldercare Image. Clear Image. Medicare Search ... Eldercare Locator Footer. Contact us | Privacy Notice | Accessibility |. Text Size : Small | Medium | ... |
www.eldercare.gov |
ElderWeb | ElderWeb |
ElderWeb. Award-winning online eldercare sourcebook. Topics | Regions | Site Map. Theme. Medium, Large, X Large. ElderWeb ... |
www.elderweb.com |
ElderCare Online - Information, Education, and Support for Elderly ... |
information and support for caregivers to the elderly with alzheimer's disease. |
www.ec-online.net |
CareGuide :: |
The CareGuide Assessment is designed to help you quickly locate the most relevant resources and information about your elder care situation. ... |
www.eldercare.com |
Seniors, Caregivers, Elder Care, and Disabilities in Massachusetts ... |
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services (Massachusetts) offers resources, information, advice & services to Seniors, Caregivers & People with Disabilities. |
www.eldercare.org |
san diego eldercare directory |
eldercare.uniontrib.com/ - 1k - Cached - Similar pages |
Eldercare Services, Elderly Care, Aging Parents, Seniors, Long ... |
An in-depth resource center for elder care topics such as: geriatric care management, home health care options, estate planning, understanding medicare, ... |
www.eldercareadvocates.com |
Family Eldercare - Serving older adults, people with disabilities ... |
Austin non-profit organization providing a range of services for older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers. |
www.familyeldercare.org |
Transitions, Inc. Elder Care Consulting |
On-line guide to elder caregiving, opinion column written by an older adult, caregiver's support forum, assessment tools, tips about working with older ... |
www.asktransitions.com |
Health Care & Elder Care - Resource Center |
Providing articles, information, and financial planning calculators for retirement and elder care. |
www.nolo.com |
Eldercare Referral Service |
Eldercare Referral Service is a free service offered to seniors or their family members to assist them in locating senior housing. |
www.eldercare.net |
Elder Care Services - Elder Care Of Wisconsin |
Health care coordination and long-term care for older adults. Includes descriptions of programs and services, job opportunities, and ways to help. |
www.elderc.org |
eldercare website |
Eldercare have been operating a social alarm control centre near Manchester ... In 1998 Eldercare became the first Social Alarm Control Centre to be granted ... |
www.eldercare.co.uk |
Eldercare Locator |
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) administers the Eldercare Locator in partnership with the National Association of State Units on ... |
www.n4a.org |
The U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) |
Eldercare Locator. Search Eldercare Locator Toll Free: 1-800-677-1116. Summit Registration. Register for Summit · New Intensives Added ... |
www.aoa.gov |
FHA - Eldercare at Home |
From the Foundation for Health in Aging. A twenty eight chapter online resource for families and friends who are caring for older people at home. |
www.healthinaging.org |
ElderCare New Zealand |
ElderCare is a national network of residential care facilities which offer ... ElderCare… a network of residential care homes and hospitals for older people ... |
www.eldercare.co.nz |
Eldercare Home Health - All about Elder care in Toronto |
Eldercare Home Health is a Toronto, Ontario Canada based home healthcare provider specializing in Elder Care. Helping seniors stay happy, independent and ... |
www.eldercarehomehealth.com |
Eldercare |
Phone: (02) 9416 6922 Enquiries: info@eldercare.com.au ... O&P Eldercare is a division of Occasional & Permanent Nannies & Housekeepers (NSW) Pty. Ltd. |
www.eldercare.com.au |