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MORAL ARMOR'S Irrational Parenting, Part II

Handing Down Malignancy.

Children may begin bright and eager to face the world, but are often inundated with the conditioning of their fear-ridden predecessors speaking of lost dreams—taken by no one in particular. Their guardians appear learned, but seem not to damn the worst traits in men. In facing life’s greatest question, venturing into their future lives based solely on the hopes of an untested mind, they are offered an alternative. The fear-preying lure of their elders is to stay common and small. In place of goals, there will be duty. In place of love, there will be dependency. In place of identity, there will be pretense. In place of understanding, there will be orders. In place of agreements, there will be domination. In place of respect, there will be power. In place of standards, there will be social sentiment. In place of reason, there will be faith. In place of dignity, there will be sacrifice. In place of progress, there will be culture. For their submission, they are offered unconditional acceptance.

Schooled evil has a nightmare advantage over unskilled virtue. Against a more complete and experienced evil, adolescent innocence stands little chance. With a wider certainty in the field of corruption, such cowards always seek to dominate the unformed. They have many more methods than someone newer to life or to a given context who walks a fragile line for the first time—carefully forming his epistemological trunk prior to branching. Imagine four-year-old eyes, staring up at evil—guilty of the sin of perception, a trait crucial to the survival of any living thing—serving animals, but damned in Man. Not helping to arm him for life, this evil is intent on knocking the weapons out of his hands, forcing him to give in to the void, which will be filled by patterns of expropriation, designed in response to their own fears. Youth must hesitate, not because nature requires it, but because social flaws and immoral conditioning get in the way of truth. A desert island youth would skip this phase.

There are only two ways to corrupt a human being. First, by direct physical harm or its precursor, threats of consequence, as such action disrupts the function of the entity. Second, by providing a context that makes it okay for the entity to harm itself, to convey or frame thoughts in a way that sanctions the debilitation of the victim’s own life-furthering potential.

A mind disconnected from living usefulness cannot convey the importance of ability. A mind relishing the spectacle of getting away with anything, disconnects its offspring from virtue. With each generation it degenerates; the victims are driven further from the grounding patterns of cause and effect, further from rationality, further from morality and further into its inevitable results—self-hatred and stagnation. The hidden desires of the first generation become the open desires of the second. The third acts on them, not realizing the dreams of the first, but the true end, dysfunction. First, they go to unwanted jobs arguing that they shouldn’t have to, then raise children who aren’t employable. They in turn abide by laws which they claim limit their rights to the work of others, then raise children who steal. In each

successive generation they wipe out a level of values, and the ability to identify them. They shorten their own intellectual range, and stunt their children’s in turn. By stunting any means to a clean sense of self-worth, their children are that much more willing to participate in what disregards it.

The correct philosophical knowledge has been available for thousands of years—predating Christianity—held back by parents and leaders who prefer to see their children’s hampered, helpless spirits die just to stave off the fear of discovering their own unnamed inadequacies. They chose our pain and limitations in order to hide from their own. Men are brought into the world fully armed, with no need for tampering of any kind. It is the Spirit Murderers who slowly take his weapons from him. Their method to bring about submission, helplessness and penance, breeds Self-made Man’s antithesis: the dependent. This method of creating zombies to do the bidding of the Fear-driven is identical to their own pattern of degenerative development. When he doesn’t have to acknowledge ability—human beings shrink back to a level he need not fear.

I know how social trends work; I know Moral Armor will have many opponents. There will be mothers screaming their hatred, safely aiming it away from themselves and towards me, delivering their children into the hell of their own stagnant processes, forever unwilling to face and except responsibility for the result of their own actions. Instead of mature growth, they’ll commit the ultimate evil—the spirit murder of their own offspring—sacrificing them to feed the headless monster of their own denial.

It took a long time to realize what the older generations have been doing to the younger, and I can see why many turned to drugs. We’re worse off because of what they’ve had us automate. We were harped on if we did bad. We were ostracized and ignored when we did too well. With no path to harmony, escape is sometimes the only option. The moral default of our elders has made life intolerable for everyone. Enough is enough. Many of them don’t exercise their power responsibly, so it is time to take it away from them. No more power over us and over the world’s future. No more running it into the ground. Their true error, intentional or not, is that they use their consciousness improperly, and they don’t want to redeem their errors. How many lies do they intend to take to the grave? By understanding the nature of consciousness and the sound moral base for all thought and action, we can reveal the true moral sanction for how we live and interact every day. Then we can break free from their domination and see the world honor the new management.

Our next installment will focus on a surprising source of typical cognitive abuse; which is a challenge for even a good parent to avoid!
Ronald E. Springer is the Author/Philosopher of Moral Armor, the world's first fully-integrated moral philosophy based on the nature of Man. Featured on The Mitch Albom Show, NBC and FOX News radio affiliates, Mr. Springer is available for interviews, speaking engagements, philosophy workshops and seminars. Please contact or visit for details.


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