8 fundamental mistakes for ezine failure you must avoid.
8 fundamental mistakes for ezine failure you must avoid.
It is true that sometimes in life there is a small line between failure and success. The same thing applies with ezines and newsletters. Some details we consider unimportant are the keys for the success
of our publication or failure.
1) Careful with the from field.
Although many consider this as a detail it is the first thing a user will see. From who is the email. Use either your name or your business
name. Avoid any kind of other phrases in that field .It will cost you a lot.
2) Subject line.
This is the second more important field in the email. Avoid hype in that area like “Earn 50.000$ in 2 weeks” e.t.c. People are smarter than you think. You will never be believable. Emphasize to the purpose of
your newsletter .Do not use more than 7 words in your subject line.
3) Call to buy in the first mailing.
That is a common mistake most ezine publishers do .They have sales pitch on the first time. Research has proved that you will gain your subscriber trust after 6 to 7 mailings according always to the content
you offer.
4) Use death words which spam filters ban.
For God’s sake, Do Not use words or phrases like free, make money, hello, your family, and other. Your newsletter will go directly to junk mail and
will be erased without notice.
5) Avoid too much personalization.
Although personalization is important in order to create a friendly ambience do not overdo it. Some people will consider this as rudeness. Use their name
only once in your mailings on the first line of your message, not more. Otherwise some of your subscribers will be insulted and unsubscribe in a second.
6) Use more verbs, not adjectives.
It has been proved by the best internet marketers and advertisement agencies that verbs are much
stronger than adjectives. Especially the call to action verbs
are so strong that could increase the response rate up to 700%! For example use the verbs, boost, explode instead of the increase. See how stronger they are?
7) Use auto responders not web pages.
Many people use on their mailings or other advertisement campaigns their web page mostly. That is big a mistake. The estimate shows that 30% max
will subscribe from your web site. On the contrary if you promote your auto responder the percentage, goes from 80% to 100%!
8) Too much info in the submit form.
Another typical mistake. Some ezines require submitting more personal information such as: email, first and last name, area and other. The info
you really need is the first name and the email. Everything more than that is considered by many internet users as violation of their personal
info. That means less subscribers for your ezine.
Copyright 2003. Chris Varsamis is the owner of the
affiliate marketing ezine and an internet marketing
consultant. You can have access to more articles like
this to: ezine-affiliate-marketing@Getresponse.com
Copyright 2003. Chris Varsamis is the owner of the
affiliate marketing ezine and an internet marketing
consultant. You can have access to more articles like
this to: ezine-affiliate-marketing@Getresponse.com http://www.ezine-affiliate-marketing.com