Ezine & Newsletter Publishers Want You!
Ezine & Newsletter Publishers Want You! by Art Luff © 2001
I was putting my Newsletter together this Morning and while doing so, I received an email that really opened my eyes to a Source of Promotion that if You're Not Utilizing, Your Missing the Boat. The email was from Wild Bill Montgomery over at "The InfoZone Article Express." Here's what he said:
"Heres A Special Message For You Art," From the Editor: Wild Bill Montgomery
"Because we only had one submission for you this morning, I thought I would give you some re-releases of some previous articles that were no longer in the article database. Golden Oldies you might say....well "old" for my Internet writing career anyway..."
Wow! Only one? Now I'm not going to tell you that I've used this method of Promotion on a regular basis. It has however inspired me to at least Try to put together Articles in my Area of Expertise. Also to make it part of my regular promotional efforts.
When you think about the amount of ezines and newsletters that are being published on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, It boggles the mind to think of the exposure you're missing by Not Writing Articles.
I'm No Expert, but I have learned a few things about What, Where and How to put an Article together.
I'm already hearing All your objections as to Why you can't do this. Believe me I've used them all. After closer inspection I realized they weren't really objections. They were more like excuses.
First off I would suggest that You not Big Deal this thing! We all know something about something. We don't need a degree in Journalism.
We don't need to write a James Michener novel.
If all you can put together is a few paragraphs. That will suffice. The more articles you write the better you will become. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!
Pick a Topic and Headline. Seems that thinking of a headline causes the ideas for the article to be stimulated.
Don't get in a Big Hurry. This is not a race. There's no timeline. It's done when you say it's done.
Write a paragraph or two and put it down. Come back to it as the ideas come to you. You will be amazed at how simple it is. Don't forget to check your spelling and grammar. Nothing worse than finding a bunch of misspelled words in an article. Also, Don't make your article sound like a sales pitch for your site or program. They're Credibility Thieves.
But, "Where do I send Them?" you ask. Well for starters you can send them to a list of 550 ezine/newsletter publishers that is available by sending a blank
email. mailto:freeezineads-list@getresponse.com Most publishers are more than willing to receive your articles.
There are many Free Content Websites you can also submit to. My favorite is:
Wild Bill Montgomery
There are also some good lists at Yahoo, Topica, etc.
This should keep you busy for awhile. Just remember that not all your work will get published right away. It's a real Boost when you read an ezine and find your article has been published in it. It's addictive!
Last and certainly not least. At the end of your article you'll need to include a resource box. Keep it short and to the point. An example will be below.
Make this FUN. Because it is. Plus, People that you normally wouldn't be exposed to will discover who you are.
Happy Writing!
Success and Regards,
Art Luff
«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» Art Luff is the Editor and Publisher of "The Virtual Times Newsletter" A resource for Starting, Publishing, and Managing your own Ezine or Newsletter. To Subscribe mailto:virtualtimes-subscribe@listbot.com He is also a Proud Member of the iStarzine Network of Ezine Owners. You can visit his site here: http://www.world-inetstar.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi/al5852/index.html «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»