Should I Publish My Own Ezine?
Should I Publish My Own Ezine? c 2002 By Ruth Duda
I have many subscribers email me and ask me questions about publishing their own ezine. Many would like to publish an ezine, but just aren't sure they can do it.
These are the top 5 questions I am asked, and the answers I give.
1) Should I publish my own ezine?
This is something only you can answer. Publishing a quality ezine takes time, determination, commitment, and work. But, it can also be fun! You will meet some great people and make lasting friendships.
2) How much work is involved?
As an ezine publisher I can tell you that publishing an ezine can be a lot of work. How much, depends on how often you publish, whether you offer your subscribers free ads, and whether you write articles for your publications.
While, it is not necessary to write every article that runs in your ezine, it is a good idea to write some! By writing your own articles, you offer your subscribers original content. You may also submit your articles to other publishers and gain valuable free advertising for your ezine. At the end of your article include what is referred to as a resource box. This resource box contains information about the author, their site, and copyright notice.
3) How do I get started?
Getting started is not really difficult. The first thing you want to do is design a template. You most likely already are subscribed to many ezines. I'm sure you have favorites! Decide what you like about the ezines you receive and then include these things in your template.
Make sure your list is an opt-in list. Opt-in simply means they chose to subscribe. Don't add
people to your list because they submitted to your Free For All Link page, etc.
4) What expenses are involved?
The expenses involved in starting an ezine need not be high in the beginning. Usually one of the free services will work fine for a small list. I recommend Yahoogroups.
Once you have a larger subscriber base and have outgrown the free service, you will need to purchase list manager software or use a paid list management service.
5) When should I start to offer paid advertising?
Usually you can start to accept paid advertising when your subscriber base reaches 1,000 - 1,500 subscribers. If you exchange ads with other publishers these numbers can be reached in a short time. The more promoting you do, the faster your base will grow!
In conclusion, I can only say, I truly enjoy publishing my ezine. I love the interaction with my subscribers. And there is nothing nicer than to receive an email from a subscriber saying, "I love your ezine, it has been so helpful to me." Yes, publishing an ezine can be a lot of work can also be very rewarding. Just ask any publisher!
Ruth publishes the "Wealth Connection Marketing Ezine." Visit: to subscribe. New subscribers receive a Free Ad.
This article may be freely reprinted on your website or in your opt-in ezine, provided that the resource box remains intact including this signature.