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Finding a Physical Phone Tap
If you are worried that you have a phone tap problem, there are
some ways to investigate the truth and try to find the tap. A
physical phone tap is one that is actually present on your
phone, or present somewhere along the phone wire. Usually
someone somewhere has done something to allow their phone wires
to share with yours, so that they can pick up their phone and
listen to your conversation -- an even possibly record it. There
are also transmitter taps that may be somewhere in your home and
listening in. For transmitter taps, a regular "bug sweep" ought
to do the trick. But for a physical phone bug? You need to do a
little hunting. The first likely physical phone tap is one that
is actually attached somewhere to the wires in your house. This
means that you will need to follow the wires from your phone to
the jacks and also from the TNI box outside your house all the
way into your home. Many of these wires go through the basement,
and so you should check down there. Because there is the
possibility that the physical tap could be in the wall, you
might find that tearing up the wall is your only option.
However, it would be very difficult for a tap to be put there
without your knowledge, unless it happened during
building. The
TNI box mentioned above should also be checked. You can open it
up and see if there is something unusual inside. If you want to
double check the side of the box that says "restricted," you
will need an alan wrench. Luckily, these are available at most
hardware stores. Thoroughly checking your TNI box is a good
move, as this is a likely place for people to physically tap
into your line without you noticing. Of course, if you are
subject to a government phone tap, it does not really matter.
This is because the government uses the phone company's switch.
There is nothing anywhere near your house to tap into. You can
escape a government tap by using a prepaid cell phone (a regular
cell phone can be tapped the same way as a conventional phone)
or a public pay phone, but it your land line tapped, there is no
detecting a government phone tap. (c) 2005 Copyright
www.spyassociates.com. This article is about: Phone Tap.
About the author:
To learn more about Spy and Surveillance Products visit http://www.spyassociates.com<
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