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neck - calling and sending you letters so much that...
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Project Management: Avoid Work Scope Creep!
Copyright 2005 Kinesis, Inc.
Congratulations! You've just got a new client for an exciting
project that is going to be fun and profitable. You carefully
discuss the work with her and she sends in a down payment.
BANG! You are off and running!
The following week, you are happily working on this exciting
project and your phone rings. It is your great new
client...wanting to make a slight change to the project. Hmmm...
Being the wonderful and oh-so-easy-to-work with consultant that
you are, you agree, hang up the phone, and get back to work.
A couple of days later, the phone rings. It's your {AHEM} great
new client again with a "few more ideas for changes."
"Well, okay," you agree, somewhat reluctantly, and hang up the
phone. Now, you have to go back and revise some of your work to
date and your original estimate no longer covers the scope of
work. Your new and exciting project just officially became a
stressful time suck that won't be such a great moneymaker.
Yes, it's the Dread Work Scope Creep. {B-horror film sound
effects kick in here with a woman's scream at seeing the monster}
Does this sound familiar? If you - like many consultants -
aren't managing the change process properly, the result will be:
# stress # long hours # inadequate compensation # missed
deadlines # an unhappy client # an unhappy YOU
Well, there is hope. Here are some tips to help you manage those
"little" changes to keep them from growing into the monster
project with no end in sight:
Create a Contract: Ever heard the expression contracts keep
friends? Well, it's true. Your written agreement
should describe
what you doing for this specific project, what each party is
responsible for (deliverables), and how much it will cost. Also,
make sure to include a line that explains costs for additional
services, revisions, meetings, and so on that are requested by
the client and are outside the scope of the agreed-upon project.
Both parties should sign this BEFORE the onset of the project.
Communicate Changes: When your client calls asking for changes,
make a note of the conversation. Then, write them down and
e-mail or fax them to your client. Make sure you are clear about
how this affects the project budget and/or deadlines. If it is a
new client, you may want to consider a follow-up call to ensure
they understand how their request will impact the project.
Don't Overcommit: Don't say "yes" just because you are afraid to
say "no." It is perfectly acceptable to tell your client "it
won't work." Make sure to follow up with a valid explanation and
tell them what you are willing to do. If your client doesn't
respect you, your abilities, and your time constraints, he or
she is not a client you want to keep.
By managing your work change process effectively, you will avoid
the Dreaded Work Scope Creep {Horror flick scream again}. This
will help ensure your projects and client relationships are
profitable, pleasant, and manageable.
About the author:
Wendy Maynard, your friendly Marketing Maven, publishes
REMARKABLE MARKETING, a weekly ezine for business owners,
freelancers, and entrepreneurs. If you're ready to skyrocket
your sales, easily attract customers, and have more fun, get
your FREE REPORT at: http://www.gomarketingmaven.com
About Management - business management - people management - and more |
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Management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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en.wikipedia.org |
Free Management Library |
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Datamation provides ideas and analysis for IT managers, featuring case studies and trend spotting reports on IT project and service management issues. |
itmanagement.earthweb.com |
Management |
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www.dmsp.dauphine.fr |
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www.shrm.org |
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FT.com / Business Life |
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Small Business Management: Advice and Guides |
Online guide to small business management. Find articles, advice and how-to guides. |
www.entrepreneur.com |
Academy of Management Online |
Academy of Management: This is the official web site of the Academy of Management, with information on membership, journals, list servers, web sites, ... |
www.aomonline.org |
Business Management, Leadership and Decision Making Strategies and ... |
Provides business management articles, webcasts, online learning, and books as well as conferences focused on leadership and decision making. |
www.bettermanagement.com |
Object Management Group |
Distributed object computing industry standards group founded in 1989. Defined standards include CORBA and IIOP. |
www.omg.org |
Management Reading | Global Executive | Business | Economist.com |
The one management thinker every educated person should read Nov 17th 2005 ... The story of Emerson's successful management process is fascinating. ... |
www.economist.com |
Emerald: Home |
Publisher of journals in management and library and information services, engineering, applied science and technology. |
www.emeraldinsight.com |
Yale School of Management |
The mission of the Yale School of Management is to educate global leaders for business and society. We pride ourselves in providing a hard-edged business ... |
mba.yale.edu |
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www.usajobs.opm.gov |
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