Beyond Management Coaching: When Things Are Getting Out of Control
Leaders and Managers often ask us, ‘What do you do when you have tried to coach and counsel an employee about a performance concern, and the employee has not responded? Unfortunately, we see far too many cases where the leader hasn’t, in good...
Debt Management Advice
The best debt management gives you the most financial options.
By making regular payments and having a low debt to income
ratio, you can access credit when you choose. If you aren't in
that situation, then ask for help from the variety of...
Management Coaching vs. Performance Appraisals
The question often comes up, “Isn’t management coaching a lot like the familiar performance appraisal process?” Our answer is that the two are dramatically different. The CMOE team originally became interested in the coaching process because of our...
Management Development - Micromanagement Works!
Ever been told not to micromanage your people? Because it irritates them and is a waste of your time, their time and leads to bad habits? Well it's all true. If you micromanage your people in all that they do, it will drive you and them nuts. But...
Simple Time Management Skills Generalized
Time management skills are simple. The problem is all of us are
different, and each of us has to learn which skill works best
for us. Often when we fail, we feel discouraged, depressed,
stressed, and our confidence is affected. Failure is a...
Why Asset Management Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme
When you are considering asset management consider what it takes to learn the field before you attempt it yourself. What I mean by asset management is more complex than just balancing your check book (although that is part of it).
I mean your entire financial worth, not just the money in the bank but the money that is tied up in your home, stocks, bonds and retirement accounts, everything that you may have or will have.
This is a field for professionals to work in not amateurs. You would not go to your neighbor 'Dave' and have him look at your trick knee (unless he was a doctor) and you would not go to see your in-laws and ask them to diagnose car trouble (unless they are mechanics).
But every day somebody goes to his neighbor or to their in- laws and asks them for financial advice.
Financial advice about things like asset management is a complex field that takes years of study to learn. There are many self-help programs on the internet and on TV that encourage you to learn 'a simple easy system' to make millions.
Well this is a flat out lie. If a
simple easy system could teach you to handle your money and make millions we would have far more millionaires than we do. In fact only those folks that didn't have a computer would be poor. Don't be taken in by the advertisements that you get in your e-mail or that you see on late night TV.
Asset management can be learned but you need to pay attention to what you are doing and not give in to easy fads or get rich quick schemes. When you are considering what money you need to send your kids to college, go on that dream vacation or retire to the Caribbean with you are really considering your future.
Nobody wants anything less for themselves than their dreams. If you put your dreams in the hands of professionals you are far more likely to realize them than if you allow Dave from down the block to set your goals.
About the Author
Jame Printon has worked in big companies all his life. A major issue in those companies is asset management. Over a number of years James developed excellent asset management skills, and now shares his experience in a series of useful articles.
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