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The New Spiritual Marketing Explosion – Part I
1- Short Spiritual Preparation
The Primary Principle of Life also applies to business. To 99% of humans, this principle still seems to be a complete unknown, and may be the main cause for their failure. However, if applied, one can get infused with a new enthusiasm that knows no boundaries. It can also be called the ultimate motivator that can keep a person going, going and going. Persistence will no longer be a problem, and to do anything it takes and apply oneself fully may as well become the law for any one, who knows it. This principle abides by the law of ‘Optimum Necessity’, also called Simplicity. Our highest genius, the one on whom Satan blames it all, set it up that way. To face it as soon as possible, possibly right now, always remember and apply it, will revolutionize ones life.
What is this very simple Primary Principle?
Everything I do, say, think, give, or take stays in my very own realm and directly affects me, no one else.
So, if I judge, criticize, hate, dislike, am mad at, would like to kill, or what ever else I wish upon another, this works to the effect that I might as well grab a hammer and knock myself out all day, or shoot my feet until none are left, if not a big ‘sickness’ befalls me first. On the other hand, if I bless, heal and prosper every person with whom I come into contact, or whom I meet at a distance, I will be prosperous, young and healthy. The more of it I do, as well as the more sincerely I do it, the sooner my prosperity shows up.
Nothing else is required? Nope. That’s all one has to spiritualize.
Again, the more I wish all others well, send them my loving thoughts and wishes, the more of what I wish for will come my way. (Even if ‘THEY’ seem like idiots to me, they still are divinely directed; God is and always has been in charge. ‘Forgive them, for they know not what they do’.)
How do I know? I read the bible. In the book of Job, we learn that pleading, begging, moaning and groaning, persuading, complaining, self-pity, wining, hiding, crying and yammering had NO EFFECT. As soon as Job PRAYED FOR HIS FRIENDS, God gave him instantly twice as much as he had before.
Will this wisdom still apply to me?
Wisdom is timeless, and in today’s society mostly disregarded.
2- What Are The Most Important Aspects In My Marketing?
a) I must realize that I sell myself. In choosing my products, or services according to my character, values and interests, I will be successful, for they harmonize with me and it shows. When harmony transpires to my customers, they will buy me first, and also my products & services, for they instinctively sense a mutual wave-length and know that I am not just after their money.
b) I must realize that my main benefits may not be the same for my customer. The best used car sales people sell by just asking a few common place questions, in order to fish for the main concerns, for at first, nothing is obvious. Once, the primary concern of their customer is known, they let him or her sell himself, or herself, by constantly and calmly reflecting that particular value upon him, or her. This is simple but requires intuitive guidance, nearly to the degree of an art.
Brian Tracy put this in excellent terms, when describing how a Real Estate pro would go about it. The couple enters the property, and the woman cries out: “Sweaty, isn’t this the most gorgeous blossoming Cherry tree you have ever seen!?” They inspect the property, and once in a while, the husband mumbles, “well this carpet will have to be replaced, or,
this faucet is leaking…”. No problem for the pro, meaning well and wanting to help them sell themselves, he just says: “Oh, I’m sure that the seller can agree with you on those particulars”, then points, once again, to the beautiful blossoming Cherry tree.
c) Each time, my mind urges me to ‘sell’, I have to breathe deeply and think about the main principle. My intent is NOT to sell, but to bless, heal and prosper the customer.
d) I must, in any situation, whether on the phone conference call, in my ads, in my articles, or facing a huge audience, completely focus on ONE individual only, and talk as if I were face to face with my best friend. The degree of intimacy and attention are unparalleled, and thus make me adequate and successful. When speaking to one individual with foremost care and sensitivity, the energy and light I generate will be sufficient to warm up and influence every one concerned, regardless whether close-by, or on the other end of the world.
How do I know? The bible is the best example. It speaks in depth to one individual at a time, and reflects upon the student his, or her unique situation, sequence of events and brings wisdom home, while also giving clues in regards to all of humanity.
e) As a spiritual being, I realize that money is the mere shadow of value. If I am money-oriented, it becomes obvious to others that I am mislead. Why would any intelligent being make the Don Quichotte (a story told by Cervantes)?
3- The Words I Use Stand For Only 16% Of My Message
Now that I have become one with my products and services, I also have to be that single-minded person to offer them to the people to whom they will be helpful and beneficial. Who else would know the wave I am riding as intimately as I?
There is a tiny population in the Amazon, whose members do not articulate any language. They utter small sounds, almost as Dolphins do. When a research team arrived there for observation, one main woman faced the researcher directly, and he was able to see the pictures and meaning she was conveying to him. She also told him that her tribe existed to show humanity what they were originally capable of.
What does this ‘heart to heart’ communication symbolize?
The Living Word, or the Common Denominator Of Understanding Language, Body Language, Heart Language in spite of words used. I let no self-serving idea interfere, and, once again, remember the Primary Principle. Not one or the other, only the combination of an innocent and peaceful heart can use our original Glory to the max. This is how I add the remaining 84% to my offer – and WIN – WIN becomes the reality.
What does this mean to you? No matter what they tell you in regards to which words to use, YOU USE YOUR OWN UNIQUE EXPRESSION. It’s your sincerity, my friend, not your slick savvy, hypnotic ability, or intellectual high-flight.
Here’s a tip that can almost guarantee your additional impact, even if you are still working on your ‘heart language’. How about adding your own unfailing angel’s voice to your presentation, whose lure, extending beyond your good-will, brings your message home, every time, because it emphasizes your real, natural voice and capacity? Click Here: http://www.macromiracle.net/greatvoice.htm
Look for more on the new spiritual marketing explosion in Part II.
About the Author
---*** Dr. Ina Bliss is the Final Prophet & Interpreter of the Law. You can meet her at www.macromiracle.net and look at her personal chief’s real picture at www.jesusrealpicture.com
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