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Dirty White Boy! (MHM-Mental Health Matters!)
What exactly do I mean by the name of this chapter? What I mean
is this, when you don't have any money because you are on social
security you are frowned upon and looked down upon, hey let's
face it when you are this low, you never take a shower so you
look terrible and smell just as bad.
I wonder why that is the first thing to go is personal hygiene,
why this is I am not sure but it is a proven fact, henceforth
the name dirty white boy. Because if you look bad, smell bad and
live in the not so great part of town and to top it all off you
have to drive clunkers, that literally look like shit on wheels,
now do you see how some people not knowing you have an illness,
could mistake you for a low life, trailer trash, or even a DIRTY
Now don't get me wrong these biologically unhappy people can't
help themselves. Let me try to explain an illness or illnesses
to you all, as I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder),
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), OCPD (Obsessive
Compulsive Personality Disorder), GAD (General Anxiety
Disorder), and I am (Bi Polar) now how's that for an illness?
Let me explain some of the symptoms of all these illnesses and
then I believe you will have a better chance at understanding
what a fellow human being my be going through, be it a loved
one, friend, patient.
BPD - Some of the symptoms for this illness are very severe. The
reason they call it borderline is because the patient is said to
live at the border of reality and make believe. I must admit
this is the toughest illness that I have ever went up against
and just when I think I have it whooped, it let's out a furious
attack and I get knocked down a few pegs. So what are some of
the symptoms of this dreaded disease?
You are very compulsive in all or any of the following - Sexual
behavior when you are in a down mood you something tells your
mind that having sex with anyone you can find will make you feel
better, guess what it does for five min then all hell brakes
lose. You feel dirty you shower ten times yet you still feel
dirty and cheap.
The thing that is strange about this is it's likely to happen
again, even though this behavior is destructive, when a person
hits a thing that is called Diaspora they will do absolutely
anything to get out of it and I mean they will literally do
anything to get themselves out of this feeling. They call this
the caged animal part of the disorder.
Some have a compulsivity to spend money and do they ever, they
buy everything in sight and they won't stop until the dysphoria
goes away, yet now they are $6,000 in dept, not to mention all
the bounced checks that they wrote.
You want to know the funny thing they would rather go to jail
for writing bad checks than stay in dysphoria which literally is
the worst feeling in the world it's every bad emotion their ever
was put together and all wrapped up in one and you feel them as
though they are happening at once, you feel them all at once,
this is dysphoria and please know that if you haven't
experienced it you are lucky because it can literally ruin your
life and is the absolute worse feeling that any individual can
possibly feel and you live in constant worry that it will come
back again,!
Yes it comes back time after time and leaves you defenseless for
you to make the right decisions. Please know there is also
medicine for dsyphoria, so there is now hope were a few years
ago it was just tuff it out, so please know they are coming up
with more and more miracle drugs to combat these negative
symptoms, so your chances of recovery are getting better by the
Black and White Thinking - I know this sounds weird, but once
you see the reasoning behind black and white thinking it will
all become clear. Say that someone you love dearly does
something to piss you off. A normal reaction would be to go to
that person and ask them why they did such a thing and try to
work the problems out in a civil matter.
Not you though you see them as evil and you can only see them in
the black (THE BAD), which is another symptom of BPD. You will
even go as far as hating this loved one and doing some pretty
dumb things to get even, now let's talk about the white (THE
A friend or loved one buys you a gift, you are really touched
and now you feel this person can do no wrong they are now great
to you and you'll do anything for them, anyway you can. Now the
thing that may seem weird to you, there is no gray it's either
LOVE (WHITE) or HATE (BLACK), can you see how this type of
behavior could run off some mates AND RUIN A RELATIONSHIP?
Back and fourth, love ya then, hate ya, Love ya, and hate ya.
Tag you are it. Please know with the right medication this can
greatly be controlled, which is a great break through and is
helping many couples stay together every day, so don't let the
black and white thinking ruin your life!
Love can break all boundaries, overcome any obstacles, so stop
and think what it was like before your loved one had a
biological unhappiness and then never let go off that picture
until the dream becomes a reality. Visualize you and your mate
doing the things that you want, you each being the person that
the other loves and please remember that a winner never quits
and a quitter never wins.
Self-Mutilating Behavior - This may sound a bit gross and at
times it can be very gross indeed. Now let try and explain why a
person would act in such a manner and inflict pain on
themselves. Ok the reason why they would take a razor and slit
their wrist or their leg is because they are in that nasty
little word disphoria and when the razor breaks the skin and the
bloods start to flow everywhere, it gives such relief!
Now I feel normal again! When I was going through my toughest
times with my BPD, I would drive nails through my hands and my
feet, sometime I would actually have three to four nails in one
hand and the same in one of my feet and I can honestly say I
felt normal again. I am so thankful that they have medicine to
control this behavior and I haven't self-mutilated for five
years now
Trapped Animal Effect - Let's say you are in Africa and you are
out on the plains and as you are walking around you see a cave
so you think you will set up camp there for the night. Low and
behold there is a mother lioness and her cubs in the cave with
you and your crew are in front of the exit. Now can you see how
the mother lioness would go absolutely nuts and stop at nothing
to get her cubs to safety? Well this is how a person with BPD
feels at certain times in their life, and I must admit that you
will make some bone head decision when you are spa zing out and
feeling like that trapped animal, please know that this is
greatly reduced with
What are some of the most common behaviors of ADD and ADHD? One
thing for sure, is the fact that we have an abundance of energy
and we just keep going and going, sometimes it's even hard to
get a breath in! Running here, running there and starting this
and starting that and never really finishing anything.
Unfinished piles of work everywhere and this absolutely drives
you crazy. You interrupted your dad when are talking to him and
this pisses him off and in turn makes you mad at him, as a
matter of fact you are always interrupting everyone! When will
this madness end? I need to slow down and take a break, I can't
WAIT A MINTUE! There is hope and I can est. to the fact that
adderall has changed my life. WAIT A MINTUE! There is hope and I
can est. to the fact that adderall has changed my life. Yes I
can concentrate again. I can actually read something and
understand it, I can read holy shit, I can't believe it I only
had to read it once and I remember how it goes and all that and
I didn't even analyze it a hundred times.
So yes even with ADD and ADHD there is now hope in a pill called
an stimulate, which for someone with the above mentioned illness
actually act to slow you down a bit and helps you to
concentrate. Now the down side is this, people without ADHD use
this drug like cocaine and they get a high a great feeling, that
they want the feeling to last for ever and they become addicted
to the stimulant.
It is usually abused by the younger generation and college kids
to stay up all night to help them study for exams and of coarse
party all the time, so this is where the negative press comes
from. Some dumb kids ruining the entire positive that is
happening, for many children and adults. So let's stop the
negative stigma and get the good press and the entire positive
that these medicines are doing for millions.
Now let's move on to OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. Now
this can be very debilitating and can ruin ones life. Some of
the symptoms are excessively checking to make sure that the door
knob is locked, even though they checked it all ready one
hundred times, dam when will the madness end?
Their are some that pull their hair out and in doing so there
are even bald spots all over there head, and not only can't they
stop, they look terrible in the process. Basically this illness
is an anxiety disorder one that can't be controlled very easy.
It is almost always excessiveness in anything you can think of
and then some. Now I know some people who are millionaires that
have this disorder, that with medication are very happy and seem
to have the illness under control and function very well and
then there are those that don't responded to the treatments as
As each day passes and more and more medicine comes out, we have
hope that, we may have never had before, so hold on and keep the
faith and with some hard work on your and your Drs. Part, it is
my belief that we can greatly control this animal!
Let's move on to the next illness that affects our biological
clock in our little head of ours. Have you ever heard of OCPD-
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder? What exactly is this
animal? Let me try to explain this disorder, as I have it and it
is in a pain in the neck, it can literally ruin your life.
Let's see you see your self as perfect, or the need to be
perfect, yet in your mind you can't seem to get it right, just
that one idea that is lurking in the dark and you know this is
the "Perfect" answer to your problem. What about this idea or
that idea?
Everyone says you did a great job and they are all signing your
praises, yet you know that it is far from your best and you tear
it up and start over and if someone offers you help you, you go
nuts. There is no way that they could even come close to the
perfection that you must have, so you politely tell them that
the way they are helping is really off coarse and is deviating
from your plan and could they please stop so you can get back on
track to perfection.
I must admit I to this day have quite a bit of trouble with this
disorder. I can never seem to please my self or anything I do
and it causes me a great deal of pain, the medicine seems to
help a bit, but I must admit that I feel the need to be perfect
in everything that I do, but I can never satisfy myself, my
hardest critique.
For this at least for myself I try to use consoling and I've
made small steps in the write direction, with allot of blood,
sweat, and tears, I have been able to give myself small praises
and believe me if I can start to praising myself, some then
there is light at the end of the tunnel for all of us who have
this disorder, so keep your head high and know that if you shoot
for the moon, if you miss at least you made it to the stars and
this could very well be the step that just lets you settle for
second best, which may indeed be perfection to everyone else!
Anxiety, or GAD- General Anxiety Disorder, is absolutely
terrible and you honestly feel as though you are having a heart
attack, or even worse you are losing your mind and your heart
flutters and is beating stronger and stronger, as you are
sweating profusely and you feel as though you are losing all the
sanity that you have left!
When it is finally over you are so beat all you want to do is
sleep and sleep as long as you can, I mean if you are sleeping
you can't have another panic attack. The worst of it is now you
live in fear of it happing again and again. For some it is going
out in public, the world starts to shrink and you can feel it
closing in on you and you can't breath and the hearts starts to
beat a little faster and faster until it's a full blown attack.
Some are terrified with public speaking and it all starts over
and over again and again. This is a viscous cycle that just
keeps getting worse. Here's the thing the drugs to combat this
are very addictive and are hard to get a Dr. give them to you,
but if worse comes to worse they will and this will help you
tremendously. Along with the medication you need to practice
some relaxation as much as you possible can and try to stay calm
in all situations. You may also need therapy as they will help
you see what is triggering it all. I believe that with all three
that you will find a great deal of satisfaction with the outcome!
About the author:
Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show!
http://freesuccessaudios.com/Artlive.mp3 THIS LINK WORKS, LISTEN
With Much Love, Arthur Buchanan
President/CEO Out of Darkness & Into the Light 43 Oakwood Ave.
Suite 1012 Huron Ohio, 44839 www.out-of-darkness.com
567-219-0994 (cell)
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