Ingredients in penis enlargement pills
As men get older, their libido, sex drive, erection strength, fertility and other aspects of their sexuality tend to start dropping a few levels. This is exactly why there are so many male enhancement and penis enlargement companies around trying to sell their product guaranteed to save the day.
With all these companies around promoting their male enhancement and penis enlargement pills, you now have a ton of options when trying to find something to work for you. What it really comes down to is what's inside the company's "amazing" formula and if contains a rich blend of the right ingredients. A good pill company will never hide its ingredients from you and also it doesn't use ingredients like Yohimbe, which are banned or not recommended by the FDA.
After having tried various penis enlargement pills, I have found that some of the best and most effective pills have the following high quality ingredients.
Zinc (gluconate)
Zinc aids in creating healthy and better quality sperm. It is also helps balance your testosterone. Zinc, in the form of zinc gluconate, is more easily used by the body than other forms.
Used mainly in cardiovascular health, Arjuna is an important part of a healthy sexual lifestyle. It regulates blood pressure and heart rate, and works to pace the body, which has been seen to be very helpful in curing common problems like premature ejaculation during sex.
Musli is found in the South-Eastern
part of India. It is a safe, natural aphrodisiac used in Ayurvedic medicine and also Chinese traditional medicine. It has been said by some to be the natural alternative to Viagra and is essential for it's many beneficial qualities.
Acting as a full treatment on its own, Shatarvi has been shown to help males suffering from erectile dysfunction and impotence. Overall, it has a calming affect on the body, balancing out body weight, decreasing anxiety and promoting healthy sleep.
Apigenin and Amla
Apigenin is a citrus herb used primarily in preventing and treating cancer. Amla is the world's richest source of Vitamin C. Bioflavonoids, such as apigenin, are thought to work well together with Vitamin C (Amla) in the maintenance of blood vessel health. This pair helps keep your sexual organ healthy and functioning properly over the long term.
So you see, some pills can be worth your time. A good penis enlargement pill will contain some if not all of these high quality ingredients. Herbal pills like the ones for penis enlargement and male enhancement are a completely natural alternative to prescription medicine and have no side effects.
I recommend combining the penis enlargement pills with natural enlargement exercises because when done properly these exercises can really help to see bigger and faster results from natural penis enlargement. About the Author - Natural penis enlargement