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ADHD and Diet: Is There a Link Between Sugar and Hyperactivity, and Is There Really an Effective Diet for ADHD?
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Herbal Formula Replaces Conventional Medicine For Diabetics
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Lower back and your computer is a bad combination!
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The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss
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Is Meditation for You?

What Is Meditation?

There are various types of meditation - such as TM (Transcendental Meditation), mindfulness meditation, and from the Eastern tradition, Zen meditation and Buddhist meditation.

Meditation uses such diverse methods as:

Formal sitting in which the body is held immobile and the attention controlled. Expressive practices , in which the body is let free and anything can happen. e.g., Siddha Yoga.

The practice of "Intentional Living" meditation is doing all you do mindfully and without stress. Being in the moment and enjoying the process of "doing"!

Meditation will enable one to focus on quieting the busy mind. The intention is not to remove stimulation but rather to direct your concentration to one healing element - one sound, one word, one image, or one's breath. When the mind is filled with the feeling of calm and peace, it cannot help but slow down, yet have a sense of calm and relaxation.

According to Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., a pioneer in the field of mind/body medicine, meditation can be broadly defined as any activity that keeps the attention pleasantly anchored in the present moment. When the mind is calm and focused in the present, it is neither reacting to memories

from the past nor being preoccupied with plans for the future, two major sources of chronic stress known to impact health. "Meditation," says Dr. Borysenko, "helps to keep us from identifying with the 'movies of the mind."

Meditation is life changing. You will be able to quiet your mind before sleeping, relieve intense stress, reduce chronic stress, free yourself from worry, keep calm during stressful times and relax whenever you want.

Meditation is Alive! Visit ---------->

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About the Author

Carrie holds a Bachelor's Degree in Yoga Studies & Body-Centered Therapies. Her education began with ART, continued with Psychology, including Gestalt Therapy. Carrie has been instructing body sculpting for 2 decades. She is an initiate of Raja & Isha Yoga (Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev). She considers herself a "creatuitive" who pulls individuals inner intuitive resources to balance and nurture each soul & body.


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