It's all about breath!
When you took your first breath of air as an infant, you used your abdominal muscles to breathe, storing energy in your Tan-Tien (Hara, Na'au), located 1.3 inches below the navel.
This first act of breathing began to mix the original essence from your Kidneys with the energy from the air and food you absorbed from your mother to create life force (energy).
From that moment on you began to constantly create life force (energy) by abdominal breathing (Tan-Tien Breathing) 24 hours a day. The energy not used by your body was automatically stored in your Tan-Tien for future use.
As you got older more and more energy was stored in your Tan-Tien, until you reached a point when your 24 hour abdominal breathing switched over to 16 hour a day chest breathing.
From that moment on you lost 2/3 of your energy source. The only way you are able switch back to breathing abdominally, to generate energy and keep on living, is to lie down. The bad news is that lying down to sleep for 8 hours a night will not generate enough energy to keep your Tan-Tien fully charged. So, as you get older you slowly exhaust all the youthful energy you saved in your Tan-Tien when you were abdominal breathing 24 hours a day as a child.
By not abdominal breathing 24 hours a day, you allow the original essence from your Kidneys to escape out of your body 16 hours out of the day. This serious energy leakage weakens your kidneys and
will contribute to all of your health problems as you get older.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Kidneys are your internal batteries. When you were born they were charged according to your genes. Some of us are born with more energy than others.
The energy in your kidneys began to weaken from the moment you started breathing. Once the charge of energy in your kidneys reaches a certain low level you will realize that you don't have the energy you used to have. This feeling is the first of many signs of an insufficient amount of energy being supplied to your organs. Then one day, one of your major organs (kidneys, heart, lungs, liver or spleen) will starve for energy and quit working, and you will cease to breathe.
From your first breath, to your last gasp of air, your life is one continued story of breathing, breath is life. To breathe is to live, it's all about breath! Correct breathing, 24 hour abdominal breathing, will lengthen your days by purifying toxins from your system, giving you increased vitality and freedom from disease. On the other hand, incorrect breathing, chest breathing, will decrease your vitality and leave you open to disease.
The secret to health & longevity is to Switch Back to breathing abdominally 24 hours a day!!!
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