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Anxiety and Depression Treatment - 5 Tips for Beating Depression
Everyone has days when they are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy.
That's OK, you need to have days like this, otherwise how would you know when you are happy. You need to have something to contrast your happiness with. What is black without white?
Even though you know that sadness is a part of life, let's try to make it a small part of life.
With that said, Here are a few tips to help you feel better when you are feeling down in the dumps. They are easy to do, easy to practice every day and they work!
1. Stand up straight, sit up straight. When your body is in alignment your energy can flow and when your energy is flowing freely, you can flow.
2. Smile! Yes, just smile. Easy to do and effective.
3. Repeat positive affirmations. Things like "I feel good", "Positive energy flows through my body", "I see the good in all".
4. Listen to some music that you like. It doesn't have to be anything specific, just something you enjoy. Certain types of music work better than others, but experiment and see what works for you. Studies have shown that Classical music and new age music work best.
5. Take some time out for yourself, relax and read a book, do something for yourself.
6. Meditate. Meditation is an excellent habit to develop. It will serve you in all that you do. If you are one who has a hard time sitting still, then try some special meditation CDs that coax
your brain into the meditative state. Just search for "Meditation music" on Google or Yahoo and explore.
Our outside work is simply a reflection of our inside world. Remember there is no reality just your perception of it. Use this truth to your advantage. Whenever you are sad, realize that it is all in your mind and you do have the power to change your perception.
These tips will lift you up when you are down, but don't just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them everyday, make them a habit. You will be surprised at how these simple exercises will keep the rainy days away.
On a final note, if you are in a deep depression that you can't seem to shake, please go see a doctor. This is your life and don't take any chances. For free information and more details on the causes of depression, please visit the authors web site.
The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.
About the Author
Emily Clark is editor at Medical Health News where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on the causes of depression and many medical, health and lifestyle topics.
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