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Be "You-nique"!
Be "You-nique"!
One thing to always remember: "Bad association spoils useful habits."
In other words, surround yourself with positive-minded, caring, loving, and giving people, whether in your friendships, love relationships, or family. The more you surround yourself with the energies of love and positive- thinking people, the more you enhance your own spirit, thoughts - energies - and the more you draw to your life what you are meant to be, do, and have.
Focusing on your spiritual growth is one of the most incredibly life-affecting things you can do in your life. If all you do is follow everyone else, you'll end up LIKE everyone else. Learn to trust in your self - your Divine, inner, intuitive guidance - always giving of yourself - your love, your time, your compassion - from that space deep within.
Be "you-nique".
By simply trying to do what everyone else is doing, following what everyone else is following, you become stagnant in your personal and spiritual growth. Put YOU into whatever you do, from business to personal relationships to ... anything and everything!
Find peace and the life-force of love by taking the time to go within, listen to Divine guidance - your intuition - and act upon it. Follow your intuition as much as possible in your life. Learn to ask for what you want, and - more importantly - focus your time and energies on giving of yourself, from your heart, to anyone you can possibly touch in this lifetime.
The "secrets" to a most successful life are already within you. All you have to do is extend your hand, and go within yourself as deeply as you can, and learn how to ask for what you want from the overflowing abundance of the Universe. Find clarity in what you truly desire - know precisely what you want, why you want it, and how it would FEEL to have it, be it, do it.
No matter what is going on in your life at any given moment, when someone needs your love and positive energy, take the time - right now - to give it to them ... unconditionally. And do so without ever expecting anything from them in return. The Universe - your Higher Power - WILL return that loving and giving to you. At the same time, you set yourself apart from the crowd ... you show others how much you care. Who do you know that doesn't want or need that - right?
Love with all your might, and give with all your strength to anyone you touch, to anyone along your path in life ... at any cost. As the Universe provides an endless, eternal abundance of prosperity, peace, love, and light in our lives, you can always be at peace and rest assured that what you give WILL be given back as you need it and exactly (only) when you need it.
Eliminate the concepts and attention to emotions of fear, failure, and lack from your life by transforming yourself through spirit and shifting your perspectives. Realize, simply, that everything happens for a reason at the right time and for the right reasons ... and there is no need for fear.
There is no need for "mistakes" when simply seeing the other side of the coin will show you the positive lessons in your experiences. Learn to turn that coin over to the other side and realize the lessons in whatever you experience.
What you allow yourself to focus on, amplifies. What you act upon ripples out and affects far more people than you may ever imagine. What you think about creates your reality. And what you "send out", you receive back ... ten-fold ... the "good", and the "bad".
Learn, also, that everything in life involves, gets down to, affects, has to do with, and provides an opportunity to grow in LOVE. And, there are two very important aspects to consider about Love: 1) The more you give, the more you get, and 2) Everyone you know, everyone you don't know, every one of us on this path we know as "life" wants and needs that Love. It IS the life-force energy connecting us all as one.
Seek for the answers you need from that calm, quiet place deep within, and share those answers - that love and enrichment in your life - with those who want and accept it for their own benefits. Allow your life to flow with the life-force energy of Love, for Love is eternal and
all- encompassing.
Live, give, and love from the depths of your eternal soul. Be "you-nique"!
A Few Exercises to Practice ...
In order to actually LIVE these ideas, beliefs, and philosophies - and to succeed in your life by doing so - you MUST put the ball in motion. And you have to be willing to take that single, small, incredibly-impacting step of allowing your life to flow as it's meant to ... in peace. In order to do that, you have to learn to uncover and awaken to who you truly - "YOU-niquely" - are.
So, how do you do that?
1) Meditate or pray daily. It is vitally important, in my opinion, to take time on a daily basis, to align yourself spiritually, and to give thanks for the blessings you have in your life, as well as to be thankful for the blessings which lie ahead on your path.
I write about this more in-depth in my ebook, but, a perfect time to engage in "quiet time" is during your daily bathing. Although, prayer or meditation - aligning with and "allowing in" that incredible energy and abundance from the Divine, with complete, relaxed focus - is something you can do almost any time, anywhere.
Try simple breathing exercises as you say a few thankful, love-filled words in prayer, devoting those breaths as the very breath of life itself, entering you, filling you, and flowing from you, as well, and you will find greater balance within yourself.
2) Pay attention to your thoughts, your body language, and the words you speak more often. Are you thinking something positive, or something negative? Does your body reflect compassion, love, positive mental attitude, and peacefulness ... or distraught, depression, anger, FEAR, etc?
The more you pay conscious attention to what you're thinking, saying, and projecting to the world around you, the greater control you gain over those things, and the more you can affect them in positive ways. You can virtually transform your life by changing your thoughts, physiology, and the words you speak.
What are you thinking? Is it loving and positive? Is it kind and compassionate? Is it serving a positive purpose for those around you? Think about it, change it, and watch your life transform.
3) Get absolutely clear about what it is you want to be, do, and have. Write it down. Write down what you DON'T want in your life, and write down what you DO want in your life. You might even keep a daily journal, recording your thoughts, desires, and dreams. And remember to write down how thankful you are for what you already have.
"What if you don't think you have much," you ask?
You're breathing, aren't you? Your heart is beating, isn't it? Most likely, you have far more than you realize in the "blessings" department. Be thankful for those blessings; they are gifts of pure Love from your Higher Power.
As you find clarity about what you want to do, be, or have, pray or meditate upon it. Allow your self to feel - REALLY FEEL - and experience having it, doing it, being it. Trust, with complete faith and confidence, that whatever it is, it's already yours ... bring it into your reality, with ZERO doubts or questions that it IS coming to you.
Then, let it go. Don't worry about it. Just follow your intuition - that "still, small voice within" - and KNOW that what you want to be, do, or have will be brought to you ... as it will be, by the will of God ("Higher Power", "Universe", etc).
Seek for the answers you need from that calm, quiet place deep within, and share those answers - that love and enrichment in your life - with those who want and accept it for their own benefits. Allow your life to flow with the life-force energy of Love, for Love is eternal and all- encompassing.
Live, give, and love from the depths of your eternal soul.
Be "you-nique"!
About the Author
Bryan Hall is a Success Coach, motivational expert, author, and networker whose coaching and writing is based on his "Peak Performance ... Peak LIFE!" (http://BryanHall.net/peak.html) philosophies and practices, as found in his new ebook by that name. To find out more about Bryan, his book, his coaching, forums, and more, please visit http://BryanHall.net
Learning Meditation Home Page |
Introduction to the basics of meditation and the reduction of stress. |
www.learningmeditation.com |
Meditation Room |
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www.learningmeditation.com |
Meditation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
An introduction to different traditions, forms, techniques, and benefits. Includes links to other resources. |
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World Wide Online Meditation Center |
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Vipassana Meditation Website |
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Meditation Society of America's web site. Dedicated to sharing meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions. |
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Wildmind | Learn Meditation Online |
Wildmind provides a complete guide to simple meditation techniques. |
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Free Learn to Meditate, online meditation - Meditation Australia. |
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Stress Reducers: Articles index |
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Zen Mountain Monastery: Zen Meditation Instructions |
Detailed instructions from Zen Mountain Monastery on how to practice Zen meditation. |
www.mro.org |
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Siddha Yoga path - Gurumayi - Swami Muktananda founder |
Under the guidance and teachings of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Siddha Yoga meditation students embrace the spiritual practices of yoga. |
www.siddhayoga.org |
Meditation Handbook |
Survey of seven meditation techniques for beginners. |
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