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How To Be Your Own Pet Psychic
How To Be Your Own Pet Psychic By Stephanie Yeh ================================================== Those of you who watch the "Animal Planet" channel have probably seen the Pet Psychic show, where a lady psychic communicates telepathically with a variety of animals. She acts as a counselor, communicator, spiritual healer and "hierophant" between the human and animal kingdoms (the hierophant is the communicator between beings and worlds in the tarot deck). Watching this lady is great fun, but not as much fun as doing it yourself. Did you know you can learn to communicate with animals, too?
Magic is real and everyone is a magician. It's just part of your natural birthright as a planetary citizen. Part of that birthright is access to a host of psychic abilities. The keyword here is "access." We all have the psychic abilities that enable us to know what we can't possibly know through the five senses, touch non-physical worlds, and communicate with our animals. It's just that without practice most of us don't know how to access those abilities.
In her upcoming ebook, "Animal Communication: A Primer," Esoteric School Expert Leta Worthington discusses how our brain works and how to get into the right brainwave to access the ability to communicate with animals. She explains that our "normal" brainwaves, the ones we use for day-to-day tasks such as driving, calculating and thinking, are too fast for us to do animal communication. What we need to do is slide into a slower, more relaxed, and more open brainwave. When we get into this brainwave, we're more open to other worlds and other types of "psychic" senses. In fact, we need to get into this brainwave not just for animal communication, but for most kinds of psychic work.
So how can you start getting into that brainwave? Practice, practice, practice. Here's a short list to get you started:
- Meditation: You don't need to be a yogi to do this. Just light a candle, burn some incense, or listen to dripping water. Follow your breath. Let these soothing sights, sounds, smells and sensations transport you to a lower, slower brainwave.
- Color: Surround yourself with water blue or sky blue. These colors can help you relax, slow down, and be open to information from other, more spiritual realms.
-Rooting: If you want to get connected with "all that is," nothing puts you closer to the earth than rooting. Rooting is the process of extending your roots deep into the ground, and connecting and exchanging energies with Mother Earth. It takes all of three minutes, can rebalance your energies, and soothes your spirit.
Doing these and other practices on a regular basis can help you more easily access your psychic self. Try to integrate them into life several times a day. Learn to slow down and take breaks. Not only will you stay healthier and more spiritually fit, but these new slower states won't seem so foreign anymore. It will begin to feel like home, and then watch out! Your psychic abilities can really start to bloom!
About the Author
Stephanie Yeh, co-founder of the Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic (http://www.shamanschool.com), helps clients use magical and shamanic techniques to manifest their desires. Stephanie has created several online and video classes to make this information more accessible. She also helps others learn to create abundant health and wealth with spiritual and practical resources through her site, Prosperity Abounds (http://www.prosperity-abounds.com).
Learning Meditation Home Page |
Introduction to the basics of meditation and the reduction of stress. |
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Meditation Room |
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Meditation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Meditation Society of America's web site. Dedicated to sharing meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions. |
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Under the guidance and teachings of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Siddha Yoga meditation students embrace the spiritual practices of yoga. |
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Meditation Handbook |
Survey of seven meditation techniques for beginners. |
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