How Much Stress!
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Is Life Keeping You From Getting Anywhere?
Are you too busy with what you are doing to change or get ahead?
Are you so distracted with life that you have time to pay
attention to what you want in life?
Can you even remember what you want any more?
The routine tasks of daily life can so easily use up all of your
time that they become the main part of life.
When was the last time you spent time thinking or contemplating
what you want in your life? For most it has been far too long.
Are you aware that your daily activities are your predominate
habits? A habit is an automatic thought, routine or behavior.
They become so ingrained in you life that you build
interpretations, thinking, behavior, and defenses around them,
protecting the status quo.
Have you noticed how protective you can be about what you do and
think, even if you are not really sure why. How you will defend
anything even if it is really not in your best interest. You
will actually personalize and protect your habits no matter how
negative, debilitating and restrictive they become.
Sometimes, what habits prevent you from doing is far more
damaging than the habit itself. Many habitual routines cause you
no harm other than sapping your time and energy that could be
utilized for your personal growth and development.
We have all heard of how effective use of our time leads to
results. Well, there are always results in your life; everything
you do has a result. Even when you think you are doing nothing,
you are getting the results of the doing 'nothing'. And part of
the result is, what you are not doing while doing the 'nothing'.
If you sit and watch TV instead of washing the dishes, the
result is - the dishes are not washed, and of course you
accomplished TV watching.
This goes on all day, with you getting appropriate results for
all of your actions and apparent inaction.
The question becomes, how long are you going to continue to let
what you do all day long prevent you from the life you desire?
You can't continue to do everything you do now and expect
different results. You must make some adjustments.
Change what you are doing and what you are doing will change.
Your results will change and so will your life. It takes effort
on your part. Who said the life you want is easy? I'm not saying
it is hard either, not any harder than what you are doing now.
The challenging part is in getting yourself to alter what you
are now doing to allow for what you want. You have gradually
built your life to what it is today, whether you did so
intentionally or not.
You then need to make any adjustments that are needed to support
what you want. It will take effort at first, as your ego mind
will want to fight to preserve the status quo. It will
determination and self-discipline on your part at first to
override the existing habits.
This can only take place when your inner drive is sufficient to
back your efforts. Only when you become fed up with what you no
longer want and you become deeply desirous of what you do want
will you have the needed mental and emotional drive.
You will need to insert into your day, some things that support
what you want. You need to be moving in the direction of your
dreams, not just once in a while, but each day.
Take a look at what you want in your life - what activities
would lead to them becoming reality for you? Put these into your
daily schedule and help them become your habits. Even if small,
they will begin to have an effect.
If you were in baseball and wanted to be batting over 300, don't
you think you should be doing a lot of batting practice? Of
course, that's obvious right! Then why don't you do any practice
for what you want?
You have allowed yourself to be consumed by your habits, you
must change that in order to get what you want. And what you
have in your life is directly related to how much time and
attention you have given it. Give an appropriate percentage of
your time with what you do want.
Spending all of your time doing things that are not part of what
you want your life to be and then complaining about it changes
nothing. All you are doing is accentuating your unhappiness.
Another key part of this is to know what you want unfiltered by
the ego. There is a lot deep in your mind that is covered by the
activity of the day. Schedule time in your day for contemplation
of some sort, as well as the specific activities.
Meditation is good or any quiet undistracted dedicated thinking
20 to 30 minutes at least once a day. Contemplative thinking is
something most of us do not do enough of, as we are so busy
running around just doing what we are in the habit of doing.
It is so easy to allow ourselves to get in the rut of just
wishing of something rather than taking steps towards making it
And very important, you must stick with it, just doing something
for a short term or once in a while will not effect change. What
job, business or college degree can you be successful in if you
only do it once in a while?
If you want it to be a part of your life - make it a part of
your life!
Change your efforts and your results will change.
About the author:
John Halderman writes and speaks with intent on helping you get
effective results with your personal growth. For
self-improvement tools, tips and resources for living a
satisfying life get the "Effective Personal Development
Newsletter" and a bonus report
Learning Meditation Home Page |
Introduction to the basics of meditation and the reduction of stress. |
www.learningmeditation.com |
Meditation Room |
Choose freely and feel free to perform more than one meditation. ... Allow some time for your meditation. These meditations last from 3 - 10 minutes. ... |
www.learningmeditation.com |
Meditation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
An introduction to different traditions, forms, techniques, and benefits. Includes links to other resources. |
en.wikipedia.org |
World Wide Online Meditation Center |
Contains colorful, clear, concise meditation instruction on a variety of meditation methods from various spiritual teachings, plus tranquil meditation tapes ... |
www.meditationcenter.com |
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) Program - Official website. How ... |
Meditation validated by over 600 scientific studies. The best meditation against stress. Online video! Personal instruction and lifetime follow-up. |
www.tm.org |
Vipassana Meditation Website |
Homepage of the organization which offers Vipassana Meditation courses as taught by SN Goenka. |
www.dhamma.org |
Welcome to Meditation Mount |
Meditation training programs and group meditation as a service to humanity. Worldwide organization based in Ojai, California. |
www.meditation.com |
Guided meditations on mindfulness, peace, the 23rd Psalm, the way ... |
Come into the present moment with this 10-minute mindfulness meditation narrated by ... Experience a flow of positive energy with this meditation on peace ... |
www.beliefnet.com |
Meditation Station Presented By The Meditation Society Of America |
Meditation Society of America's web site. Dedicated to sharing meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions. |
www.meditationsociety.com |
Wildmind | Learn Meditation Online |
Wildmind provides a complete guide to simple meditation techniques. |
www.wildmind.org |
Meditation |
An article By Dr Tom J. Chalko explaining the process and stressing the need for a spiritual teacher. |
www.thiaoouba.com |
Free Learn to Meditate, online meditation - Meditation Australia. |
Details of activities, events, and classes in Wollongong University, Australia. Also offer a free online Meditation course. |
meditation.org.au |
Meditation, Home, what is meditation, types of meditation ... |
Meditation Meditation is an alternative therapy. It can be broadly classified under the mind-body medicine. More and more doctors are prescribing meditation ... |
1stholistic.com |
Sivananda Yoga - Meditation |
Introduction to the Official Web site of the Internationa Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers. Lots of information on Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, ... |
www.sivananda.org |
Stress Reducers: Articles index |
yellow arrow button, Choose a Virtual Meditation Slide Show for Your ... yellow arrow button, Meditation and Relaxation: 20 Minutes A Day Can Make A ... |
www.selfhelpmagazine.com |
Zen Mountain Monastery: Zen Meditation Instructions |
Detailed instructions from Zen Mountain Monastery on how to practice Zen meditation. |
www.mro.org |
Meditation and concentration |
meditation concentration ability. ... Online fire meditation use it and develop concentration ability; Online flash meditation look at the screen and ajust ... |
www.ababasoft.com |
Siddha Yoga path - Gurumayi - Swami Muktananda founder |
Under the guidance and teachings of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Siddha Yoga meditation students embrace the spiritual practices of yoga. |
www.siddhayoga.org |
Meditation Handbook |
Survey of seven meditation techniques for beginners. |
home.att.net |
Healing Music|Meditation Music|Self Help products |
Healing Products offers healing music for your Mind, Body & Soul at low prices. Use sound and music to heal and relax. |
www.healingproducts.com |