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Reality Check!
Reality Check! - By Joseph Ghabi
What makes us all different from each other is one main factor, that is, the place where we grew up and in respect of that, all of the knowledge and understanding that we accumulate from our parents, our culture, and our religion. These are our main influences in life and that is already a lot to take in. It makes all the difference in the world when distinguishing ourselves from each other.
Even though we are growing into different experiences that bring us our growth, we really must understand the fact that we are who we are, and our destiny is in our own hands, regardless of the background we come from. Many of you might be asking “what destiny are you talking about?” “I don’t even know what I want?” “Who am I?” “Why do I care about anything?”
We have all had time to ourselves to contemplate upon life and pondering upon all facets of our lives. You may well be asking how you got this far in your experiences already, pending on your age at this moment, upon reading this article!
One of the most awkward and difficult times in our lives is our teen period. We have so many questions and, with that, even more unanswered questions! We ask all of those people of whom we look up to provide us with answers and on many occasions many times those people don’t even have the answers for themselves! Regardless of what your confusion is based upon, you are alright and still on the right track even though you are not aware of it, so long as we don’t take a drastic decision and twist our life into a totally different direction, leading us even deeper in an unknown situation. That, in effect, could take us many more years to understand and recover from. We don’t need all of that in reality!
For example, when we are teens, we all know very well that at that stage in time we still don’t know what we want to do in life and what we want to become. Most of our decisions did come most of the time being influenced by other people. Our parents or even our religion or culture has big part of it. We do have a major tool in our hand one of which we usually do not use as efficiently as we should, that is to ‘dream’, but in a positive way of course. Now, what exactly do I mean by that?
Being a Gemini I recall myself and how I used to act. I did dream all right! But I dreamt too much and without any focus! I would start a project then I would get bored too quickly because I had no patience and wanted things to happen yesterday, before I even gave anything a change to begin! With that, I would then move on into something else disregarding the first project. The result would be me ending up turning into a loop where I could not even recall how I ended up there in the first place! Is there anyone out there who can relate to my experience?
Being in a state where you keep jumping from one place into another is not a small task when it comes to learning how to discipline your actions. Believe me!! It is only recently that I started to get a grip on that aspect of my life and building my stamina to be able to remain centered with things. Ideas come into my mind at a speed of ‘1000 miles an hour’! All, of which, are really good but they do require sometime of waiting before being I am able to finish the initial task. Now I am learning to take one item at a time, without creating any pressure by exaggerating my ‘so called’ belief that I was bored! The way, I am looking at it now is that I accept my situation, and believe me it is not easy being a Gemini who likes to always keep moving! The universe is constantly sending me test experiences to evaluate my reactions. Am I going to jump at the first opportunity that comes my way, just for the easy escape route from what I see as being nothing of interest to me any longer today? In reality this has nothing to do with being a Gemini, it is really just an escape of reality nothing more or nothing less. But what is a better excuse than by excusing it as being the fact I am Gemini? It reminds me of some people who use the excuse for not dealing accordingly with a situation because it’s their Karma. It is almost the same! What I realized from all of that and from the tests the universe is putting in front of me at the moment, is that the more I stay grounded in my own belief of what I am doing to fix my situation at the moment, then I will notice the shift in my situation when a brighter picture will start to surface. Well, my major lesson in this lifetime is to deal with my “Four” which is stability and I am getting the hang of it these days since I moved into a “Four” address at my new place. I decided I needed to face that challenge in my life once for all. I was always afraid to live in a “Four” address, but now I am getting the hang of it and I like it! I will keep you posted on my progress and I know it will not take much longer to learn my lesson fully either! I will keep my dream alive this time and from now on with a little bit of focus and perseverance to stick to maintaining that dream.
The best thing when you are into such a situation is to stop acting completely before hurting yourself in this process. Meditation is one solution, but not only for you to go in search for answers, but instead, as a means to step outside of your self and take a good look from that perspective. I was told recently by one of my guides to go outside of my apartment where there is a seat directly in front me. He asked me to just sit down and look at my place from the outside, seeing myself and
everything inside the apartment and to just look at how things are moving inside my life in general. I can truly say, even though I am not nearly as disciplined as what I should be, when I tried the exercise it was very useful. You don’t need to be in meditating state to try this exercise. Maybe you should try something similar.
Now back to my statement to ‘dream’, I do not mean to go to sleep and dream. When you don’t know what you want or what to expect in life just create a dream or a vision that you can go after. That dream in reality is just a focus. That focus is your reason to keep driving yourself to move further in life toward attainment when striving to make your dream a reality. A dream brings you the focus. The focus brings you faith. That faith brings you a desire. The stronger your desire is to achieve something you can undoubtedly make it happen.
During the course of your life, you will encounter people in your surroundings that might tell you “you are crazy no one can do that! You are a dreamer! You are living in an illusion!”
You are a dreamer alright, however, only when the person who is giving you that advice is living to the best of their potential in their own life. In this case they are then a good example to you it is probably the best advice that anyone could probably ever tell you. We all should accept all advice when it is given and listen to people who are giving examples of what they are living up to for themselves, otherwise their advice is worth nothing. What exactly gives them the right to judge us for something that they have never tried for themselves? To be preaching beautiful words to you is all very well and very nice but acting upon those words is just another story!
The point I am making is that you must allow yourself the chance to dream and build a strong desire towards achieving whatever it takes in order that you get what you want. That is the necessary process in order to get you moving on your life path. Always keep in mind that when you are going after your dream you must always remember you are doing it for yourself in the first place and just as a means of ‘showing off’ or forsake of pleasing someone else.
When your desire is not build strong enough for what you are hoping to achieve, in this case that your dream will become an illusion in your mind which will become hard for you to distinguish from what is your own reality.
The way we look to life is in terms of our perception of that life, what we class as our reality. We are the creator of our own life path and destiny. It is solely our own responsibility and this has nothing to do with the way in which we grew up. What is required is to firstly get out from any negative influences or negative people around us. Do not blame your life so far on your karma or allow yourself to become stuck in feeling sorry for your life in the past, this is only an excuse to avoid handling your life properly when you keep running from your own responsibility in the first place. You are here today and tomorrow are a reflection of what perceive of your life today. A change of attitude’s required in order to make a good start. Let go of the people that always try to hold you back from moving in your own choice of direction. It is hard to do this and it is not always easy. When we let go of the people that we love most, including our family, does not mean that we no longer love them, on the contrary, we do, however, we must realize that our time of growth in that stage of our life is over and we are soon to encounter a new stage that will provide a new capacity for us to grow. It is very important that we keep moving in our own lives. The direction that we must to go will sometimes never make allowance for bringing everyone with us, and our choice of direction might not be agreeable for them.
Why is that the case? Well we must remember that we are all here to live our own individual karma and not that of other peoples. Please do not confuse the difference between living your karmic destiny with having karma with someone. There is a huge difference and many of us think it is the same thing. How do we define them?
Your karmic destiny is basically your own blue print and the reason you came to this plane in order that you to grow within your own experiences and lessons in this lifetime. The environment of where you were born was only your starting point for you to achieve your goals.
Your karma with someone is when you have a situation that requires an understanding when dealing with someone specifically in your environment. It does not mean your life stops there. That karma is in your own hand and the lesson in understanding can go in accordance to the way you chose to take it.
Take a look at your life again. If things are not moving and you feel stuck just step out of your environment and stop feeling sorry or ashamed of your past. Begin looking at your life from a new perspective and a bright attitude.
Copyright © Joseph Ghabi http://www.freespiritcentre.info
About the Author
Joseph Ghabi is an author, lecturer, and healer. Joseph provides Intuitive Numerology Consultation, Healing Childhood Experiences Consultation. At the age of eight Joseph discovered his clairvoyance. Joseph is natural medium. His website is http://www.freespiritcentre.info. Joseph task is in bringing Souls back to realization of their own personal power and into alignment with their own soul purpose and path of evolution.
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