Do not throw the baby out with the bath water.
Whenever we have a bad experience or we own up to having a weakness people immediately jump on the band wagon and tell us to work with our weaknesses. "Focus on them until you have overcome them and then you can move on".
But we only have...
Rebuilding Your Vision. Can You See The Possibilities?
Ever find yourself going out for a walk, with your dogs or kids, on a hot day and you are maneuvering to try and keep your dogs or kids from running where they shouldn't, and on top of it all, your darn glasses keep sliding off your nose? Or, ever...
Setting Goals With an Annual Life Review
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know it can be a tense experience that determines whether you
receive a pay raise or not. Your boss will likely have a
detailed checklist of your progress and success, as well...
Surrender And Acceptance
One of the most useful concepts to grow spiritually and becoming happier is the method of acceptance or surrender.
I have personally found this method to be perhaps the most workable and useful in retaining my poise and staying happier as I go...
Taking Care Of Yourself
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Traffic… Sales… and Headachy Emails
Not since the phrase "Go West Young Man!" has there been as much promise of wealth and riches for anyone brave enough to explore this new frontier, the Internet. With this new wave of technology anyone can open up a virtual store and sell their products and services around the clock with the entire world as their potential clientele. The Internet is everyone's dream come true!
There's only one problem. No one told you about the endless, sleepless nights of designing and redesigning your website, the volume of hours you'll spend reconfiguring cgi scripts, fixing forms, researching how to get found in search engines, trying everything to generate traffic, and testing, testing, testing.
If your Online business has become a hobby for you, then this can all be an exciting adventure, and a tremendous learning and growth experience. However, many people grasped onto the hope of financial freedom with such conviction, that they either left their jobs and/or invested the family security in their commitment to their Online Venture.
These people are depending on success, they're learning on the fly, and by now it's taking it's toll on many of them. Pressured to succeed, these ambitious hopefuls spend long days and nights at the computer, skipping meals and getting no exercise. Typically, this small business is under staffed and working on a "shoe-string" budget. The loss of a key customer can be devastating. Add this to the frustration of an enormous investment of time and energy with often negligible results, and the uncertainty of success and you have yourself a very serious case of STRESS.
Stress, by itself, is not a disease; however those who suffer from stress over extended periods of time can aggravate numerous health conditions such as asthma, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, ulcers, and many more. High stress levels can also be the root of a weight management problem. Unregulated and poor quality meals combined with a lack of proper exercise is in itself a major contributor to a weight problem. Now, add high levels of business
stress and you are looking at a potential for obesity.
In the interest of optimum health and business success, it is essential for the Web based entrepreneur to find ways to manage their stress and anxiety. Physical activity can be a terrific stress reliever. So I encourage you to walk, run, and/or make a commitment with a friend to engage in a game of tennis at least 3 to 4 times every week. Aside from the health benefits, a change in environment is often beneficial to gain fresh perspective.
In dealing with stress, it is also important that you eliminate any "old baggage" you may be carrying around. Bad relationships, past abuse, childhood or teenage traumas, or even something you did that you've felt guilty about ever since. Think carefully about your past. If there is anything there that causes you discomfort or painful memories, you will feel a tremendous weight off your shoulders by dealing with those emotions.
Meditation, massage therapy, progressive relaxation, channeling, guided imagery, biofeedback, reiki, yoga, and qigong are approaches helpful in overcoming stress. In fact meditation is so effective in reducing stress and tension that, in 1984, the National Institutes of Health recommended meditation over prescription drugs as the first treatment for mild hypertension.(1) Certain herbs have been known to help reduce anxiety and help you to relax. Changes in diet can also be helpful as can Chinese techniques like acupuncture and acupressure.
I suggest that your try several of these suggestions and settle on a combination of 3 or 4 that seem to be the most effective for you. Remember to always consult your health care provider before drastically changing your activity level or eating habits.
Have yourself a stress free, successful business venture.
About the Author
Brigitte Synesael editor of Your Life-Your Choice. Participate in our 50% 2 tier Partner Program promoting the hottest new ebook on the Web "You've Got Nothing To Lose... But Pounds!" Join now at http://www.diets-dont-work.com/tdex.html
Learning Meditation Home Page |
Introduction to the basics of meditation and the reduction of stress. |
www.learningmeditation.com |
Meditation Room |
Choose freely and feel free to perform more than one meditation. ... Allow some time for your meditation. These meditations last from 3 - 10 minutes. ... |
www.learningmeditation.com |
Meditation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
An introduction to different traditions, forms, techniques, and benefits. Includes links to other resources. |
en.wikipedia.org |
World Wide Online Meditation Center |
Contains colorful, clear, concise meditation instruction on a variety of meditation methods from various spiritual teachings, plus tranquil meditation tapes ... |
www.meditationcenter.com |
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) Program - Official website. How ... |
Meditation validated by over 600 scientific studies. The best meditation against stress. Online video! Personal instruction and lifetime follow-up. |
www.tm.org |
Vipassana Meditation Website |
Homepage of the organization which offers Vipassana Meditation courses as taught by SN Goenka. |
www.dhamma.org |
Welcome to Meditation Mount |
Meditation training programs and group meditation as a service to humanity. Worldwide organization based in Ojai, California. |
www.meditation.com |
Guided meditations on mindfulness, peace, the 23rd Psalm, the way ... |
Come into the present moment with this 10-minute mindfulness meditation narrated by ... Experience a flow of positive energy with this meditation on peace ... |
www.beliefnet.com |
Meditation Station Presented By The Meditation Society Of America |
Meditation Society of America's web site. Dedicated to sharing meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions. |
www.meditationsociety.com |
Wildmind | Learn Meditation Online |
Wildmind provides a complete guide to simple meditation techniques. |
www.wildmind.org |
Meditation |
An article By Dr Tom J. Chalko explaining the process and stressing the need for a spiritual teacher. |
www.thiaoouba.com |
Free Learn to Meditate, online meditation - Meditation Australia. |
Details of activities, events, and classes in Wollongong University, Australia. Also offer a free online Meditation course. |
meditation.org.au |
Meditation, Home, what is meditation, types of meditation ... |
Meditation Meditation is an alternative therapy. It can be broadly classified under the mind-body medicine. More and more doctors are prescribing meditation ... |
1stholistic.com |
Sivananda Yoga - Meditation |
Introduction to the Official Web site of the Internationa Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers. Lots of information on Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, ... |
www.sivananda.org |
Stress Reducers: Articles index |
yellow arrow button, Choose a Virtual Meditation Slide Show for Your ... yellow arrow button, Meditation and Relaxation: 20 Minutes A Day Can Make A ... |
www.selfhelpmagazine.com |
Zen Mountain Monastery: Zen Meditation Instructions |
Detailed instructions from Zen Mountain Monastery on how to practice Zen meditation. |
www.mro.org |
Meditation and concentration |
meditation concentration ability. ... Online fire meditation use it and develop concentration ability; Online flash meditation look at the screen and ajust ... |
www.ababasoft.com |
Siddha Yoga path - Gurumayi - Swami Muktananda founder |
Under the guidance and teachings of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Siddha Yoga meditation students embrace the spiritual practices of yoga. |
www.siddhayoga.org |
Meditation Handbook |
Survey of seven meditation techniques for beginners. |
home.att.net |
Healing Music|Meditation Music|Self Help products |
Healing Products offers healing music for your Mind, Body & Soul at low prices. Use sound and music to heal and relax. |
www.healingproducts.com |