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Network Marketing Training- The 5 Biggest Mistakes Made in MLM Recruiting
By Doug Firebaugh
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Network Marketing Training- Top 10 MLM Holiday Recruiting Secrets
The Holidays.
New Years.
What can you do to accelerate your mlm business during the Holiday season and get it going during what most folks perceive as the "slow down time" of the year for network marketing?
First off, get this:
REFUSE to participate this year in the slow down that most network marketers fall prey to. You do not have to, as we never did, and neither should you.
Here is a list of the top 10 things you can do for MLM Recruiting Success during the holidays:
1) Fruit baskets.
You can get inexpensive fruit baskets, and put your samples or coupons in, and decorate it in the colors of your network marketing company. Include an audio or dvd, and also an invite to a seminar that they can attend at not cost. Give them out to friends, neighbors, associates, clients, customers, and family. You will glad you did.
2) Holiday audio cards.
Send out with your Christmas cards a CD you recorded especially for that person, and wish them happy holidays, and then tell them you would love to chat with them the first of the year, as you want to give them the gift of success. This is a great way to introduce the concept of network marketing success to folks.
3) Hold a Holiday Customer appreciation luncheon or reception.
You can do this at your home. Simply invite your best mlm customers to a holiday appreciation event, and make them the superstars of it. Have small gifts for them, and let them know how much you appreciate their business, and then ask them the first of the year for 2 referrals. You will get them from every single person who was at that event.
4) Holiday Upline Open House.
If you have an organization, you should either open your house, or someone whoi has a sizeable home, and invite your mlm distributors to an open House. Have them bring guests, and have a party that celebrates the holidays, but is sponsored by your company. Let it be a fun social with music and games, and then connect with the guest to follow up with in January.
5) Miniature Christmas Tree gift.
Get some small, miniature Christmas trees (usually at a dept store) that can sit on a table, and then attach product samples and your card to it, and then take it to your local bank as a gift, your CPA, your dentist, doctor, real estate agent, and whoever else you know that has an office. Have free coupons on the small tree to try your service or product, and have some fun visiting your friends.
6) Mall blitz.
Go to a mall on saturday, and see how many people you can start a conversation with, and then give them a card or CD. Talk th them about their kids, what they are doing for Christmas, the weather, the crowds, etc. See if you can collect 10 names, and do it in teams. The team that collects the most names, the other teams, have to buy them lunch or dinner.
7) Neighborhood Holiday mailer.
Go to the library, and look in the cross reference index for your address.
You will notice there are a ton more in that index that are in your neighborhood. Make a copy of the addresses, as they are your neighbors, and then send them a Christmas card introducing yourself as the ABC neighborhood rep, and wish them a Merry Chrismas and Happy new year. Then follow up in January and see if you can set an appointment to chat with them about your products. Telephone numbers are inlcuded on the cross index reference guides found in your library. You are their neighbor, and that gives you some instant conection with them.
8) Give away "As a man Thinketh" books by James Allen.
You can get this paperback book very inexpensively, and give out to prospects, and you truly are giving the "gift of success." This little book changed my life, and millions of others. You can also find free ebooks online that folks can download. This is a great gift to give folks that you meet, as it truly is an eye opening book, and will be appreciated, and you will be remembered.
9) Visit Community Holiday Functions.
CONNECT! CONNECT! CONNECT! You need to connect to new prospects during the holidays, and community functionsd are a great way to do this. Get out and become a "holiday networking machine." Network and meet people and make new friends and give away something to them as a holiday gift. Make sure every person you talk to has a gift and your card, and you have some form of contact info as well. There are a TON of folks at community event- BE THERE. Check your sunday newspaper for where these events are.
10) The Holiday Success Card.
Send people you know, and also prospects a seasonal card, and include within it an article about success, goal setting, leadership, time management, or any other success oriented topic. This not only will set you apart, but also will set you above, as Success is a gift rarely given, and people love these types of reading to improve next year.
These are just a few of the many ways that you can rock your mlm business during the holidays. Pick one, and start with that.
You will be glad you did, and suprised at what might happen in your MLM and Network marketing business.
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved- PFI
About the Author: Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at: http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_9.html http://www.passionfire.com
Source: www.isnare.com
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