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Theodore Roosevelt, the Original Rough Rider
Weakness, struggle, fear, knowledge, growth, courage, leader
Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most remarkable men in the
history of the world. As a boy he wanted the boldness of his
father. As a child he wanted to be a naturalist, but as a
teenager he wanted to get into politics. Once in politics he
wanted power, and once in power he would change the world
Theodore was a man of destiny, but in childhood his only destiny
seemed to be death. From Teddy's birth, his small body was
riddled with constant sickness, and poor health that brought
death to his door on more than one occasion.
While Teddy was weak in body, he was strong in mind. He was
constantly learning, reading, and self-educating. With his body
sick and confined, his books and imagination provided limitless
passage into the deepest, darkest jungles of his imagination
where he waged epic battles against war like native's that
inhabited his forbidden dark world.
His enthusiasm for nature and it's curiosities resulted in the
creation of the "Roosevelt Museum of Natural History" at age 7,
and his first literary accomplishment entitled, the "Natural
History of Insects" was completed at age 9.
His mind recognized no boundaries, but his body was the
perpetual weight that Teddy could never escape. During the
summer of Teddy's 12th year, he was struck 3 times with
debilitating asthma, and inescapable sickness rendering him once
again under the care of a physician. Teddy's father made a
decision based on a doctor's recommendation, that it was time to
make a change. He called Theodore into the room and said, "You
have the mind, but you have not the body, and without the help
of the body the mind cannot go as far as it should. You must
make the body." Teddy took on the challenge with a snarl, and a
burst of enthusiasm exclaiming, "I'll make my body." And so he
With Teddy's mind and body one, he attacked life and all it
opportunities with boundless energy, enthusiasm, and discipline.
He worked out with weights, became an avid boxer, hunted, rowed,
and used all his might to make his body. With his education
complete and his hat in the political arena; Teddy's career
began to rocket towards inevitability. But not before he took a
short departure from politics to take on Indians and cattle
ranching in the Bad Lands of the Dakota's.
He experienced no shortage of adventures or hostilities in the
Bad Lands. Wearing glasses in the Bad Lands were a sign of
weakness, and any mention of the term "Storm Shudders" in
Teddy's direction resulted in a "Put up, or shut up" show down.
The hardened cowboys of the Bad Lands didn't offer respect to
city folk as it was, and with Roosevelt being a politician, he
was just that much further down the food chain. Expecting no
"positional" respect, he used the same drive, discipline, and
mental fortitude that he attacked all his obstacles with. He
soon proved that he could ride 100 plus miles a day, stay up all
night, and be back in the saddle 4 hours before daybreak. It was
once documented that he was in the saddle once for over 40
hours, wearing out 5 different horses, and surviving two
He believed in the pure good and evil of men, and he saw very
little gray. His strong belief in justice, and a fearless
attitude resulted in him being deputized to take on a band of
thieving outlaws, which Roosevelt successfully tracked, and
apprehended, and returned brought to justice at gunpoint.
Back in the real world, his leadership influence and political
career continued to build momentum, and his trips to the Bad
Lands became fewer and farther between. He was elected to be the
police commissioner of New York, and was eventually appointed to
be Assistant Secretary to the Navy.
His appointment was assisted by the knowledge of naval warfare
he accumulated while researching, and writing his book, "The
Naval War of 1812". He was 23 years old. Not only the most
famous of his 38 books, it was considered on both sides of the
ocean as the most authoritative complete textbook on naval
warfare ever produced. By 1868, special regulation ordered that
at least one copy be
placed on board every U.S. Navy Vessel.
As the Assistant Secretary to the Navy, he used his influence
and knowledge to drive the urgency around the modernization of
the aging American fleet. He knew that only through complete
military superiority, could true peace be assured. This was the
beginning of his theme he would carry through the Presidency,
"Walk softly and carry a big stick."
With tensions mounting for U.S. intervention in Cuba, Roosevelt
made his intentions known that if war was declared; he planned
on resigning to enlist in the army. For years he advocated a
strong military. This was his chance to demonstrate he was not
just full of talk, but was ready to take his beliefs to the
battlefield. Although Teddy was offered the position as Colonel,
he declined stating that he lacked experience, but would accept
a Lt. Colonel position.
To Roosevelt's delight, the president issued an executive order
to grow the 28,000 regular army by an additional 125,000. The
order provisioned that the regiments "be composed exclusively of
frontiersmen possessing special qualifications as horsemen and
marks men". These men would soon be known as, "The Rough
Riders". His time in the Bad Lands resulted in one of the most
loyal followings any leader could hope for. He received over
23,000 applications, mostly addressed to him directly, asking to
be instated into Teddy's "The Rough Riders". After his final
selection process, his Rough Riders were comprised of Cowboy's
and aristocratic blue bloods. Teddy's influence impacted
everyone, and his followers were a reflection of his ability to
connect to all types of people. Under his command, and guided by
Roosevelt's leadership skill the "The Rough Riders" descended
with great furry upon the coast of Cuba. Teddy finally had his
battle and he was successful.
Upon his return, he campaigned for the Vice Presidency giving
673 speeches, and traveling more that 20,000 miles. Again his
drive and energy could only be described as boundless. He was
vice president for only 4 hours, before McKinley was subjected
to an act of terrorism, immediately moving Teddy's into the most
influential position in the world.
After a very accomplished presidency, his desire for more was
always with him. In 1909 he traveled to Africa with the
Smithsonian on a scientific expedition. A few years later in
1913, he co-led a team to explore the uncharted River of Doubt
in Brazil. "It was my last chance to be a boy," he later
admitted. He was fifty-five years old. Teddy's leadership style,
and magnetic personality provided him "followers" that would
follow him literally to the ends of the know earth.
Roosevelt's leadership traits were numerous, but he always had a
special admiration for the men of great strength, discipline,
and character who were not afraid to fight the good fight, fail
and come up short again. His belief is summed up below in one of
Theodore's most famous Leadership Quotes referring to a boxer.
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how
the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have
done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually
in the area; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again;
who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends
himself in worthy cause, who, at best, knows in the end the
triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails,
at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall
never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither
victory nor defeat."
On January 6, 1919 Theodore Roosevelt died in his sleep, with a
book under his pillow. Then Vice president Marshall had this to
say, "Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been
awake, there would have been a fight!"
About the author:
Aubie Pouncy is a contributing writer for
http://www.righttolead.com. He has spent several years in top
leadership positions. His core compentency is the Call Center
Industry. For more articles by Aubie, please visit
http://www.callcentercafe.com and http://www.righttolead.com.