5 Critical Pay-Per-Click Tips
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a good supplement to natural search engine optimization, IF you keep a few tactics straight. 1. Choose the right search terms. If you go after the broad phrases and terms, you'll pay top dollar. Strive for more...
eCommerce Web Site Building: Where Do I Start?
Building a web site isn't something that is really cut and dry. There's a huge variety of products and services that can either help you get your web site where you want it or simply confuse you. It's also important that you make the right choices...
How Bloggers Are Making Thousands of Dollars From the Google Adsense Affiliate Program
There is no doubt that the Google Adsense program for publishers and site owners is one of the most successful affiliate programs anywhere. There is increasing evidence that many bloggers have managed to find the right formula to make thousands of...
Multiple Affiliate Sites Means Multiple Revenue Streams
You hear lots of stories these days from people who have struck it rich through affiliate programs. Often times, an entrepreneur creates a unique affiliate site and markets it well, bringing in a huge audience and an even bigger income.
Part 2: 5 More Pay Per Click Tips
Pay Per Click tips will help you target specific audiences, reaching over 85% of all Internet users in a cost effective and immediate way. Over the last 3 years we have seen a growth in the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Search Engine model. This was...
How to Get 40-75% Profits from Contextual Ads
It's not a secret that context ads are an excellent way to get
additional income from your site. Google AdSence and Yahoo are
current leaders in this market and pay fairly high amounts per
click. But is there a way to get more for the leads generated
from your site than just a few cents (in most cases)? Yes, there
is but it's not for everyone!
So, let's take a look at couple scenarios that will hopefully
help you determine what type of context ads you should use:
1. If you have an informational site with nothing to sell or a
site you are using to attract certain type of visitors than
Google AdSence or Yahoo Ads are for you. They require minimum
involvement from you to get them running and are not competing
with what you have to offer.
2. If your website used to sell any type of product, be it an
informational or some hard goods you have to be very careful
placing above mentioned ads on your site. There is a very good
chance that competing products will be displayed there and
instead of getting your product sold - you loosing customer when
they click on one of the ads. What about sites that are not
accepted into programs mentioned above due to their targeting to
a very specific customer niche? If this sounds like you - than
you should read this article.
First and foremost let me explain my idea of why AdSence or
Yahoo ads could be damaging to your online business.
You have build your site, worked hard to make it Search Engine
Optimized, add a content targeting you customer base, perhaps
even use one of the PPC services to get those customers to your
pages, where you present your sales campaign with a full force.
You rightfully expect results, since you worked so hard, doesn't
matter what type of results: be it a product sale, newsletter
sign-up, paid membership or any other form. You get the idea.
Now let's look at visitors that come to your page. For the sake
of simplicity I will split them into 3 distinct categories:
1. Directly targeted customer. He has come to your site in
search of exact information or service you have to offer. How he
got there is not important and I leave it up to your
imagination. This one is almost guaranteed to become your
customer as long as he found what he needed. Not likely to be
distracted, although it could happen.
2. An accidental visitor. He got to your site by pure chance,
click on search engine or any other means. What you have to
offer doesn't interest him and he is just glancing. If you are
extremely good marketer - you might be able to convert him into
customer but chance are that 99 out of hundred will simply leave
your site. I'm not even going to waste my time on this group.
3. A searching customer. He has come to your site searching for
something that falls into same category as what you are offering
but he is looking. He likes what he sees on your site but due to
his nature he is not sure ... he feels that your carefully
crafted sales pitch is getting to him ... he is almost ready to
take the action you want him to ... and at same time he feels
been sold and just looking for ANY way (excuse) to get away from
it. Here comes into play contextual ads from one of the services
mentioned above that in most cases
will offer an ad from you
direct competitor. He sees it and decides to investigate, clicks
on ad and he is gone from your site! You might have gotten a few
cents or dollars but you just lost a customer. I hope you are
happy with results and satisfied with a small chunk of change
you just got from that ad!
There is a way to fix that situation! People will always click
on ads and you cannot stop it short of not having any on your
site! How about another option: still use ads that present
information to same category of people that visit your site but
are not competing with your offer? And how about getting a
40-75% of profits from each sale generated by these ads?
Here is what I use on couple of my niche sites. It requires some
basic technical knowledge and ClickBank account. If you don't
have one just go and register - it's free. Once you complete
registration you have the ability to sell affiliate products
from ClickBank market place and get the commissions from each
sale. Average commission is about 50%. Only we will do the sales
intelligently and have them displayed in form of context ads on
your site. I offer a quick review of couple scripts that could
be easily installed on your site and get you the profits you
1. CBQuickAds. Script is free to download and extremely easy to
use. Once installed all you have to do is specify your click
bank account and a category of CB market place to be displayed
on your site. It will automatically pull current available
products and show them on your site. You can control what
products are displayed by using variable to make sure that your
competition is not shown, although it's not guaranteed. Pluses:
Easy to install and setup. Fully automated solution. Minuses:
You can't control what exactly is shown. Only supports text ads.
Author of the script offers a "pay for" solution that creates a
directory from CB market place but its not what we need and who
wants to pay when you can have something fro free.
2. Ads-Rotator. Script is very easy to install and use. Comes
with a list of ads from CB market place ready to use, just
replace the account with yours and start generating sales. Has
an admin interface through which you can ad or remove any ads or
affiliate links and not just ClickBank. Gives you an option to
use horizontal or vertical ads. Supports any type of ads be it a
text ads or a banner rotators. Pluses: Easy to install and
setup. Can be used as advertisement solution for your entire
site. Has an easy to use admin interface with reporting of
number of clicks generated by each ad. You have full control of
what ads are displayed. Minuses: Not fully automated. Not free.
This is a solution I use myself and highly recommend to anyone.
Now I would like to illuminate the last minus for the script I
have described above. I have a full resale rights to the
Ads-Rotator script which normally cost $69 and offering it to
the readers of this article for a donation. Decide yourself how
much you want to pay!
About the author:
Visit Author's site: Free-Secrets to Home Based Business to get
additional details on location of both scripts.