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Baby Lullaby
~ The Best Time for Borning a Baby ~
Generally speaking there is no ideal time for borning a baby. Each couple has their own time they find ideal: you and your husband are ready to become parents, both of you are in good health and your financial circumstances are in good condition. All of these things are independent from your age.
But you have to understand well that pregnancy, borning of the baby and parenting will change your life significantly. Your life will never be as careless as it was before.
A survey was carried out asking what time modern women belive to be the most convenient for having a baby. The age range of 20-28 was found to be the one.
42 % believe that the couple should start thinking of a baby when they are 23 - 25 years old, 28% say that it should be in 20 - 22, 18% say that it should be in 26 - 28.
Nobody thinks that it is OK to have a baby before twenty or after thirty.
Let`s make a short list of advantages and disadvantages of having a baby in each age range.
* Early pregnancy (before 20)
The main disadvantage is you are too young to be a mother. You do not understand well what you want from life, what man you want to spend your life with and so on.
Also your education is not finished yet and your financial condition is not stable. In this case it could be very difficult for you even to buy pampers for your baby.
Enjoy your youth and start thinking of a baby in several years!
* Optimal period (20-24 years)
In this period your organism is ready for the pregnancy, but ... having a child in 22 is rather an exception nowadays than a common case.
First of all your education has to be finished. Your are more responsible in finding your other half, you want to find a good job and dream of making an excellent career. Be careful: if you can find two reasons of not having a baby in 20, you will certainly find a lot more in 25, and will delay the baby again and again.
This period of your life is the best time for pregnancy!
* Less optimal period (25-30)
Quite a lot of women think this time is the most suitable period: by this time you have your own home, your finances are balanced and your beloved man is with you. And the main thing you can spend a lot of time with your future child not thinking of your studies and work.
Your contemporaries are thinking about trying for the second baby, risk for the first!
* Your thirties (30 - ...)
According to the statistics the number of women giving birth to their first child after 30 is growing every year. You must know that after 26 woman becomes less and less prepared for pregnancy. Your organism has suffered from a lot of things: your bad habits such as smoking and overeating, bad environment and what not! These are the main reasons responsible for possible deviations of the development of baby.
Your activity is decreasing and parenting will take a lot more from you then in 20.
At the same time late children are more talented and gifted then those borned by young mothers.
Do not delay the appearance of baby in your life! If your friends babies make you smile and you have chosen the name for your own one and you are able to buy diapers and rattles, do not hesitate give birth!
About the Author
young mother
Pregnancy.org --> Preconception, Pregnancy and Early Childhood ... |
Offering online communities, interactive tools, price robot, articles and a pregnancy calendar. Content spans pre-pregnancy to after birth. |
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Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar Pregnancy Symptom and Pregnancy ... |
The pregnancy calendar can help you find information on pregnancy and childbirth, including a week by week pregnancy calendar, baby shower games, ... |
pregnancy.about.com |
Healthy Pregnancy |
How soon after a missed period can I take a home pregnancy test and get ... Pregnancy can be a joyous time. But it also can be a time of uncertainty and ... |
www.4woman.gov |
Pregnancy Info: Birth, Baby, and Maternity Advice |
Advice for mothers to be concerning pregnancy, getting pregnant, baby care and maternity. |
www.pregnancy-info.net |
Pregnancy & Parenting: For Today's Mom - iVillage |
From trying to conceive through your child's teen years, iVillage Pregnancy & Parenting offers up-to-date and informative articles, features, expert advice ... |
parenting.ivillage.com |
Pregnancy Calendar: Your All-in-One Guide to Pregnancy and ... |
A multimedia journey through the first nine months of an unborn child's life. A graphics intensive - visual journey through pregnancy. Needs plug-in. |
parenting.ivillage.com |
Pregnancy: Humorous week-by-week calendar and free pregnancy tickers |
Humorous week-by-week pregnancy calendar and pregnancy tickers - 100% free. |
pregnancy.baby-gaga.com |
MedlinePlus: Pregnancy |
Search MEDLINE/PubMed for recent research articles on Pregnancy: ... Select services and providers for Pregnancy in your area. Select Location, AL - Alabama ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Human pregnancy is the most studied of all mammalian pregnancies. ... Though pregnancy begins at implantation, it is often convenient to date from the first ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
POP! The First Human Male Pregnancy - Mr. Lee Mingwei |
"Mr. Lee Mingwei will be the first human male to ever birth a baby from his own body." Art project by Virgil Wong, thematizing gender roles, childbearing, ... |
www.malepregnancy.com |
Baby Gaga: Stroller Reviews, Baby Tickers, Pregnancy Calendar |
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Pregnancy, Pregnancy Information, Pregnancy Community - Powered by ... |
Monitor your pregnancy with BabyCenter's free weekly e-mail newsletters and online library of pregnancy information created to help you have a healthy ... |
www.pregnancy.com |
Pregnancy Week-by-Week sponsored by StorkNet |
Pregnancy Week-by-Week Guide from StorkNet, your online pregnancy and parenting resource. |
www.pregnancyguideonline.com |
American Pregnancy Association : Promoting Pregnancy and ... |
Articles on pregnancy wellness, complications, loss, labor and birth. |
www.americanpregnancy.org |
Pregnancy Discrimination |
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act is an amendment to Title VII of the Civil ... Discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical ... |
www.eeoc.gov |
Pregnancy Today |
A community for expectant parents, offering many unique features to guide you through pregnancy. |
pregnancytoday.com |
Pregnancy Center - MayoClinic.com |
Pregnancy Center — comprehensive information on pregnancy symptoms, healthy pregnancy, childbirth options, labor and delivery. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Pregnancy |
Information Resources · More about Pregnancy/Childbirth Complications and Concerns ... Pregnancy Choices. Family Planning and Contraception ... |
www.noah-health.org |
Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Information from Option Line |
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www.pregnancycenters.org |
WebMD Pregnancy Center - Learn the early signs of pregnancy and ... |
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www.webmd.com |