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Alvin Donovan Five Secrets of Millionaires
Alvin Donovan Five Secrets of Millionaires Through his seminar
presentations Alvin Donovan has been able to meet and interview
some of the most successful people in the world. What Alvin
Donovan has discovered is that they all have a number of things
in common which make them more successful than the rest. In this
article Alvin Donovanshares some of these key secrets.
Alvin Donovan Five Secrets of Millionaires
Alvin Donovan has presented seminars in many different countries
and this has given him the opportunity to meet and interview
some of the most successful people in the world. What Alvin
Donovan has discovered is that they all have FIVE things in
common which they do to make themselves more successful than the
rest. They are strategies you can use easily and naturally to
begin to Make More Money NOW:
1. Successful people determine and visualize their outcomes.
There are three kinds of people; those who make it happen, those
who watch it happen and those who wonder what happened. The key
to being a person who makes it happen is to always determine the
outcome you desire before you do it. The more you think, work,
see, hear, feel and make sense of things in terms of outcomes
the more likely you are to achieve your goals. What you need to
do is cut new grooves in your brain that lead you towards
achieving the goals you want to achieve. To do that, take two
minutes each day to refocus.
Step one is to "prime the pump" by determining exactly what you
want. Then establish how you will know when you have it and set
up goals along the way so you know you're moving in the right
State the outcome in terms of what you want to achieve instead
of what you want to avoid or discard. It is important to state
your outcome in positive rather than negative terms.
2. Successful people know how to instantly gain rapport. The
first thing Alvin Donovan teaches in his Make More Money NOW
seminar is rapport. Rapport is the way to easily and naturally
eliminate perceived differences between yourself and the other
person. Successful people realize that you cannot not influence
others in some way through all of your behaviors. They also
realize that people like most those who are most like them.
People who trust each other mirror each other's posture,
inflection, breathing rate, and so on. Check this for yourself.
Go into a café, restaurant or bar. Observe a pair of lovers, a
group of businessmen, whatever. Soon you will notice they are
mirroring each other's posture.
When one is sitting forward, so is the other. When one is
sitting back, so is the other person. This is an unconscious
pattern that people already in rapport use to understand and
relate to each other.
So to help establish rapport you need to do is to mirror
everything the other person is doing. The more closely you
mirror the more deeply you go into rapport with the other
When you mirror the other person's physiology and voice, and
speak at their rate of breathing, your message becomes
irresistible because it is like their own unconscious (their own
inner voice) is speaking to them.
The rate at which you breathe causes your mind to run or
fluctuate at a certain rate. So your breathing rate is the
"speed" at which your mind is "running". When you're breathing
at the same rate as the other person you will be on the same
wavelength - your mind is running at the same rate as theirs.
When you do this you will make a very intriguing discovery: the
other person will not want to end the phone conversation or
meeting. Instead they'll be hanging on your every word.
People understand what you are saying best when you talk at the
rate that they speak.
3. Successful people persuade others the way they like to be
persuaded. Strategies is a key tool Alvin Donovan teaches in his
Make More Money NOW seminar. Successful people learn the other
person's decision-making strategies and then follow the other
person's strategies to get what they want. Strategies are the
particular sequence of internal and external representations-
i.e. seeing (visual), hearing (auditory), feeling (kinesthetic),
and making sense of (criteria list)- leading to a specific
outcome. Human experience is an endless series of
representations. To deal with this endless sequence more easily,
it's useful to classify them in terms of desired outcomes.
Each individual has different strategies for different
situations. Some major categories of strategies are excellence,
decision, learning, motivation, buying and convincer.
The key to all successful persuasion is being able to "aim" or
"sequence" your message at the person you are persuading in such
a way that they cannot say no because it's what they are already
doing all the time.
People have a naturally developed
resistance to being persuaded
to some new decision, belief, policy, or purchase. So, you need
to elegantly present whatever you say in a way that blows right
by any resistance.
In fact, your purpose is to make the person salivate to hear
more and take action on what you say because it's how they
normally do it all the time. After all, who normally likes to
say no to themselves?
Here is what you do: Ask "How do you know when you have found an
X (fill in with your context) that you will Y (fill-in your
context)? For example, "How do you know when you have found an
investment that you will buy? What is the procedure you go
through from start to finish?"
You will get one of five answers: See, Hear, Read about, Do or
feel, or a list of criteria.
Next you ask, "How many times do you need to X (i.e. see, hear,
read about, do or feel) to convince yourself?" You will get one
of four answers: Number of times, Length of time, Automatic
response-right away, and Consistent response-each time.
So what you do is to follow their strategy using what you want
them to do.
4. Successful people persuade according to what is important to
the other person.
One of the things Alvin Donovan teaches in his Make More Money
NOW seminar is how to discover and use what drives a person to
take action. Achieving great success requires learning how to
unpack and use a persons' Criteria List.
The Criteria List is what a person uses to decide whether
something is a good or bad proposition, a good or bad purchase,
and a good or bad decision. As people go through their decision
making process, their Criteria List must be met for them to make
a yes decision. The Criteria List, unique to each individual, is
what drives a person to take action or to avoid it.
The more closely your product or service matches the Criteria
List of the person you're persuading, the more impact you will
have. For influencing purposes, the more you refer to their
Criteria List and link it to what you want them to do, the more
readily you will get what you want from the other person.
Criteria List, properly used, can eliminate any objection.
So you simply ask, "What is important about X?" When you find
out the Criteria List words, you mirror exactly how and what the
person says, using the exact tone of voice, inflection and speed
and link it to what you want them to do.
5. Successful people use the right presuppositions. In his
seminars Alvin Donovan shows you the way to use the correct
presuppositions. Presuppositions are the most powerful language
pattern because your brain processes and understands language by
presupposition. It is a linguistic pattern which forces the
listeners' subconscious to accept as true, concepts, ideas and
assertions that are not necessarily stated directly.
In other words, what makes them so powerful is that everything
you want the other person to do is presupposed. The person must
accept the basic fundamental principles of what you are saying
in order to make sense of the sentence.
An example of presuppositions words are Naturally, Easily,
Unlimited, Aware, Realizing, Experiencing, Before, During,
After, Among, Expand, Beyond, And/as, Causes and Because.
The way you place them in the sentence is of utmost importance
because everything that follows these words in the sentence is
presupposed in the sentence. The mind then has to accept
everything that follows as true in order to make sense of the
sentence. It eliminates resistance and installs suggestions very
profoundly in the listeners subconscious. It will set the
direction for their experience.
I hope you will find this article of help as you look to tap
into the principles and methods others have used to achieve
Alvin Donovan, founder of the investment bank
KiwiGrowthPartners.com, has presented his Make More Money NOW
seminars all around the world and has co-authored a book of the
same title. Alvin Donovan has also been a consultant/faculty
member for several of the world's largest management institutes,
including the American Management Association and the National
Management Association in the USA, the Management Centre Europe
in Belgium, and IMI in Dublin
For further comment contact: Alvin Donovan - mob: 0211 08 44 82
Alvin Donovan reserves all rights to the use of Alvin Donovan
material and Alvin Donovan gives no permission to use Alvin
Donovan material or Alvin Donovan brand ###
About the author:
Alvin Donovan, founder of the investment bank
KiwiGrowthPartners.com, has presented his Make More Money NOW
seminars all around the world and has co-authored a book of the
same title. Alvin Donovan has also been a consultant/faculty
member for several of the world's largest management institutes.
Oral Presentation Advice |
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Presentation Skills |
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Presentation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Effective Presentations homepage |
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Leadership - Presentation Skills |
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Rubric |
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Presentation Skills |
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