All-Natural, All-Inclusive Supplement , A Total Body Experience And Huge Business Opportunity
As health consciousness and consumer empowerment increase,
dietary supplements can be a great opportunity for
entrepreneurs. Consumers are beginning to take more
responsibility for their own health care, and they are looking
beyond the...
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All-Natural, All-Inclusive Supplement A Huge Business Opportunity
All-Natural, All-Inclusive Supplement a Huge Business Opportunity
As health consciousness and consumer empowerment increase, dietary supplements can be a great opportunity for entrepreneurs. Consumers are beginning to take more responsibility for their own health care, and they are looking beyond the traditional hospital and doctor’s office in their quest to live longer, healthier lives.
Consumers are becoming more conscious every day of the effects of disease and unhealthy lifestyles. Adult-onset diabetes and colorectal cancer are increasing, and clogged arteries continue to cause a great number of heart attack deaths. The U.S. government calls obesity a national epidemic. It is well known that all of these conditions are largely diet-related, and Americans know that if they continue to eat poorly and ignore their nutritional needs—they are opening themselves up to a wide range of deadly diseases and conditions.
In addition to eating right and exercising, regularly taking vitamins and minerals is also widely recognized for helping to guard against deadly diseases and conditions. Deficiencies of certain key vitamins have been shown to increase the risk for cancer and other diseases. One way that people can help ensure overall health is to take a complete, natural supplement that is designed to meet all of their nutritional needs.
That is why a new product called, “The Greatest Vitamin in the World” is an excellent business opportunity. Since 1997, the use of complementary medicine, which includes dietary supplements, has been growing rapidly, and this product is poised to take advantage of that growth.
Nutritionist and formulator Doug
Grant said that his supplement consists of a wide range of high-grade nutrients and has been formulated for the entire body. It is made from whole foods and herbs. He says the supplement meets the body’s needs in the areas of whole vitamins, minerals, probiotics, enzymes, stress, body fat, anti-aging, acne and skin health, arthritis and joint pain, blood sugar and diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease, digestive health, immune system, memory, eyesight, men’s health and women’s health. This means that The Greatest Vitamin in the World has something for every consumer.
Grant pointed out that the supplement is all-natural, meaning that the body uses much more of the nutrients contained in it than in other chemically formulated vitamins on the market. The Greatest Vitamin in the World contains chelated minerals, which are most easily absorbed by the body. Also included are probiotics—good bacteria to help the intestines—and vegetable enzymes, to promote a healthy digestive system.
Grant says that taking a supplement that has the highest forms of whole vitamins, chelated minerals, probiotics and vegetable enzymes is one way to ensure that the body receives the nutritional support it needs to function properly and ward off disease.
The Greatest Vitamin In The World is presented by Don Lapre. For more information on this risk-free business opportunity, visit www.greatestvitaminsforahealthylife.com Entrepreneurs receive a $1,000 bonus for every 20 customers that they bring in.
About the Author
Gilbert sells and promotes "The Grestest Vitamin In The World" on her websites at: www.greatestvitaminsforahealthy.life www.greatestvitabiz.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
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