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Anti-Aging Skin Care: Turning Back the Clock
Wrinkles are quite literally a sign of the times. They are caused by both genetic and environmental factors such as sunlight, make up, chemical ridden cosmetics, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants. But regardless of their cause, many women find their laugh lines to be no laughing matter. So what can we do to prevent and stall the skin damage that causes wrinkles, laugh lines, age spots, and other bothersome blemishes?
How Can I Prevent Wrinkles? The best way to prevent wrinkles is to follow a regular skin care routine, and to adamantly protect your face from the detrimental effects of the sun. You need to cleanse your skin on a daily basis to remove the perspiration, debris, and pollutants that can buildup and damage your pores. And use a natural sunscreen (with a minimum SPF 15) to shield your face from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Also, avoid smoking, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages that dehydrate the skin. Drink plenty of purified water to keep your skin supple, hydrated and healthy.
When Should I Start Using Anti-Wrinkle Creams? You can start using anti-wrinkle creams before you even see a wrinkle appear. Eye creams in particular are effective at supporting the delicate area around the eyes and preventing or stalling the development of wrinkles. Many women (and men) start using anti wrinkle creams in their thirties. The skin’s natural levels of collagen diminish with age and anti-wrinkle creams may offer a suitable replacement. These creams may be too heavy for younger, thicker skin, so you’ll have to determine whether or not they’re right for your skin type. I recommend using all-natural products, organically certified if possible.
How Can I Diminish Wrinkles? There are numerous products and techniques available today to help you diminish the appearance of wrinkles. Herbal creams and vitamin supplements can be used to reduce the effects of aging on the skin. You must choose which product or method is best for you based on the number and severity of your wrinkles and the level at which they bother you.
Anti-Aging Products and Ingredients
Vitamin A: Vitamin A yields a slight inflammatory action on the skin. It can help to “puff up” the skin and diminish the depth of many wrinkles.
Vitamin C: This water-soluble vitamin helps to improve circulation and boost the production of collagen within the body. It has a brightening affect on skin that has become dull and dry with age.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect skin from the damaging effect of free
radicals. It also strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, and protects red blood cell membranes.
Coenzyme Q10: This powerful antioxidant is effective at protecting the skin from free radical damage and improving circulation throughout the body. Coenzyme Q10 can be found in oral vitamin supplements or as an ingredient in skin care creams.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids: AHA’s or fruit acids help to slough off dead skin cells that can dull the skin’s appearance.
Anti Aging Procedures Botox: Botox or botulinum endotoxin-A can produce dramatic anti aging results, similar to surgery, without the devastating side effects. Botox is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It causes a slight paralysis of the muscles around the wrinkles. This can diminish the appearance of “motion wrinkles,” such as laugh lines and crow’s feet. The procedure to have Botox injected under the skin can be quite costly and it’s effects are only temporary, so it must be repeated several times throughout the year.
Dermabrasion: This is a procedure that utilizes microcrystals or other sanding equipment to scrape away facial skin around the affected area. It is a costly procedure that my actually require a recovery of several weeks.
Laser Resurfacing: Laser surgery is a technique that uses a controlled laser beam to remove the upper layer of damaged skin. It can visibly reduce the appearance of fine line and in come cases, deeper wrinkles. It is one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic surgery today. However, it is an invasive surgical procedure that also has risks such as excessive scarring, infection, loss of normal skin pigmentation, skin redness and dryness.
Chemical Peels: As frightening as it seems, chemical peels actually involve applying a chemical substance to your skin that “burns” off the damaged layers. The gentlest type of chemical peel available is the glycolic acid peel that removes dead skin cells from the upper layer of skin only. These treatments are quick and are often referred to as “lunchtime peels,” as they may only require ten to fifteen minutes in the doctor’s office. However, the results of chemical peels are only temporary and the procedure must be repeated frequently.
To learn more visit http://www.skin-care-support.org.
About the Author
Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit http://www.ghchealth.com.
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