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Bumble Bee Fish Oil. Do You Need It?
The makers of Bumble Bee Tuna generated some buzz today by announcing they will be producing a fish oil supplement with their Tuna's name on the bottle. None of the reports mention if they are using an particular standization and quality processes or what methods they are using to ensure that environmental toxins are not being concentrated into their supplement. Of course, we can't fault the reports from the nation sources for not bringing up this issue. They lack understanding of the subject and are busy trying to find "doctors" to give them quotes about a fish oil supplement being more or less effective than a name brand drug in fighting heart disease.
So perhaps again, a bit of context is called for. We are a nation of people suffering from chronic diseases not caused by any virus or bacteria. We are a nation of people eating an abundance of highly processed foods and getting an insufficient amount of nutrients which provide the building blocks of our very cells. Essential fatty acids are necessary for cellular functions throughout the body. A quality fish oil supplement supplements the typical lack of these "good fats" in our diet.
Once again, a fish oil supplement is a supplement for the nutrients not typically found in our modern diets.
The essential fatty acid most commonly referred to is the Omega-3 fatty acid. Studies have indeed
been shown that good dietary intake of Omega-3's reduce your risk of coronary artery disease. Other studies have shown Omega-3 fatty acids having benefit with the control of hypertension, lowering blood pressure, preventing age-related macular degeneration, and even relieving depression and some other mental health problems. Of course, if the rest of your diet is junk then you shouldn't expect any miracles. Remember you are what you eat. The Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil are just one type of molecule of the many that we know of as the nutrients our very cells need every day to support normal, natural cell function.
So while the National media buzzes along providing sound bites of news, out of context, remember that no nutrient is an island. Supplements are about supplementing the nutrients missing from the normal, good diet. Those with bad diets need to do a lot more for themselves than just pop a pill. Any pill.
About the Author
Dave Saunders is a certified nutritional educator, wellness coach, member of the American International Association of Nutritional Education (AIANE) and author. He is also the host of a weekly, nation-wide telephone lecture on health and nutrition. For additional information, please visit his site on nutrition and glyconutrients at www.glycoboy.com or www.glycowellness.com or email Dave at dave@glycoboy.com
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