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Do you really need health supplements?
Do you need health supplements?
Doctors often tell us that if we eat nutritional sound meals, we do not need to take health supplements in any form. Is it true? Of course, health supplements are necessary for certain health conditions but supplements are by no mean substitute for meals. Today, our food intake includes processed foods, canned food, frozen food, junk food and fast food. Can you rely on diet alone to get all essential nutrients? Below are the top 10 reason why you need dietary supplements to complement your health:
1. Food irradiation is a food processing technique to extend the shelf life of food by destruction of harmful microorganisms and delay of ripening. The food is exposed to ionizing energy and radiation. However, this process also eliminates the essential nutrients especially water soluble vitamins and antioxidants. Food irradiation is widely used in products like chicken, meats, and vegetables. This technique is approved and used in more than 40 countries world wide.
2. Environmental Pollution Everyday millions kilograms of chemicals are dumped into our environment. These wastes go to the air, water and food that we eat. For example, if you eat fish, you are quite likely to consume excessive mercury at the same time. Studies show that environmental pollution is the main cause for degenerative diseases. Thus, you need quality and potent health supplements to detoxify your body against the pollution and boost immune system.
3. Genetically modified (GM) foods are crop plans created for human or animal consumption with advanced technology. GM foods are created to improve crop protection and improve the nutritional value. Although all GM foods you see from the market passed risk assessment, there is no long term study indicate that they are safe to human. In fact, GM foods can cause allergic reaction in some people. In addition, rat studies have shown that consumption of GM foods increased intestinal infections and reduce immunity.
4. Soil depletion Aggressive farming, acid rains, use or artificial fertilizers and synthetic pesticides have caused soil depletion. These activities deplete the essential nutrients in the soil. As a result, nutritional values of fruits and vegetables are greatly reduced. In fact, the vegetables you eat today taste bland due to lack minerals in the soil. According to a recent study sponsored by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), about 17% of land in the world has been damaged. However, soil remains is either slowly losing nutrients, or no longer contain the essential nutrients.
5. Food Processing Most of the foods from supermarkets are processed. Processed foods are not fresh and contain fewer nutrients compare to fresh foods. For example, grain peels which contain natural fiber are removed in the processing stage. Processed foods also contain no live enzymes. Enzymes are necessary for digestion and metabolic function. Lack of enzymes can
cause degenerative diseases. In addition, processed foods contain refined sugar, extra salt, unhealthy fat, and chemical additives. These substances may bring negative impacts to your body.
6. Cooking of foods Cooking can destroy the essential nutrients of the foods. Scientific studies show that heat destroys vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acid. Water soluble vitamins dissolve in the water when foods are cooked in water. Besides, high temperature cooking, especially frying and grilling are toxin-generating. Cooked foods are also associated with the acceleration of aging process.
7. Pesticides in foods Pesticides are widely used in agricultural activities to control and destroy pests. Pesticides are poisonous and reside in our foods. According to a study by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the health benefits of fruits and vegetables are reduced by use of pesticides. When you eat foods that contain pesticides, they may cause health problems to immune system, nervous and hormonal system. Unfortunately, there is no way you can detect pesticides in foods.
8. Food preservation is a processing technique to keep foods from spoiling. Food preservation eliminates the growth of microorganism, and also depletes the enzymes and protein that are present in the raw foods. Canned foods are popular because they are convenient. However, high temperature during sterilization destroys minerals and vitamins of foods. About half of the original content of water soluble vitamins are dissolved in cooking water and be thrown away.
9. Stress is not an unusual terms to many of us. Stress can deplete your energy, lead to acceleration of aging process and degenerative diseases. The symptoms of stress include fatigue, depression, panic, anxiety, loss of appetite, and insomnia. Fortunately, there are supplements that can work to effectively reduce the detrimental effects of stress, and also relief the symptoms of stress.
10. Lifestyle Depending on your lifestyle and behavior, you may need nutritional supplements. For example, smoking destroys certain vitamins. Both first hand and second hand smokers need to take extra antioxidants to protect the body against free radicals. Excessive alcohol consumption impairs the body’s ability to absorb many nutrients and inhibits the production of digestive enzymes. In the above mentioned situations, taking supplements is MUST to stay healthy. Other examples that require extra supplementation include: athletes, pregnant ladies, people who work in radioactive environment and those who work in physically demanding occupation.
About the author:
Article by Jacklyn Lee, site administrator of Http://www.health-supplements101.com,a site contains information on health supplements for different health conditions and diseases
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
Overview of dietary supplements and the FDA's role in regulating this group of foods. |
www.cfsan.fda.gov |
All About Nutritional Supplements: Consumers Review Supplements ... |
NutritionalSupplements.com is the Internet's premier source for unbiased information about nutritional supplements and prescription drugs. |
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Times Online - Supplements |
Supplements. ... For information on supplement opportunities in The Times, The Sunday Times and on Times Online, e-mail us at supplements@timesonline.co.uk ... |
www.timesonline.co.uk |
Drug Information and Supplement Information - MayoClinic.com |
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www.mayoclinic.com |
Supplements : Nature |
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Bodybuilding.com - Huge Supplements Article Database! |
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New Zealand Herald - Supplements |
The New Zealand Herald publishes over 60 supplements, features and composites a year - packed ... Links to current supplements carried online are below. ... |
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Dietary supplement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
A prescribed dietary supplement is intended to supply nutrients ... The medical utility and regulatory status of dietary supplements is controversial. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Vitamin Supplements - Ask the Dietitian |
Got questions about Vitamins or Antioxidant supplements? Ask Joanne Larsen, Registered Dietitian and nutrition counselor. |
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Supplements Canada.com - Canada's Sport Supplement Superstore. Get ... |
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Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
Information on nutritional supplements aimed at athletes and exercisers is provided, including potential supplement dangers. ... |
healthymeals.nal.usda.gov |
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MMWR: Supplements Past Volumes |
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