Coffee, Caffeine & Fitness
One look at a line at the local Starbucks in the morning and you don’t need to be convinced of the huge amount of coffee consumption in the U.S. The National Coffee Association found in 2000 that 54% of the U.S. adult population drinks coffee...
How to stay healthy
Question : I AM a 33-year-old male smoker who often suffers from coughs and colds. How can I improve my health? Answer : ON average, adults have two to four colds a year. The symptoms may vary but the typical cold starts with a sore throat,...
First the bad news: about 2,000,000 personal bankruptcies each year are caused by unexpected medical expenses. Of all those people, 1,500,000 have (or had) health insurance before they ran into difficult financial straights. But wait a minute....
The DXA Bone Mineral Density Scan.
The Bone Density test comes in many forms. You may have seen the small machines at Health Fairs or at your local pharmacy. These devices measure bone density by ultrasound technology. It is inexpensive, portable and there is no radiation exposure....
The Porn Addiction Supplement, Chapter I
This article (at http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/internet-porn-nearly-cost-me-my-marriage-man-tells-forum/2005/08/07/1123353212143.html?oneclick=true) got me thinking (again) about pornography addiction. In the article a man who’d been watching...
Supplements to reduce rash
Question : I HAVE a skin allergy on both legs. I get a light, itchy rash especially before my periods. The itch gets worse during menstruation. I have had this since my early teens. Please advise.
Answer : FROM the symptoms that you have described, you may be suffering from dermatitis. Dermatitis is the term used for an inflammation of the skin. This condition is characterised by a rash and may be brought out by sensitivity to cosmetics, plants, cleaning materials, metal, wool and so on. Other forms of dermatitis can be caused by excessive heat or cold, friction or sensitivity to various medicines. Dermatitis is usually accompanied by itching at the site of the rash.
As it always happens before and during menstruation, it may also be caused by hormone imbalance triggering the allergy. During menstruation, the microflora in the vagina also changes. This will increase the risk of getting a yeast and bacteria infection, which will also cause skin allergy. To confirm the cause, consult a doctor.
Avoid rough or tight clothing. Washed, breathable soft cotton is best. Wash new clothes several times before wearing. Use plain soap powder (not enzyme detergents) when washing clothes and be sure to rinse well. Avoid soap and baths as much as possible. Use soap substitutes. Take quick showers or baths with only slightly warm water. Pat dry (never rub) after bathing. Apply a
lubricating moisturiser while the skin is still damp. Apply moisturiser several times a day to areas of the skin that are very dry.
You can take certain health supplements to help with your condition. Evening primrose oil is a rich source of omega-6 essential fatty acids that delivers 12-14 per cent Gamma- Linolenic Acid (GLA). Scientific studies show that a regular intake of this product can help ease skin problems. You can also take probiotics that contains Lactobacillus GR-1 and Lactobacillus RC-14 which have been shown in clinical trials to prevent urogenital problems in women.
It can also help reduce the risk and frequency of contracting urinary tract infection, bacterial vaginosis and yeast vaginitis. It helps to promote healthy vagina flora. Taking an allicin supplement can also help to boost your immune system. Allicin has remarkable antibiotic properties and can help the immune system to kill pathogens and detoxify carcinogens. It is able to penetrate cell walls of microorganisms and upset their biochemical balance and impede their activity.
Using a soap that contains tea tree oil, which possesses antiseptic, germicidal, bactericidal and fungicidal properties, will help minimise skin irritations. Lather the soap over the entire body. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
About the Author
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
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International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
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dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
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